Genesis: Foundation Book of the Bible

January. 08,2014      
Trailer Synopsis

Description by Amazon: A 50 lesson series that covers all 50 chapters of Genesis. From creation to the flood and on to Abraham finishing with Joseph in Egypt. A complete study of the first book in the Bible.

Seasons & Episode

Seasons 1 : 2014


50 Episode


Episode 1 - Book of Origins
January. 08,2014

In this introductory lesson we will examine the 14 different things and events whose origins are found in the book of Genesis.

Episode 2 - Authorship & Division of Genesis
January. 15,2014

This second lesson will examine the various theories about the authorship of Genesis and it's natural and imposed divisions.

Episode 3 - The Foundational Verse of the Bible
January. 29,2014

In this lesson we will demonstrate how the very first verse of the Bible refutes the major philosophies that try to explain man's existence without reference to God.

Episode 4 - Old Earth vs. Young Earth
January. 29,2014

In this lesson we will discuss the major arguments supporting the young Earth (6,000 to 10,000 yrs) vs. the Old Earth (Millions to Billions of years) age of the Earth.

Episode 5 - The Gap Theory in Creationism
February. 05,2014

This lesson will begin a review of various alternative interpretations of the creation portion of the Book of Genesis.

Episode 6 - The Day/Age Theory of Creation
February. 12,2014

In this section we will examine another attempt to harmonize the Evolution theory with the Creation story of the Bible.

Episode 7 - Day #2 and #3
February. 19,2014

the lesson describes the creation of the "heavens" and the peculiar atmosphere that existed in the pre-flood era.

Episode 8 - Day #3 and #4
February. 26,2014

We continue to examine the process of creation and the elements God brings into the day number 3 and 4.

Episode 9 - Day #5
March. 05,2014

This lesson reviews God's creation activity on day number 5. this class also provides a quiz over the material covered so far.

Episode 10 - The Creation of Man
March. 12,2014

This lesson examines the Divine Council and the similarities between the natures of God and Man.

Episode 11 - God's Rest and Man's Creation
March. 19,2014

This lesson continues to describe in greater detail the creation of human beings as well as the nature of the "rest" God takes after His creative activity.

Episode 12 - The Moral Choice
March. 26,2014

This lesson will examine how God created the impulse in man that is his will as well as his sense of need. (Genesis 2:8-20)

Episode 13 - The Creation of Woman
April. 02,2014

In this section the writer of Genesis not only describes the unique creation of woman but also sets forth God's foundational principles for marriage and the family unit. (Genesis 2:21-25)

Episode 14 - The First Appearance of Satan in the Bible
April. 09,2014

This lesson explains the first glimpse of Satan in the physical world and examines information about this spiritual being from various Bible writers. (Genesis 3:1)

Episode 15 - Eve's 5 Mistakes
April. 23,2014

This lesson reviews the mistakes Eve made which led her to committing the first sin in human history. (Genesis 3:1-6)

Episode 16 - The Judgment
April. 30,2014

After Adam and Eve's sin the Bible describes the judgement imposed on Satan, Eve and Adam. (Genesis 3:2-16)

Episode 17 - Paradise Lost
May. 07,2014

In this lesson God describes the consequences of sin on Adam, Eve, and the creation. (Genesis 3:17-24)

Episode 18 - Cain and Abel
May. 14,2014

This lesson explores the series of events leading up to the first murder. (Genesis 4:1-8)

Episode 19 - The Punishment of Cain
May. 21,2014

This passage looks at the result of Cain's sin and the punishment meted out to him by God. (Genesis 4:9-24)

Episode 20 - Seed of Promise
May. 28,2014

In this section of Genesis the author identifies and traces the lineage of those people who will eventually deliver the Seed of Promise to mankind. (Genesis 4:25-5:32)

Episode 21 - The Times of Noah
June. 04,2014

This lesson looks at the condition of the antediluvian world that Noah lived in and examines the information the Bible gives us about this Old Testament Patriarch. (Genesis 6:1-13)

Episode 22 - The Building of the Ark
June. 11,2014

This lesson contains many details concerning the dimensions and building of the Ark as well as its use as a "type" for the church. (Genesis 6:14-22)

Episode 23 - Flood Details
June. 18,2014

In this lesson, we get a "close-up" view of the final preparations for the impending flood and physical details concerning the cause and destructive power of this cataclysmic event. (Genesis 7:1-24)

Episode 24 - Affects of the Great Flood
June. 25,2014

The book of Genesis records the extent of the damage caused by the worldwide flood and the changes that resulted from this cataclysmic event. (Genesis 8:1-9:6)

Episode 25 - The Rainbow Covenant
July. 02,2014

This lesson explains the promises made by God to Noah concerning the survival of his family and Noah's prophecy about the future of each of his sons and their descendants. (Genesis 9:7-29)

Episode 26 - The Table and the Tower
July. 02,2014

Lesson #26 looks at two fascinating source events that explain the origins of all the different nations and languages in the world today. (Genesis 10:1-11:32)

