Maison Ikkoku Season 2

September. 24,1986      
Trailer Synopsis

Godai is a ronin (someone who has failed university entrance exams) living in a run down apartment house called Maison Ikkoku. Among the other residents are the nosy Ichinose, the sexy Akemi Roppongi, and the mysterious Yotsuya. The others are given to having wild parties which makes it difficult for Godai to study. Into this mayhem comes the recently widowed Kyoko as the new live-in manager. Godai falls for her, but doesn't have the nerve to tell her. As time passes, their relationship slowly develops amid life at Maison Ikkoku, despite all sorts of romantic hurdles.

Episode 26 : Forgive me Soichiro! Kyoko's Tearful Decision to Remarry
March. 25,1987
The fourth anniversary of Soichiro's death arrives and Kyoko invites her parents to attend, hoping that they will make an excuse not to come, since last year that used the opportunity to pressure her into remarriage. To her surprise they accept, and the entire time she is visiting the grave site, she waits for them to spring their trap on her. To her surprise, they never do, and the entire family ends up having a very pleasant day. When she arrives back at Maison Ikkoku, Mrs. Ichinose asks her what she talked about, and she tells her that her parents were well-behaved and didn't mention remarriage. Ichinose corrects herself and asks what Kyoko talked about to Soichiro. Kyoko panics when she realizes that she didn't visit with him at all during the trip, as she was too preoccupied with her parents. This event puts Kyoko into a deeply depressed state. She begins wondering why she wouldn't remember to visit with him, and begins to think that she's forgetting him. During a date with Mitaka
Episode 25 : Even Yotsuya's Shocked! The Day Maison Ikkoku Disappears
March. 18,1987
Kyoko frantically decides to try and get in touch with her father-in-law, the owner of Maison Ikkoku. Instead, the get Ikuko, who tells her that he's in Hong Kong on a business trip for a few days. So they still have no answers about the rumor of Maison Ikkoku's destruction. Kyoko worries that Mitsukoshi will be affected the worst, and tells him so, but he feels sorry for the rest of the tenants who have lived there for so long. The group decides to track these rumors to the source, and get to the bottom of this. Akemi asks Master where he heard it from, and he said various customers told him. When Kyoko arrives, she tells them she got in touch with the Public Works, and found out that a similar building to Maison Ikkoku is going to be torn down, and that that must be where the confusion started. Yotsuya enters and discounts her theory, stating that his ""co-workers"" all told him that they were sure it was Maison Ikkoku that was scheduled for demolition. Godai goes in search of Coach Mi
Episode 24 : Kyoko in Love at First Sight?! A Strange Man Moves into Maison Ikkoku
March. 11,1987
As Kyoko returns home from walking Soichiro, the phone begins to ring. She rushes inside to answer it and learns that a new tenant will be arriving the next day. But when she asks for details, the voice on the other end hangs up abruptly. Kyoko goes to work cleaning the floors of Room 3 when Mrs. Ichinose asks if they're getting a new arrival. When Kyoko tells her the news she becomes very excited and asks Godai to go to the store and buy some party supplies while she calls Akemi and gets the party set up. That night, it begins to rain, and the mysterious guests luggage arrives, but he never shows up. The next day a kind older-looking man shows up on the front porch and says that he is the new tenant, Zenzaburo Mitsukoshi. Everyone seems to take to him instantly, and that night during the party Kyoko notices that his yukata doesn't fit him right. Yotsuya jokingly asks if that's because his dead wife made it and he only wears it to remember her. When Mitsukoshi says yes, Yotsuya actuall
Episode 23 : Mitaka Trains! Lover Boy. Can't be Afraid of Dogs!
