The Earth Unlocked Season 2

July. 15,2023      
Trailer Synopsis

Explores Earth's mysteries and offers viewers a glimpse into the planet's most fascinating phenomena.

Episode 12 : Heat
February. 11,2024
The pervasive but often overlooked force that shapes the environment; from scorching deserts to freezing polar regions, heat is the driving factor behind the Earth's diverse climates, influencing everything from weather patterns to ecosystems.
Episode 11 : Islands
February. 10,2024
Islands are water-bound treasures of the planet; some are born from violent volcanic eruptions, while others give birth to scientific discovery; in a time of climate change, many islands face an uncertain future.
Episode 10 : Terra Firma
February. 04,2024
Nothing's more reassuring than the feel of solid ground beneath our feet. But is that solid ground as solid as it seems? The crust of the Earth is constantly moving, from shifting tectonic plates to the instability of the soil…the result? Catastrophic earthquakes, devastating dust bowls and weather induced landslides.
Episode 9 : Predators
February. 03,2024
Throughout time, the drive to survive on planet Earth has created hunters; predators have lived and adapted to become nature's ultimate killing machines, with weather playing a role in their rise to the top.
Episode 8 : Giants
January. 28,2024
They are the largest things on Earth; the blue whale, elephants and prehistoric titanosaurs remind humans of how small they really are; they may appear to be too big to fail, but weather and climate can affect even these giants.
Episode 7 : Water
January. 28,2024
Our Earth is a water planet. Where water is scarce, drastic measures like cloud seeding and desalination are required. But it can also cause disaster, in the forms of powerful storms and destructive floods.
Episode 6 : Wetlands
August. 26,2023
Wetlands serve as a natural protection from storms, fires and floods; these protectors can be deadly.
Episode 5 : Mountains
August. 19,2023
They are Earth's most visible formations, but secrets lie unseen beneath these massive mountains waiting to be unlocked.
Episode 4 : Beaches
August. 12,2023
From black sand bays to powdery white waterfronts, what wonders create these diverse landscapes and what dangers lurk, potentially turning these dream locations into seaside nightmares.
Episode 3 : Canyons
August. 05,2023
Massive cuts into Earth's landscape create some of the most compelling and majestic formations; exploring how weather and geology combine to form vast canyons, from Arizona's arid Grand Canyon to the ocean's deepest depths.
Episode 2 : Pressure
July. 22,2023
Pressure is the invisible force that drives weather; pressing down on Earth, it is the difference between a gentle breeze and a monster storm; learning how and why air can turn deadly.
Episode 1 : Space Weather
July. 15,2023
Extreme weather isn't exclusive to the planet; storms twice the size of Earth, winds faster than the strongest hurricanes, and towering tornadoes thousands of miles high all rage in the distant corners of the universe.


Season 2
Season 2 2023
Season 1
Season 1 2022