Tenali Rama

July. 11,2017      
Trailer Synopsis

Court poet Tenali Rama serves at the court of Emperor Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara empire, and uses his sharp wit and wisdom to solve complicated matters quickly.

Seasons & Episode

Seasons 7 : 2020


90 Episode


Episode 1 - Don't Fear When Rama's Here
July. 13,2020

Tathacharya, along with Dhani and Mani, is passing through a forest where they suddenly get ambushed by some dacoits. Dhani and Mani decide to abandon Tathacharya and leave him with the dacoits. They find a bag full of gold coins on Tathacharya and decide to loot him. Tatharya cries for help and Rama shows up in a funny avatar.

Episode 2 - In Captivity
July. 14,2020

When the dacoits hold Tathacharya hostage, the events take a gripping twist. Will Tathacharya manage to outsmart the dacoits?

Episode 3 - Decorations to impress the judges
July. 15,2020

Gold for the decorations spent well, what will happen to the competition?

Episode 4 - Akbar's Revenge On Vijaynagar
July. 16,2020

Vijaynagar wins the competition against Akbar. Akbar gets angry and closes the gates of all the dams on the rivers flowing to Vijaynagar. Water will be scarce in the region so Tenali stands strong to tackle the situation. Watch the full episode.

Episode 5 - Water Scarcity In Vijaynagar
July. 17,2020

There has been a sudden scarcity in the water supply in Vijaynagar and everybody is worried. Tenali Rama is in a fix and is trying to bring the situation under control, but the Maharani orders him that, he needs to find a solution to this grim problem and sends a message that everybody in the Kingdom will have to save water until this matter is solved and claims that anyone who will waste, water, will be severely punished.

Episode 6 - A Word To Maharani
July. 18,2020

Tenali is given a word to Maharani and he is confused about how to get Maharaja Akbar to leave the flow of water in Krishna river. Bandhu helps him suggest a way out.

Episode 7 - Rama Is Worried
July. 21,2020

Rama is very worried and roaming outside Akbar's Darbaar. He asks one Akbar's guards that if the Emperor is kind and soft-hearted but the guard claims that Akbar is an angry person and can do anything if he is not satisfied with something.

Episode 8 - Stolen Sword
July. 22,2020

Rama convinces King Akbar about the diamond story. Birbal on the other end sniffs a wrong thing happening. They realize king's valuable sword has been stolen. Tenali gets a dog to find the culprit.

Episode 9 - Catching The Culprit
July. 23,2020

Tenali gets a dog in the parliament to showcase its skills. With the help of the dog, Tenali will catch the culprit who robbed the sword.

Episode 10 - Rama Speaks To The People of Vijaynagar
July. 24,2020

Ramachandra informs the people of Vijaynagar that he has spoken to Akbar about the water crisis in the village. He also very humbly demands every one of Vijayanagar to help him and support him in order to solve the matter.

Episode 11 - Finding the truth
July. 27,2020

Akbar and Birbal reached Vijayanagar disguised as businessmen. In order to search the truth, they need to search for a guy who spilled the beans. Later, That night Tathacharya calls Akbar and Birbal to the palace.

Episode 12 - Birbal Sends A Messenger
July. 28,2020

Tenali has a new task in his hands and Birbal has sent a messenger to the court claiming Krishna river as his property. How will Tenali react?

Episode 13 - Mandatory Condition
July. 29,2020

Rama is ready to accept Birbal's demand but he has kept forward a condition which both, Akbar and Birbal has to accept.What's the condition that Birbal has put forth?

Episode 14 - Tathacharya's Buttering
July. 30,2020

Tathacharya welcomes Akbar and Birbal into their dining room. Birbal is impressed with the decoration and soon, Tathacharya gets into his buttering character and explains to them how he made every cook stand on one foot and cook dinner for the king.

Episode 15 - Tenali's Master Plan
July. 31,2020

Rama invites the kings of different states to Vijayanagar. On the other hand, he orders his army to get ready for the war. The motive for this move was to create an illusion of a powerful army.