March. 04,1987
As Mitaka sits with a nameless date watching a movie, he begins to become very bored with the entire situation. Suddenly, on the screen a dog appears, sending Mitaka running out into the lobby. Taking time to catch his breath, a woman notices him and walks over. It happens to be Akemi, and she notices how ill he looks. As the dog barks, Mitaka gets jumpy again, and Akemi finally learns his dreaded secret, that he is terrified of dogs. Akemi promises to help him overcome his fear. The next day, Akemi leaves Maison Ikkoku happier than anyone has seen her in a long time. She meets Mitaka at the Statue of Hachiko and they agree to go have lunch before they get started, but Akemi wants Shun to try and pet the statue, which he is unable to do. Seeing how traumatizing Mitaka's fear is, Akemi decides she'll need more help, and so she tells Yotsuya, Godai, and Mrs. Ichinose about the Coach's dilemma. When Yotsuya meets with Mitaka, he learns that as a boy Mitaka snuck into a large dog's doghous
Episode 22 : Godai's Confession! I Want You to Know How I Feel!!
February. 25,1987
Kyoko finds out that her mother has been very sick lately and is unable to take care of her father, prompting her to go home and help out for two or three days. Godai gets worried that it could be another plot to trick Kyoko into quitting at Maison Ikkoku, but Mrs. Ichinose reassures him that Kyoko is too smart for that. Godai doesn't think much of it for the next few days, but after the alotted time passes he begins to think something may have happened. Trying to shake off his feelings of worry, Godai takes Soichiro for a walk and meets Mr. Ichinose, who is on his way home from work. Being the kind man he is, Mr. Ichinose invites Godai to have dinner with him and the two begin talking. Ichinose instantly guesses that Godai was walking around, hoping to run into Kyoko. He mentions to Godai that he reminds him of himself when he was younger and proceeds to tell him about a woman he used to be infatuated with at his first job out of college. She was a ""jewel in a dunghill"" he says, and h
Episode 21 : Kyoko Loses it! Drunk and Crazy!
February. 18,1987
While Godai is out of school for one more week, he and Sakamoto decide they had better get a part time job. Things start off badly when Godai tells his prospective new boss, a tavern owner, that he will only be able to work for one week. Sakamoto scolds Godai for not lying about how long he would be able to work, then the two head off to the local supermarket to buy food. While shopping Sakamoto runs into Kyoko and tells her he'll be staying with Godai. When she notices the meager amount of food in Sakamoto's cart, she gets a bit worried. Mrs. Ichinose arrives and pulls Kyoko off to see something, when Godai arrives and notices Sakamoto staring lovingly where Kyoko was standing. Godai quizzes him on what exactly he was talking to the Manager about, when Sakamoto tells him not to get so defensive. When the two friends arrive at Maison Ikkoku, Kyoko invites Sakamoto to have dinner with her and tells Godai he can come too, causing Godai to feel a bit like a fifth wheel. Over dinner, Sakam
Episode 20 : Race for Kyoko! Skating Rink is Love's Battleground
February. 11,1987
Kyoko, Mrs. Ichinose, Kentaro and Ikuko plan a trip to a skating rink with Godai and Mitaka tagging along. The problems begin almost instantly when the rental van seating arrangement leaves Mitaka and Godai sitting up front together with Mitaka driving and Godai in charge of the tape deck. On the way, Ikuko asks Godai to teach her how to skate once they arrive, but he modestly refuses, telling her that Mitaka would be a much better coach. Mitaka also refuses and passes the task back to Godai. Once they arrive everyone learns why. Neither Mitaka nor Godai have a clue about how to skate. They begin stumbling all over the rink, begging Kyoko to help them and refusing the help of Mrs. Ichinose. Kyoko reluctantly agrees to help, when suddenly Akemi and Yotsuya arrive to cause problems for Godai. Soon Godai is laid out on the ice with Yotsuya refusing to let anyone help him, in hopes of fostering a sense of independance in him. Ikuko finally offers Godai some comfort, which enrages Kentaro,
Episode 19 : A Shocking Revelation: Kyoko Declares Her Love to Godai?!