Episode 27 - Abraham: Father of a Nation
July. 09,2014

With the beginning of chapter 12, the book of Genesis focuses once again on one specific individual. This time the writers will detail the life of Abraham who was to become the father of the Jewish nation and how the Seed of Promise was kept alive through him. (Genesis 12:1-20)

Episode 28 - Abraham and Lot
July. 16,2014

This lesson reviews the relationship between Abraham and his nephew Lot as well as the godly wisdom the family leader used to resolve a serious dispute. (Genesis 13:1-18)

Episode 29 - Melchizedek: A 'Type' for Christ
July. 23,2014

This lesson introduces the fascinating figure of Melchizedek, one of the earliest types or previews for Christ in the Bible. (Genesis 14:1-24)

Episode 30 - The Gospel in the Old Testament
July. 30,2014

In this section of Genesis God reveals the core principle of the Gospel to Abraham, salvation by a process of faith. (Genesis 15:1-21)

Episode 31 - Sarai and Hagar's Conflict/Abram and Circumcision
August. 06,2014

This lesson looks a the very source of the Jewish/Arab conflict as well as the distinguishing mark given to Abraham and all his male descendants... circumcision. (Genesis 16:1-17:27)

Episode 32 - Lot's Poor Choices
August. 13,2014

In this lesson, we see the very real consequences of Lot's choices concerning where he chose to live with his family after separating from Abraham. (Genesis 18:1-19:38)

Episode 33 - The Source of Islam
August. 20,2014

In chapters 20 and 21 of Genesis, we read about Abraham's continued walk of faith and a description of the people who were the source for the religion of Islam. (Genesis 20:1-21:34)

Episode 34 - Abraham's Test
August. 27,2014

This lesson leads to the climax of Abraham's journey of faith and describes the events surrounding Sarah's death. (Genesis 22:1-23:20)

Episode 35 - Types in Genesis
September. 10,2014

This lesson reviews some important types or previews that are contained in Genesis and realized centuries later in the New Testament. (Genesis 24:1-67)

Episode 36 - The Life of Esau and Jacob
September. 17,2014

After the death of Abraham, the promise is passed on to one of his sons but not without difficulty and division in his family. (Genesis 25:1-26:35)

Episode 37 - The Battle for the Blessing
September. 24,2014

In this lesson, we will see the outcome of Jacob's deceit in obtaining Esau's blessing and how God's will is completed despite the manipulations of men. (Genesis 27:1-46)

Episode 38 - Jacob's Family
October. 01,2014

In this section of Genesis, we learn how Jacob came to have two wives who would, in addition to their female slaves, bear the 12 sons of Jacob. (Genesis 28:1-30:24)

Episode 39 - Jacob Leaves Laban
October. 08,2014

After 20 years of service, Jacob prepares for his departure from Laban by offering him a potentially lucrative proposal. (Genesis 30:25-31:55)

Episode 40 - Jacob and Esau - Round 2
October. 15,2014

After gathering his wives and children and leaving Laban behind, Jacob faces the dangerous confrontation with his brother Esau who had vowed to kill him because of his deception in the matter of the blessing from Isaac. (Genesis 32:1-33:20)

Episode 41 - On The Run Again
October. 22,2014

After a long period of silence Jacob's story picks up again as his sons cause trouble and we see Jacob in the familiar role of being on the run. (Genesis 34:1-36:43)

Episode 42 - The Beginning of the End
October. 29,2014

This lesson begins the story of Joseph, Jacob's son with Rachel, who will become the bridge for the family's travel to and 400-year settlement in Egypt. (Genesis 37:1-36)

Episode 43 - Judah and Tamar
November. 05,2014

The story of Jacob's family focuses in on one particular son, Judah, through whom the Messiah would eventually come, and examines his unusual relationship with his daughter-in-law Tamar. (Genesis 38:1-30)

Episode 44 - Joseph's Story
November. 12,2014

After explaining Judah's connection to the coming Messiah, the Genesis writers finish their narrative with the telling of Joseph's story. (Genesis 39:1-40:23)

Episode 45 - From Prison to Prince
November. 19,2014

After languishing in prison for several years Joseph is called upon to interpret Pharaoh's dreams and in doing so successfully is transformed from being a prisoner to becoming a prince of Egypt. (Genesis 41:1-57)

Episode 46 - Confrontation
November. 26,2014

Joseph finally confronts his brothers who initially sold him into slavery. (Genesis 42:1-44:34)

Episode 47 - Reunion and Reconciliation
December. 03,2014

After reuniting with his brothers after a separation of 20 years, Joseph lays a plan that will determine if a reconciliation will be possible. (Genesis 45:1-46:27)

Episode 48 - Family Reunion
December. 10,2014

This lesson describes the final episode in Joseph's story where Jacob, Joseph and their families are reunited and settled in Egypt. (Genesis 46:27-48:22)

Episode 49 - Jacob's Prophecies
December. 17,2014

At the end of his life, Jacob gives each of his sons a prophecy concerning their future. This event along with the death of both Jacob and Joseph will close out the Genesis record. (Genesis 49:11-50:26)

Episode 50 - Final Summary
December. 24,2014

In this last lesson Mike will wrap up this long study by sharing three key lessons taught to us by Genesis.

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