Episode 16 - The Gold Mine
August. 03,2020

Raja Krishnadevaraya is back to Vijaynagar and he has a condition. Meanwhile, Tenali and Birbal are in the parliament talking about the gold mine.

Episode 17 - Rama's Promise
August. 04,2020

Tenali promises Tathacharya that Bhaskar will never be seen in Vijaynagar again. Watch the full episode to know more about the same.

Episode 18 - Rama Phrases The Lord
August. 03,2020

Rama is happy that Vijaynagar is saved from the scarcity of water. Rama then phrases and worships the Lord being thankful.

Episode 19 - Arrows From Nowhere
August. 06,2020

Maharani, Rama and others are present in the Darbaar and is about to have a meeting, only when out of nowhere numerous arrows starts to fly from somewhere. Everyone tries to hide from those arrows but Tathacharya gets hit and falls

Episode 20 - Maharaja Krishnadev Ray's Letter
August. 07,2020

As Rama is at his home discussing some things with his family, all of a sudden a bunch of arrows fly out from nowhere into his home, in one the arrows, there is a letter from Maharaja Krishndev Ray.

Episode 21 - Rama Cracks The Riddle
August. 10,2020

Rama finally decodes the riddle but few more are on his way. Will he be able to find the answers for all of them? Watch the full episode to find out.

Episode 22 - Return Of The King
August. 11,2020

King returns to Vijaynagar and everywhere celebrates the joyous occasion. The culprits hope to see Rama struggle with the riddle. Meanwhile, they plan an ambush for Rama. Watch the full episode.

Episode 23 - Rama is pampered by the Queen
August. 12,2020

The queen do not want Rama to engage in solving riddles, what are here reasons?

Episode 24 - Thathacharya's Bluff
August. 13,2020

Tathacharya is unable to find the answer to the riddle thus brings in a bling man to help him solve the riddle. But Rama is well aware of his plan. What happens next? Watch the full episode to know more.

Episode 25 - Another Riddle
August. 14,2020

Pandit Ramakrishnan leaves another riddle for the Maharani. She hands over this to the Maharaj and asks him to understand the message. But she notices that the Maharaj is ridiculed by the thought promoted in the riddle and she decides to act on it herself.

Episode 26 - Rama Recognizes The Maharani
August. 17,2020

In the middle of the night, a woman covering her face happens to practice shooting arrows, eventually it turns out that it is the Maharani and Rama is the one to recognize her. Stay tuned.

Episode 27 - Preparations Begun To Welcome Maharaja
August. 18,2020

Preparations are in full flow as everyone is all set to welcome Maharaja Krishandeva in Vijayanagar. When the Maharaja came back to Vijaynagar none could recognize him.

Episode 28 - The Pailwan
August. 19,2020

Rama says the Pailwan as the Maharaj of Vijaynagar. Tathacharya constantly abuses Rama saying Pailwan cannot be the King. Later, When Tathacharya notices Pailwan's smile he is shocked.

Episode 29 - Everyone Praises Maharaja Krishnadevaraya
August. 20,2020

Rama confronts Maharani in front of everybody else and then along with everyone else praises Maharaja Krishnadev Ray. Maharaja acknowledges everyone at the court and very kindly tells them that he accepts their love and respect towards him.

Episode 30 - Into the woods
August. 21,2020

Maharaja Krishnadevaraya asks Tatacharya about the trees they planted twenty years back. Tatacharya gets confused and diverts the topic.

Episode 31 - Maharaja Krishnadevaraya's Message
August. 24,2020

Everyone rushes to the hall where the king is about to arrive. Rama and Tathacharya reach late. Raja Krishnadevaraya walks in to talk about the uncertain situation in Vijayanagar. Watch the full episode.

Episode 32 - Rama Gets Anxious
August. 25,2020

Rama has been called by the Maharani and he gets anxious. Rama and bandhu speak regarding what is going to happen and what might be Maharani's intentions. Watch the full episode.

Episode 33 - Tough Challenge For The King
August. 26,2020

Tathacharya ask Rama to not ask tough questions to the king but Rama being himself ask a tough question to the King. Will the King be able to clear this last hurdle? Watch the full episode to find out.