February. 04,1987
Finals approach and Godai is playing catch-up. Because of his broken leg and extended hospital stay Yusaku has fallen behind in all his classes. Sakamoto helps him out though by providing a copy of all his notes and answers to old tests. Kyoko decides that its partially her fault that Godai is so far behind because she still feels that she was the one that caused him to fall and break his leg. So she sets out on a mission to make sure Mrs. Ichinose, Akemi and Yotsuya stay out of his room and don't do any loud partying until finals are over. As the days progress, Godai studies his hardest and finds that Kyoko is being more affectionate than ever, offering to cook all his meals for him and checking up on him from time to time to see how he is progressing. When the tests finally arrive, Godai does his best and manages to get through them all, with the exception of his last final of the semester, Adolescent Psychology. Godai really buckles down the night before for an all out cram session.
Episode 18 : Kentaro Freaks Out! Yotsuya's Frightening True Identity
January. 28,1987
After Kentaro tries to hide a bad grade from his mother, she gets angry with him and yells. He runs into the attic to get away for awhile and finds an old album. He's shocked to find that the album has pictures dating back almost 60 years and that they all have Yotsuya in them! Even stranger is that he looks exactly the same as he does today. Mrs. Ichinose begins to get worried about how on edge Kentaro becomes after finding the album and decides to do something about it. When she mentions it to Mitaka he agrees, and decides to formulate a plan in order to learn more about Yotsuya's past. Godai follows Yotsuya after he leaves for work, and watches him with a little girl on a playground. Godai is shocked when the girl calls him ""sempai"". Yotsuya then moves on to catch a bus. He misses his bus while watching a cat, but sees Godai and gets him to pay for a few games of Pachinko. After that Kyoko dons a disguise and follows him to an oversees refugee organization. While there, Yotsuya sits
Episode 17 : Love Speaks! Godai and Mitaka Duke it Out at the Hospital!
January. 21,1987
Mitaka and Godai begin to get on each others nerves at the hospital. Mitaka and Mrs. Ichinose notice that Kyoko and Godai seem to have a playfulness about them. Mitaka gets desperate and tries to hug Kyoko after Godai leaves the room, but only gets embarassed at trying so hard. Godai and Mitaka continue to battle for Kyoko's attention, and Kyoko is delighted that they both want her to help so much, but all that changes when Mitaka's group of college girls comes to take over his care. Right after that Kozue shows up and insists on helping Godai, leaving Kyoko with nothing to do. Mitaka and Godai both watch helplessly from their window as Kyoko leaves the hospital, taking just enough time to leave them a message in the snow.
Episode 16 : Godai Breaks His Leg! Chance for Love at the Hospital!
January. 14,1987
Godai's been feeling depressed about leading Kozue on lately. Kyoko isn't helping, by constantly telling Godai how much Kozue likes him. When he finally decides to end things between them, Kozue surprises him with a new sweater. Unable to do anything, Godai happily accepts the gift and returns to Maison Ikkoku, where he and Kyoko get into an argument, causing her to almost fall off the roof. Godai rescues her in the nick of time, but falls out of his second story window in the process, breaking his leg and taking quite a blow to the head. When he wakes up in the hospital, he finds out Kyoko's taken care of everything, but can't bring herself to visit out of shame. When she finally does arrive, Mitaka shows up and sees that Kyoko's sympathy for Godai might lead to trouble for him. Godai and Kyoko take a walk and embrace each other, almost kissing before an ambulance interrupts them. They're both shocked to see Mitaka in Godai's room, he apparently broke his leg in a skiing accident.
Episode 15 : Kyoko's Hot Spring Heart Stopper: Peeping Wars at the Outdoor Baths!
January. 07,1987
The Ikkoku residents decide to visit a hotsprings and Mitaka comes along. The trip starts off badly for Godai as he's forced to carry everyones bags. When they finally get to the hotsprings Godai begins to relax a little until Yotsuya attempts to find a way to peep at Kyoko, Akemi and Mrs. Ichinose on the other side. Godai and Mitaka try and stop him, but Godai gets stuck between the dividing wall and almost drowns. The night gets worse when they learn that Ichinose and Yotsuya spent all the money on booze instead of food. Everyone gets wasted and passes out, but Godai awakens in the middle of the night to find himself face to face with a sleeping Kyoko!
Episode 14 : A Bittersweet Favor! Budding Christmas Love!?
