
Popular Western Movies

The Secret Code
The Secret Code
A lost silent Western short.
The Secret Code 1
Nice Shootin' Cowboy
Nice Shootin' Cowboy
An Australian contemporary Western film.
Nice Shootin' Cowboy 2008
Courage of Sorts
Courage of Sorts
A ghost story in which the prospective son-in-law agrees to stay in the haunted house. The girl's father plays ghost, but the tables are turned on him in an amusing manner.
Courage of Sorts 1913
Bullet Proof
Bullet Proof
Pierre Winton promises to avenge his father's killing at the hands of McGuirk, the bandit. While hunting for McGuirk, Pierre comes upon Mary Brown who has been badly injured in a rock slide. They fall in love, but while attempting to rescue Mary, Pierre is trapped and rendered unconscious in another rock slide. Saved by Jim Boone's band of outlaws, Pierre joins the gang, and Boone's daughter Jackie falls in love with him, but, Pierre still loves Mary, from whom he has been separated.
Bullet Proof 1920
The Deputy's Love Affair
The Deputy's Love Affair
Bill Simpson, a sturdy young Westerner, is made a deputy and his star is forwarded to him. Simpson is in love with pretty Olive Farnum, a daughter of the plains, and they are practically engaged. Dolores, a Mexican girl, also loves Simpson and plans to break his engagement to Olive. She enlists the aid of Pedro, a Mexican lover
The Deputy's Love Affair 1912
Broncho Billy's Gratitude
Broncho Billy's Gratitude
Dan Hart, a worthless good-for-nothing, takes the wedding ring from his wife's finger to pawn, and spends the money for drink, leaving a note saying he has given up all claim to her as his wife. Mrs. Hart takes her little girl and leaves for the west.
Broncho Billy's Gratitude 1912
At the Break of Dawn
At the Break of Dawn
Young Gilbert Randel, an American surveyor, is sent to Mexico with a construction gang, and quartered in a small Mexican village, meets Pepita, a beautiful Mexican girl, with whom he falls in love. After frequent visit to the cottage of Pepita, Gilbert proposes to the girl and she consents to the marriage.
At the Break of Dawn 1911
The Unknown Claim
The Unknown Claim
Reuben Ellis and his daughter, Belle, are in hard financial straits. Burdened with debts and pressed by persistent creditors, the old man finds but one way to meet his obligations, and that is mortgaging the ranch. Belle tries to console him, but agrees that they must borrow money. Ellis rides into town and applies to a money-lender for a sum sufficient to meet his debts. Walker, the loan agent, agrees to ride out to the ranch and look it over, but after he has viewed the ramshackle buildings and pitiful collection of household furniture he shakes his head and says the place is not worth a cent.
The Unknown Claim 1910
One Hundred Dollars, Dead or Alive
One Hundred Dollars, Dead or Alive
An early Gaumont short.
One Hundred Dollars, Dead or Alive 1912
The Bandit's Child
The Bandit's Child
Tom Fleming, a Western bandit, and his pal, Morgan, hold up the stage. Fleming dispatches Morgan to town to inform him when the stage leaves. Fleming now receives a letter from his wife back east, in which she tells him she and their little girl pray every night that he will always remain an honest, faithful husband and father.
The Bandit's Child 1912
Crooked River
Crooked River
Set in America’s West, the true story of a family’s generational wealth is revealed through the legend of a father and son who rob a prospector.
Crooked River 1
Patricia of the Plains
Patricia of the Plains
Patricia Watkins and her father are proprietors of the Lariat Saloon and dance hall but because of his small size and his tendency to keep in a state of perpetual drunkenness the old man has little to do with the business. Patricia as a barmaid meets all the riffraff of humanity drifting across the plains to the west and the Lariat Saloon is noted far and wide, not so much for the quality of its poisons as for the pretty maid who always offers a smile with the drink.
Patricia of the Plains 1910
Circle C Ranch's Wedding Present
Circle C Ranch's Wedding Present
Circle C Ranch's Wedding Present is a silent Western
Circle C Ranch's Wedding Present 1910
A Western Legacy
A Western Legacy
Walter Johnson, a young college chap in the east, receives word that he has been left a legacy of one million dollars by an eccentric uncle, providing he marries the old fellow's niece who lives in Mustang, Arizona.
A Western Legacy 1912
Tells the life of Brazillian bandit, Luís Garcia. His crimes against state and rage against part of the population and real murders commited by him against priests, that shocked part of the population, making him a wanted man.
Faroeste 2015
The Broken Brake
The Broken Brake
This short action drama is a compilation of at least two films with Helen Gibson.
The Broken Brake 1920
Jim Flanders, a wealthy ranchman, has a beautiful daughter, Alice, who is loved by Tom Ripley, the foreman of the ranch. The match is objected to by Flanders, who desires his daughter to wed a more cultured and refined man.