Episode 34 - Solving the puzzle
August. 27,2020

Maharaja Krishnadevaraya solves the puzzle and there comes next two puzzles. Tenali Rama explains the next puzzle to Maharaja.

Episode 35 - Almost There
August. 28,2020

Maharaja Krishnadevaraya brilliant answer has got the people jumping with joy. He has succefully completed Rama's second question but will he be able to answer the third and the final question?

Episode 36 - Maharaja Krishnadevaraya's Worries
August. 31,2020

Maharaja Krishnadevaraya looks tensed so Rama and Tathacharya seek to know whats the issue. Raja conveys his problems and asks for a solution.

Episode 37 - The Big Decision
September. 01,2020

Gurudev walks in and asks Maharaja Krishnadevaraya to give Tathacharya or Rama to him. Maharaja asks time to think about it and Guruji agrees. What will Maharaja do?

Episode 38 - Maharani's Tasteless Dish
September. 02,2020

Tathacharya walks into Maharani's room and gets on his knees to apologize. Maharani forgives him and gives him a tasteless dish. Tathacharya has no option but to eat it. Watch the full episode.

Episode 39 - The Election
September. 03,2020

Tathacharya is angry on Rama thinking he would win the competition. Tathacharya makes sure Rama doest get more votes than him. Watch the full episode.

Episode 40 - Maharani's Argument
September. 04,2020

Both the Maharani's are competing with each other regarding faith and intelligence, when Maharaja arrives and finds both of them arguing with each other he interferes and asks about the matter. Stay tuned.

Episode 41 - The Fierce Competition
September. 07,2020

The election between the Pandit Ramakrishna and Tathacharya gets furious. Both the parties open a rally for the votes. Maharaj notices the two and gets curious to see what happens next. Watch the full episode.

Episode 42 - Duties In The Aashram
September. 08,2020

Tathacharya gets taunted by Guruji when Guruji talks about what he has to do in the Aashram. Tathacharya gets shocked to hear his duties in the Aashram. Watch the full episode.

Episode 43 - The Result Day
September. 09,2020

The results of elections are about to be declared in Rajsabha, Tenali Rama is praying for the win. But for whom Tenali Rama is praying? what is his wish?

Episode 44 - Rama's Mother Scolds Him
September. 10,2020

Rama was about to lose some money, but somehow he did not, instead he gained more than what he expected. Rama's mother scolds him saying that because of him their financial savings would have diminished.

Episode 45 - Loyalty Of Dakshina Maharaj
September. 11,2020

Dakshina Maharaj makes a bold claim at the court in front of the Maharaj and everyone else, regarding his loyalty and service to Vijaynagar. He also states that to protect Vijaynagar and the Maharaj he would kill as well as die.

Episode 46 - A False Accusation
September. 14,2020

Maharaj asks the intruders who gave them permission to build a road in the middle of their empire to which they tell they have an official signature. Is it another accusation to frame Rama Krishna?

Episode 47 - The Firm Belief
September. 15,2020

Maharaj tells Rama that just like he is certain about the sun rising from the east and setting in the west, he knows that Rama will never betray the kingdom and that he has been framed.

Episode 48 - Rama's Fair Deal
September. 16,2020

Rama gives Mo Ji a fair offer to return the documents which has Rama's fake signatures and in return, he will give back the documents which have her King's original signatures. Watch to find out more.

Episode 49 - Rama's Idea
September. 17,2020

Everyone including the Maharaj are orrotated with the flies present in the court. The foriegners tell the Maharaj that they will only help Maharaj if they allot land to them. However, as usual, Rama is ready with a solution.

Episode 50 - Chaos In Court
September. 18,2020

The ministers sitting in court are disturbed because of the mosquitoes and flies. As Mo Jo and his people are proposing a plan in exchange of a fixed solution for the mosquitoes, Rama gets a pile of waste in the court. This creates more chaos in the court.

Episode 51 - What's On Rama's Mind I ?
September. 21,2020

The courtiers try to frame Rama and convincing the king that it is Rama who is a traitor and has sold the land. He knows that he is being framed when Maharaj shouts on him and asks him to speak up. Rama then says that he accepts his crime. What is on Rama's mind?