December. 24,1986
Godai rides the train to its destination, and meets Sakamoto at the appointed cafe. Sakamoto shows up late an sits down, very sullen. He tells Godai that he was able to figure out what the rock consisted of, but that he forgot the rock on the train. Godai panics and they run to the platform's lost and found and to see if anyone turned it in. Unfortunately, no one has, and so Godai and Sakamoto board the train to search themselves. They don't find it and have to come back to their original destination just to ask at lost and found again. When they arrive this time, the attendant says someone turned it in down the line, but when they check into it, they find a rocker, not a rock. Godai begins to lose all hope, and can't believe that he is responsible for losing the only present Soichiro ever got to give Kyoko. Sakamoto says that if he found it he would have just thrown it away. As soon as Godai hears this he leaps off the train and begins digging through the trash cans. Suddenly, he find
Episode 13 : Love Takes Guts! Godai's Part Time Job Ploy!
December. 17,1986
As Kyoko cleans out her room, she notices something stuck in the back of her closet. When she pulls it out to inspect it, she realizes its a rock that her late husband gave her. Its quite large and has mysterious green specks in it. Kyoko wonders if it had any special meaning, and asks Godai if he could help her learn something about it. He agrees to try his best and takes it to school with him. Godai meets Kozue at a bookstore later that day and they go window shopping for the upcoming Christmas holidays. Kozue points out an expensive cat brooch that she thinks is cute and so Godai decides to take on as many jobs as he can to buy Kozue, Kyoko and Ikuko presents. He and Sakamoto get a variety of odd jobs including a children's drama show, cashiers and sewer workers. He finally earns enough money and buys the brooch for Kozue, a bracelet for Kyoko and a Dappya doll for Ikuko. He also learns that Sakamoto knows someone in the Geology department that can identify the rock for Kyoko. Meanw
Episode 12 : Godai's Dumped!? Kozue Falls For Coach Mitaka!?
December. 10,1986
Kozue begins to notice that Godai isn't as affectionate with her as other couples in their dating situation seem to be. She begins worrying about why this is happening and turns to Mitaka for answers. He readily instructs her, in hopes that keeping Kozue together with Godai will open up his chances of winning Kyoko. Yotsuya spies on Mitaka and reports back to Godai. Yusaku had no idea that any of this was going on, but decides its time to break up with Kozue. He runs into her and Mitaka at a diner, and Mitaka tells him to say goodbye the right way. Godai thinks this must mean to break up with Kozue, so when he tries to he puts his arm around her, and Kozue gets excited, because all she wanted in the first place was a little more affection from Godai.
Episode 11 : Crazy Costume Contest! Kyoko's Amazing Transformation
December. 03,1986
When a new mirror arrives at Ikkoku all hell breaks loose. Kyoko orders a floor length mirror for her room and decides to try on her old high school uniform. Before she can take it off, the other tenants bust into her room and try to get her to party with them. They whisk her off to Godai's room, and don costumes themselves. Ichinose and Godai get their old high school outfits, while Akemi dresses as a nurse and Yotsuya as a Buddist monk. They begin acting out little plays until Mitaka arrives. After seeing how much fun Kyoko seems to be having with Godai, he readily joins in, becoming a doctor. They continue to wrestle and get out of control until Kentaro comes home and tells Kyoko how dissapointed in her he is.