Judgment 1909
An Indian Girl's Love
An Indian Girl's Love
Silver Bell, the winsome daughter of old Gray Wolf, is sought by Fleetfoot, a likely young man of the tribe and a good huntsman. Gray Wolf sees no reason why his obstinate daughter should not become the squaw of Fleetfoot and despite her pleadings to be permitted to stay in her father's tepee she is sold to Fleetfoot for the consideration of Tu-tu, the horse, and a red blanket.
An Indian Girl's Love 1910
The Bandit Makes Good
The Bandit Makes Good
A sheriff apprehends a bank robber and recovers the money. On the way back to town, the sheriff loses the recovered money in a crooked card game. The bank robber helps him recover it.
The Bandit Makes Good 1908
Broncho Billy's Scheme
Broncho Billy's Scheme
Colonel Emmett's daughter is captured by an outlaw who blindfolds her just before taking her to his hut, so, in case she escaped, she would be unable to lead anybody to his rendezvous. She is told by one of his accomplices that he intends forcing her into marriage, so she feigns illness. While the outlaw goes for a doctor, she writes a note saying that she is not ill, and is being held for ransom. The outlaw arrives with Broncho Billy, the doctor, whom he has also blindfolded. The girl slips him the note and he pretends to be attending her. Before being blindfolded again for the return journey he fills his pocket with white pills, which he drops at intervals, marking the trail.
Broncho Billy's Scheme 1914
Valley of the Righteous
Valley of the Righteous
In the 19th century Minas Gerais hinterland, an outsider discovers a mysterious bar.
Valley of the Righteous 2021
Overwatch: Ashe Origin Story
Overwatch: Ashe Origin Story
Saddle up with the desperado who turned a band of renegades into the perfect family: Ashe.
Overwatch: Ashe Origin Story 2018
The Escape of Jim Dolan
The Escape of Jim Dolan
Jim Dolan is a prospector who incurs the hatred of Ed Jones, foreman of the Brown Ranch, because of his attentions to Grace Wellington, daughter of a nearby rancher.
The Escape of Jim Dolan 1913
The Western Way
The Western Way
The highwayman, watching through the window of the ramshackle express office, sees the messenger pass a large sum of money under the charge of the agent. A few minute later the messenger, an old man, is held up and robbed by the highwayman. His pursuing shots attract the attention of the sheriff and he starts in pursuit. The highwayman is wounded and drags himself to the barn of a rancher. The rancher saves him from his pursuers and earns his gratitude. A few days later the rancher learns that the police are on his trail for a crime he had committed years before.
The Western Way 1915
The Bandit's Wife
The Bandit's Wife
Jim Sweeney, alias Tom Nolan, and his confederate Ralph Harding are much wanted by the sheriffs of several Arizona counties and particularly by the one in which the two are carrying on their latest depredations.
The Bandit's Wife 1910
The Sheepman's Escape
The Sheepman's Escape
Tom Harper, a young sheepman, lately arrived in the country with his mother, is warned by an unsigned note that "this is a cattleman's country, and not good for a sheepman's health." Tom goes to the sheriff, armed with the note, and a revolver, and tells this officer that he is not looking for trouble, but they had better let him alone.
The Sheepman's Escape 1912
Snakeville's Reform Wave
Snakeville's Reform Wave
Slippery Slim and his wife, Sophie, drive to town. While Sophie does her shopping Slim sneaks over to the saloon to get a few drinks. Here he meets Mustang, so the two drink together. Slim has promised his wife that he will not take a drink as long as he wears a certain ring on his finger, so takes off the ring before each drink.
Snakeville's Reform Wave 1914
The Foreman's Cousin
The Foreman's Cousin
Bob Knight, foreman of the Five-Bar Ranch receives a letter one morning from his eastern cousin, Bob Lawlor, saying he will arrive next day for his vacation. Knight loves pretty Sue Jordan, a gay little coquette, and they are engaged. Next morning Lawlor arrives and Knight introduces him to Sue. She immediately is struck with his eastern clothes and manners
The Foreman's Cousin 1912
Broncho Billy's Squareness
Broncho Billy's Squareness
Earl Briggs, a ranchman, and Carl Underwood, a sheriff, are in love with Grace Woodward. Earl is the favored suitor and in time Grace becomes engaged to hire. Sometime later the stage is held up by Broncho Billy, a notorious outlaw. A fierce battle ensues in the woods between the posse and the bandit, in which Broncho Billy is wounded
Broncho Billy's Squareness 1913
The Deputy and the Girl
The Deputy and the Girl
Jim Black has a daughter, Edna, who is engaged to marry Frank Shaw. One evening Jim and Frank leave the cabin together and later lay in wait for the stage-coach, soon due. After the robbery they separate in order to throw the posse off the trail. Jim is finally trailed down by the sheriff and posse and surrenders, while a deputy is sent to Jim's house, where it is suspected Shaw has retreated. The deputy is met at the door by Edna, who gives the deputy her word of honor that Shaw is not in the house.