Episode 52 - What's On Rama's Mind II?
September. 22,2020

The courtiers try to frame Rama and convincing the king that it is Rama who is a traitor and has sold the land. He knows that he is being framed when Mahaaraj shouts on him and asks him to speak up. Rama then says that he accepts his crime. What is on Rama's mind?

Episode 53 - Tenali Gets A Warning
September. 23,2020

Tenali is strolling around in the palace when Tathacharya tells him to stay away and tells him that it is better to not poke his nose in Tathacharya's matter. Tenali teases him and says that the damage has already been done. Tathacharya warns Tenali when Maharaj comes.

Episode 54 - Is Tathacharya Finally Caught?
September. 24,2020

Tathacharya's students tease him and about he had to face the wrath of Maharaj. Tathacharya then tells them that many things have happened since they left as well. Later, the Maharani comes and tells him that what he did was not correct.

Episode 55 - The Strange Women
September. 25,2020

Mani and Dhani are guarding Tathacharya's house. While guarding the house, they hear a sound of the anklets. They look around and find the shadows of two women coming near them.

Episode 56 - Tathacharya's Fear
September. 28,2020

Rama brings Tathacharya to the cowshed and tells him that someone is tampering with the hay that is being given to the cows. He also tells Tathacharya that he will make sure that the person behind this is punished. This scares Tathacharya.

Episode 57 - The Secret Signals
September. 29,2020

Tathacharya enters the court while rubbing his hand. Rama sees this and catches this as an opportunity to tease him. Rama tells Tathacharya that the meaning of a palm itching is that he is going to get a good bashing.

Episode 58 - The Thought
September. 30,2020

The Maharaj and Maharani are sitting in their room when the Maharani asks Maharaj about the competitionby Tenali. She asks him how is what Tenali says logical in the court. Maharaj tells his wife that if Tenali has said it, there must be some thought behind it.

Episode 59 - Tathacharya's Excitement
October. 01,2020

Tathacharya is assisted by his two students in the market as he blabbers about Tenali being very cunning and about reaching the cloth shop soon. His students see an opportunity to make their teacher fall and take it. In his excitement, Tathacharya frees himself of their support.

Episode 60 - Collecting Witnesses
October. 02,2020

Tathacharya sees that Rama is buying garlands from the market. After Rama is gone, he goes to the vendors and asks them how much did Rama pay for the garlands? As he gets to know the price that Rama paid for the garlands, he asks them to become his witnesses.

Episode 61 - The Witnesses
October. 05,2020

As Tathacharya has spoken to the witnesses, he asks the vendors to speak up and all of them tell Maharaj that none of them saw Rama seeing Maharaj before spending the money. However, Rama tells Maharaj that he saw him every time before spending money.

Episode 62 - Turning Friends Against Each Other
October. 06,2020

Rama is told to solve the case of robbery. He then decides to play a trick and tells Mohan that if he accepts his crime he and Rama can split the money amongst themselves. Mohan says that it was not him and Rama tells him that he will propose the same to Sohan as well. His trick works as he turns friends against each other and Mohan tells the court about the robbery in detail.

Episode 63 - The Unexpected Behaviour
October. 07,2020

Tathacharya is hiding behind some plants as Rama and Maharaj are taking a stroll in the palace. Maharaj sees Tathacharya and asks him why is he there when Rama tells him that he is acting like that because f the dream. Tathacharya unexpectedly catches hold of Maharaj's ear. This leaves Maharaj upset as he walks away.

Episode 64 - A Great Saint's Advice
October. 08,2020

Tenali is thinking of ways to free Tathacharya from the prison when he comes across his mother and wife trying to do some heavy work. He asks them what are they trying to do when his mother asks him to hang a piece of black cloth with crushed coal inside it on the door. When he tries asking what is going on, his mother tells him that a wise saint advised it.