Episode 10 : A Kiss Is Just A Kiss... But a Woman's Love is Priceless
November. 26,1986
Akemi sits in her boyfriend Hiroshi's car as they watch the ships coming into the docks. Suddenly he tells her he's breaking up with her, and Akemi finds another womans earring on the seat. She keeps her cool, and simply walks away. When she arrives at Maison Ikkoku though, she is completely drunk. When she passes out in the entryway, Godai and Kyoko have to carry her up to her room. She wakes up in a daze and kisses Godai. Kyoko starts telling her to pull herself together, and Akemi kisses her! Then Akemi tosses them out. Godai and Kyoko nervously stand in the hall, wiping the lipstick off their lips. The next day, Godai asks Akemi if there is anything he can do for her, but Akemi can't remember why he would ask something like that. Later she does remember and goes downstairs to apologize to Kyoko. In town, Akemi and Godai pass each other on the street, and she gives him a lighter that Hiroshi had given her. Godai begins to think that maybe she likes him, and so he nervously wonders w
Episode 9 : The Great Date Race! Kyoko and Godai Have Left the Building
November. 19,1986
Godai learns that his Grandma has set he and Kyoko up on a date. When he goes downstairs to apologize to Kyoko, she tells him that she's actually looking forward to it, which really gets Godai excited. As Godai and Kyoko head off on their date, Yuakari gives them their itinerary, and then they head off. The first stop is the movie theater, where they run into Yotsuya, after they escape from him, they go to a toy store, where Kyoko gets very excited and plays with everything. Suddenly Mrs. Ichinose and Kentaro walk up and talk to the two. Godai begins to get suspicious and pulls Kyoko out of the store. They hide for a second and then decide to go get lunch, at the restaurant they sit down next to Akemi and Master, and then they know something is really up. They run out of the restaurant and everyone gives chase. They finally catch a break, but it doesn't last for long as the tenants find them again. The rest of the day is spent escaping the Looney Gang. Godai apologizes for the ruined d
Episode 8 : Overpowered by Love! The Grandma Yukari Gold Tooth Gauntlet!
November. 12,1986
Godai wakes up to rustling noise in his room, when he demands Yotsuya stop it, he opens his eyes to see his Grandmother. To his surprise, he was supposed to pick her up, but totally forgot. She wastes no time in scolding him, and embarassing him in front of Kyoko. When she learns from the Manager that Godai has a girlfriend, she insists upon meeting her. Godai takes her to meet Kozue the next day, and they all make a nice day out of it. Grandma pressures him into asking Kozue to marry, much to Godai's horror, but he gets out of it. When they arrive back at Maison Ikkoku, she demands that Godai choose between Kozue or Kyoko. Godai refuses to discuss it with her, until the other tenants arrive and begin to party. The next day, Grandma Yukari learns about Kyoko's friendship with Mitaka and insists upon meeting him. And so, Yukari attends Kyoko and Mrs. Ichinose's regular tennis class and meets Shun. At first he thinks she must be Kyoko's grandmother, and quickly realizes his charms have n
Episode 7 : The Case of the Shocking Diary My Husband Had a Sweetheart!
November. 05,1986
After finishing a tutoring session with Ikuko, Grandfather Otonashi asks Godai to return Soichiro's diary to Kyoko. On the trip home, Godai worries about it bringing back memories for Kyoko, and as soon as he gives it to her, it has the effect he was hoping it wouldn't. As Kyoko flips through the diary, she realizes that Soichiro's life was actually fairly boring. All he would write about was the food he was eating. Until one day when he received a mysterious postcard. But the postcard is missing, having fallen into Godai's bag. Kyoko becomes worried that the postcard was from another woman and searches everywhere for it. Godai notices how depressed she's become, but doesn't know why. He thinks the memory of Soichiro is too much for her to handle. A few days later, he finds the card, and returns it to Kyoko, when she realizes it was a simple postcard from her, she is overjoyed.
Episode 6 : The Incredible , Unforgettable Egg! Yotsuya's Dangerous Gift
October. 29,1986
Yotsuya entrusts a mysterious egg to Godai in the middle of the night, before mysteriously leaving Maison Ikkoku. The next morning everyone rushes in to Room 5 as they hear Godai's screams of terror. He thought the whole meeting between he and Yotsuya had been nothing more than a strange dream. When he tells everyone what happened, Kyoko and Ichinose are instantly flummoxed about what Yotsuya could possibly want Godai to do with the egg. Should he eat it, or protect it? Akemi decides to steal the egg and feed it to Soichiro, but Kyoko manages to snatch it back just in time. Over the next few days, Kentaro and Akemi both try stealing the egg, Godai worries over what to do before Yotsuya returns, a strange habit of Mrs. Ichinose's is revealed, and Kyoko becomes obessesed with trying to find out how to tell a hard-boiled egg from a raw egg without breaking it open.
Episode 5 : Scandal at Ikkoku! Godai's...SHACKING UP!?
