Guardian Angel Season 1

December. 24,2018      
Trailer Synopsis

Northern Lights Insurance Company has a team of insurance investigators that is led by Fong Chi-Keung, the wealthy heiress Do Sam-Yu, the affectionate Bak Tin-Ming, and retired police officer Cheung Dong. They each have their own talents and they form a legendary team in the insurance industry. They thoroughly investigate and uncover the truth in all thorny, dangerous or strange cases that are passed to them.

Episode 36 : Episode 36
February. 02,2019
Episode 35 : Episode 35
February. 02,2019
Episode 34 : Episode 34
February. 01,2019
Episode 33 : Episode 35, 36 張東決要為葉子報仇
February. 06,2019
Episode 32 : Episode 34 - 鬆哥怪阿百不懂小杜
February. 05,2019
Episode 31 : Episode 33 - 張東見葉子墜樓慘死
February. 04,2019
Episode 30 : Episode 32 - 強總受陷害面臨官司
February. 01,2019
Episode 29 : Episode 31 - 小杜與阿百發生關係
January. 31,2019
Episode 28 : Episode 30 - 小杜終發現Ken失憶
January. 30,2019
Episode 27 : Episode 28, 29 - 小杜發現失蹤男友Ken
January. 29,2019
Episode 26 : Episode 27 - 小杜假扮成阿百女友
January. 28,2019
Episode 25 : Episode 26 - 張東感Eva不可理喻
January. 25,2019
Episode 24 : Episode 25 - 阿百怕Kay誤會小杜
January. 24,2019
Episode 23 : Episode 24 - 阿百與張東及時解圍
January. 23,2019
Episode 22 : Episode 23 - Ben被越南黑幫追殺
January. 22,2019
Episode 21 : Episode 21, 22 - 前往捷克調查假死案
January. 21,2019
Episode 20 : Episode 20 - 阿百調查運動員索償
January. 18,2019
Episode 19 : Episode 19 - 張東向葉子坦言過去
January. 17,2019
Episode 18 : Episode 18 - 小杜發現彭謀殺姐夫
January. 16,2019
Episode 17 : Episode 17 - 林太遇車禍引發爭產
January. 15,2019
Episode 16 : Episode 16 - 葉子險被何先生施暴
January. 14,2019
Episode 15 : Episode 15 - 張東對葉子念念不忘
January. 11,2019
Episode 14 : Episode 14 - 阿百調查珠寶盜竊案
January. 10,2019
Episode 13 : Episode 13 - Gordon參加歌唱比賽
January. 09,2019
Episode 12 : Episode 12 - 阿百及時救出Gordon
January. 08,2019
Episode 11 : Episode 11 - 馬老闆欲殺小杜滅口
January. 07,2019
Episode 10 : Episode 10 - 小杜為調查拜託父親
January. 04,2019
Episode 9 : Episode 9 - 調查組發現火災真相
January. 03,2019
Episode 8 : Episode 8 - 迷你倉火災展開調查
January. 02,2019
Episode 7 : Episode 7 - 張東憶起當年槍戰案
January. 01,2019
Episode 6 : Episode 6 - 小杜與阿百保釋黃蓮
December. 31,2018
Episode 5 : Episode 5 - 張東與阿百找到贓款
December. 28,2018
Episode 4 : Episode 4 - 阿百與小杜調查黃蓮
December. 27,2018
Episode 3 : Episode 3 - 張東遇上銀行械劫案
December. 26,2018
Episode 2 : Episode 2 - 調查組發現塵爆真相
December. 25,2018
Episode 1 : Episode 1 - 張東加入保險調查組
December. 24,2018


Season 1
Season 1 2018