Episode 65 - One Time Is Left
October. 12,2020

Tathacharya is in the prison trying to think of a way to pull Maharaj's ear for one last time. He cannot think of anything to take him out of the prison to complete his task. Meanwhile, Rama goes to prison with a fake snake so as to break Tathacharya's vow.

Episode 66 - Maharaj Approves Rama's Plan
October. 13,2020

Rama is searching for Tathacharya and hopes that he does not mess up and pull Maharaj's ear again. Rama sees Maharaj and tells him that he has to go to the temple early in the morning to perform the rituals. As Maharaj is shocked and disappointed that Rama could not find a solution to the disappointing solution, Rama tells his plan and Maharaj is pleased with it. Rama tells Maharaj to stick to the plan to which Maharaj readily agrees.

Episode 67 - Tathacharya's Marriage Discussions
October. 14,2020

Tathacharya's students are eating tasty food made by the woman who wishes to get married to Tathacarya. His students tell him that he too has feeings for her but is unable to express it. As they see Tathacharya coming their way, they leave hastily.

Episode 68 - The Orders
October. 15,2020

Maharaj is telling Rama and Tathacharya about the policies for people and how it should reach the people in need. Just then, Tathacharya's students come to the court and apologize for the delay. When asked the reason for it, they tell everyone that it they encountered something no body would believe.

Episode 69 - Tenali Always Has A Solution!
November. 14,2020

Tenali decides to do what is Devi Maa has asked him to do. However, he decides to find a solution to the problem on the hands. He decides to go up the stairs in the blazing heat without a pair of shoes. However, he orders a palanquin. This solution shocks Maharaj and everyone else present.

Episode 70 - The Gold Treasure
October. 16,2020

Two of the villagers have found out some gold treasure which the Guruvar has taken away from them. When Maharaja found out about the matter in the court, he was surprised. Tenali asks Guruvar to show the treasure to everyone present in the court. Watch to find out more.

Episode 71 - Rama's Favourite Thing
October. 19,2020

Two of the villagers have found out some gold treasure which the Guruvar has taken away from them. When Maharaja found out about the matter in the court, he was surprised. Tenali asks Guruvar to show the treasure to everyone present in the court.

Episode 72 - Sacrificing Rama's Life
October. 03,2020

Rani meets the goddess and the goddess confesses that Rama should be sent to the doors of heaven. In order to send Rama to heaven, he should sacrifice his life.

Episode 73 - A Plan To Run Away
October. 05,2020

Rama comes home to see his mother and wife locking the front door of their house. Rama asks them what is happening when they tell him to enter the house via a window. He tells them that it is not called going away it is called running away.

Episode 74 - The Strange Occurrences
October. 06,2020

Tathacharya tells Maharaj that he is aware of how close Maharaj and Tenali are, however, strange occurrences like these have not happened before in Vijaynagar. Tathacharya tells Maharaj that there has to be some reason that Rama is being summoned by Devi Maa. The Maharani tries to convince Maharaj as well. However, will he comply with it?

Episode 75 - Memories Don't Go Away
October. 07,2020

As he sees Rama jump off, Maharaj is unable to forget all the times that he spent with Rama. He remembers the first time Rama came to the court and the first time he embraced Maharaj with so much love. He remembers the beginning of their friendship and he remembers how he jumped off the cliff. Maharaj is sad and can't hold back his memories and tears.

Episode 76 - Rama Scares The Maharani
October. 08,2020

Rama goes to the palace and sees that the Maharani sees him. She offers him food which he says cannot have due to him being a ghost now. The Maharani then realises that Rama had jumped off the cliff and then gets scared.

Episode 77 - The Truth
October. 09,2020

Two people are present in the court and are asking an apology from Maharaj. As the imposters tell Maharaj that they were thrown out of Vijayanagar. They wanted revenge which is why they posed as Devi and sent messages to make sure that Rama was no more. This makes Rama chuckle.

Episode 78 - The Laddoos
October. 10,2020

The Choti Maharani tells everyone that she has made laddoos for everyone. She tells them that it is a prasad and that everyone should have it. Everyone is unwilling to do so when she tells Tathacharya that it is Desi. When he asks if it is Desi Ghee, she tells him that it is Desi Neem. However unpleasant, everyone is forced to eat them.