October. 22,1986
Kyoko learns that Godai is living with a woman, and thinks that this is the real reason he left. Godai comes back to the apartment and learns that the Yakuza has pawned all his belongings so that he can have money to gamble. After they refuse to move out, Godai hits the streets in hopes of finding a friend he can stay with. He calls Maison Ikkoku, but a dejected Kyoko lies and tells him all the rooms are full. After walking around all night and not finding a place to sleep, he begins to get really sick. Finally stumbling his way back to Maison Ikkoku, the other tenants see him and chance after him, Kyoko finally grabs him and tells him to come home.
Episode 4 : What!? Kyoko Married!? Godai's Tearful Goodbye
October. 15,1986
Rumors of a wedding between Mitaka and Kyoko are flying, leaving the tenants depressed that they've been kept in the dark. Godai finally decides to confront Kyoko, but a passing train leaves out a key detail, its Mitaka's Sister who is getting married, not Mitaka and Kyoko. A tearful Godai quickly packs up all his things and moves out of Maison Ikkoku before Kyoko can stop him. He finds a new apartment above Galaxy Pachinko and is shocked to find an incredibly sexy girl named Ayako already living there. He finally decides that it won't be too bad living with her until she can find a new place, that is until her Yakuza boyfriend shows up and makes this comfy couple into a terrible three-some. Kyoko is of course too proud to find Godai and tell him what's really going on, but even if she wanted to she couldn't, that is until the movers arrive for Godai's furniture. Getting the address from them, Kyoko visits Godai's new apartment to deliver a package, but instead finds only a half-dresse
Episode 3 : Fall Festival Foul - Up ! All Swell That Ends In A Well
October. 08,1986
All the Maison Ikkoku tenants visit a local Fall Festival and Godai and Kyoko even decide to take part in it. A misunderstanding leads to Kyoko falling down a very deep well. Before long Godai realizes that Yotsuya was mainly responsible for the mishap, but when he goes to save her, he gets pulled in as well. Soon Yotsuya drops by but instead of helping, he uses the well in order to partake of his favorite hobby, voyeurism. After he leaves Yotsuya brings Mitaka to the well, but for reasons only known to him, he decides to push him in with Godai and Kyoko. Now a new problem has risen its ugly head...who will help Kyoko get out, and who will stay stuck at the bottom of the well? Soon enough a frightened Kozue climbs down into the well to hide from some locals dressed as monsters, Akemi jumps in to visit with Mitaka, Sakamoto hops in for a visit, Yotsuya returns to join in the fun, and Ichinose drunkenly dives in too! Can Kentaro save everyone else?
Episode 2 : Even Kyoko's Surprised! "I'm Kentaro's Father."
October. 01,1986
The tenants are shocked when they begin seeing a mystery man leaving Maison Ikkoku. Soon enough they realize that he is none other than Kentaro's father, Mr. Ichinose! After losing his job, Mr. Ichinose begins having trouble finding a new one, meanwhile Kentaro has a parent/child sports meet at his elementary school, but is too embarassed to ask his overweight, alcoholic mother, and recently unemployed father to come, so instead he asks Godai and Kyoko to come as his sister and her husband. Godai is all to happy to accept, but Kyoko feels guilty. Yotsuya finally tells Mr. Ichinose what Kentaro has planned, and the Ichinose's decide to not only compete, but win the three-legged race.
Episode 1 : Soichiro Gone!? Yakitori Memories
September. 24,1986
Kentaro offers to walk Soichiro for Kyoko, but ends up losing him. Kyoko tries her best to reassure Kentaro that Soichiro will find his way home, but in reality she is terrified of never seeing him again. She remembers the day that she and her husband first brought Soichiro home, and how he wouldn't answer to any other name. All the tenants do their best to find the missing dog, and after many false hopes, begin to give up. Finally, Godai finds him at the house of a family a few blocks away and returns him to a greatful and shocked Kyoko.


Season 4
Season 4 1987
Season 3
Season 3 1987
Season 2
Season 2 1986
Season 1
Season 1 1986

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