A Beginner's Guide To Grief Season 1

September. 04,2022      
Trailer Synopsis

A once hot-mess, now just a mess, Harriet is about to learn that grief gives zero fucks about playing by any rules - and soon, neither will she.

Episode 6 : The Next Chapter
September. 04,2022
The funeral is over and so is Harry’s life as she knew it. But a gift hidden in the final tape may just be key to her next chapter.
Episode 5 : Acceptance "Hot Emotional Dog Turd"
September. 04,2022
Harry discovers that with Daisy they make a badass m*therfckin’ team, taking funeral matters into their own hands.
Episode 4 : Depression "A Pencil In Each Nostril"
September. 04,2022
Having deeply hurt both Daisy and Aunty Barb, Harry is forced to reconcile the damage, rethink her ideas of God and set fire to her past.
Episode 3 : Bargaining "The Aching Hole"
September. 04,2022
Harbouring the hangover from hell, railroaded from every direction and sick to death of everyone telling her what to do, Harry blows her fuse, hurting her only allies in the process.
Episode 2 : Anger "Not Unlike A Urinary Tract Infection"
September. 04,2022
With not a moment alone to grieve, Harry takes up Daisy’s offer of ‘cocktail hour’ which turns into a full blown, all night bender ending in theft, confusion and irreversible organ damage.
Episode 1 : Denial "Stung By A Thousand Bees"
September. 04,2022
Alone in her home and having just witnessed her Dad’s death days after her Mother’s, Harry discovers that there’s no shortage of people ready to move in.


Season 1
Season 1 2022