Episode 79 - A Great Magician
October. 12,2020

As Yengadu comes back to his tent with Tathacharya, Tathacharya tells him that he saved the Maharani's life but Ramam doubted in him. Tathacharya says that it was not a good thing. Yengadu confesses that even he did not like it but didn't react to it. Yengadu then asks Tathacharya if Maharaj and Rama are close.

Episode 80 - A Great Magician Continues
October. 13,2020

All of a sudden, Maharaj tells the courtiers that if anything might happen to him in the future, or if he falls sick, the successor to the throne of Vijaynagar will be Vengadu Swami. At this announcement, everyone is shocked and no one knows what to say next or do next.

Episode 81 - Tathacharya's Joyous Walk
October. 14,2020

Tathacharya walks in the court with joy and royal attitude. He thinks to himself about how his friend Vengdu will have already woven a web of lies about Rama in front of Maharaj. As Tathacharya walks in with the manner he does, Rama asks him about what is such good news that he is walking the way he is. Tathacharya tells him that he should be worrying and thinking about himself rather than Tathacharya's walk.

Episode 82 - Confusing Vengadu
October. 15,2020

Rama disguises himself as a guard and along with another guard, he tells Vengadu that it is already morning. Vengadu asks Rama that why is he only able to hear the crows scream and no other bird. Rama tells that it is the topic for discussion in the court. Vengadu says that he will not fall prey to these tricks. However, Rama remains firm on his statement.

Episode 83 - The New Juice
October. 16,2020

Choti Maharani sees the Badi Maharani sleeping and tries to wake her up. She tells the Badi Maharani that she has gotten a specially made juice of radish and eggplant with black pepper. She tells the Badi Maharani that she made so that it will make her feel better. However, the Badi Maharani politely denies her.

Episode 84 - A Blind Life
October. 17,2020

Rama tells Vengadu that as he is not ready to accept his crime, he will have to live a life without sight. He tells Vengadu that he has very little time left to confess his mistake. When Vengadu tells Rama that he is blaming him for no reason. Rama orders the guard to extinguish the torch. Vengadu tells Rama that he does not want to live a blind life.

Episode 85 - Accepting The Challenge
October. 19,2020

Two guests come and tell Maharaj that if any one in Vijaynagar can complete their challenge, they will be paid 2,000 gold coins. Upon listening to the prize, Tathacharya accepts the challenge without hesitation. As Rama tries to talk to him, Tathacharya tells Rama that he knows what he is doing.

Episode 86 - A Stupid Mistake
November. 09,2020

As Tathacharya is unable to complete his task, Abdullah and his wife tell him that they will seize his house. Dhani and Mani tell Tathacharya that it will be possible only when they can come inside the house. They tell him that they locked the house from outside. However, Abdullah comes in through the window and tells them that the mistake they made was leaving the ladder near the window.

Episode 87 - Queen Loses Her Jewelry
November. 10,2020

The King of Vijayanagar calls for an urgent meeting to state the fact that the Queen has lost her Jewelry. Calls it a great insult and states that the culprit will be punished. Watch the full episode.

Episode 88 - Rama Gets Sentimental
November. 11,2020

King of Vijayanagar and Rama are in deep thinking about what has happened and what needs to be done. Rama thinks about the time he was insulted and gets sentimental.

Episode 89 - Rama Asks Permission To Leave
November. 12,2020

Rama says Raja Krishnadevaraya that he wants to leave Vijayanagar and go back to his hometown. Everyone gets emotional listening to Rama.

Episode 90 - Tenali Rama's Goodbye
November. 13,2020

Raja Krishnadevara names Rama as Tenali Rama and everyone cherishes the name. Tenali Rama gets sentimental and thanks to the king. ---- THE END ----

Seasons 6 : 2020


63 Episode


Seasons 5 : 2019


134 Episode


Seasons 4 : 2019


129 Episode


Seasons 3 : 2018


134 Episode


Seasons 2 : 2018


130 Episode


Seasons 1 : 2017


250 Episode



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