The Deputy and the Girl 1912
The Girl and the Fugitive
The Girl and the Fugitive
Minnie Harding, a Western maiden, is preparing for a hard washing day. Sam, the negro helper, is assisting her with the wash, carrying water and filling the tub. While he is making his third trip to the well, a cowboy rides up to the cottage and asks Minnie for a drink. She goes to get it and the cowboy, taking advantage of her hospitality, makes love to her. Minnie repulses him and the cowboy becomes insulting. When Sam returns he finds Minnie struggling in the arms of the cowboy, but being a coward himself, he runs out to the road to see if other help cannot be secured. Ross White, another cowboy, is cantering by when Sam sees him and tells him that Minnie has been insulted by a strange cowboy.
The Girl and the Fugitive 1910
The Little Doctor of the Foothills
The Little Doctor of the Foothills
A humorous picture, depicting the experience of a pretty little woman doctor who goes to Arizona to practice her profession and whose presence so works upon the cowboys that they all require her aid almost instantly.
The Little Doctor of the Foothills 1910
Snakeville's New Doctor
Snakeville's New Doctor
In these days of women's equal rights, it is not strange to find the fair sex taking the places of men in every occupation. Women physicians are not unusual, but a really beautiful one is, and would have her hands full taking care of every lovesick swain, who would develop every known disease to have the pleasure of letting her feel his pulse or hold his head.
Snakeville's New Doctor 1914
A Child of the Purple Sage
A Child of the Purple Sage
Bart Darrow, a young cowboy, is engaged to pretty Betty King and has put the engagement ring on her finger. Betty promises to always be true and Bart departs joyfully. In the town saloon he sets up the drinks in honor of the occasion.
A Child of the Purple Sage 1912
The Cowpuncher's Ward
The Cowpuncher's Ward
'Red' Bowman is a worthless renegade, an alleged rustler, to whom fate has been unduly kind to allow him to escape so long the honest judgment and double earned punishment. His daughter, a curly-headed ragged little sunbeam, keeps house for him as best she can, accepting with model fortitude her brutal father's blows and lashings. When he beats her too mercilessly she runs away, if she can, to hide until his anger cools. One day he is interrupted in his amusement of "lickin' the kid" by a group of stern, determined cowboys, who threaten to lynch him if he dares whip the little girl again. 'Red' slinks away and postpones the lashing for another time. That night, he and a pal, another black-hearted scoundrel, make a raid on a bunch of cattle, but are caught in the act.
The Cowpuncher's Ward 1910
The Girl on Triple X
The Girl on Triple X
Jack Hartley, the foreman of the Triple X Ranch, is engaged to Nellie Monroe, the ranch owner's daughter. A quarrel starts between Jack and "Red" Williams, a cow-puncher, when the latter first makes advances to Nellie, and second, when Williams abuses a faithful Indian ranch hand. On this latter occasion Jack is unable to restrain his temper.
The Girl on Triple X 1910
The Backwoodsman's Suspicion
The Backwoodsman's Suspicion
Wilton Shaw, a young author, has been advised by his physician to go west for his health and the opening scenes of this picture finds him in a little town in Montana, seeking board and lodging. Jim Walker, a backwoodsman, offers him a home with him and his wife, and he accepts. Arriving at the rough hut of the Walkers, Shaw is introduced to Walker's wife.
The Backwoodsman's Suspicion 1911
The Ranch Girl's Legacy
The Ranch Girl's Legacy
Jack Tyler, a handsome young Boston youth, receives a letter from his attorneys, Post & Post, that his uncle, a Western ranchman, has died and that he is one of the heirs of the $1,000,000, left by his uncle. This part of it is very good but the condition prescribed in the will is not so agreeable, because the whimsical old uncle has stipulated that he is to receive his portion of the inheritance, providing he marry his uncle's niece.
The Ranch Girl's Legacy 1910
The Bearded Bandit
The Bearded Bandit
A stirring Western drama presenting as its principal character a man who is at once ranchman and bandit
The Bearded Bandit 1910
The Outlaw's Awakening
The Outlaw's Awakening
The Outlaw, preparing to rob the stage, receives a letter from his wife, telling him to lead a good life for the sake of her and his baby, and informing him that he may expect them any time. Filled by remorse, he refuses to accompany his companions on their hold-up. As he rides away, he sees a sign offering clemency to the unknown robber if he will give up his gun. He seeks out the sheriff, surrenders the gun and goes on his way. But the stage is held up and the pursuing posse arrests him. Rendered desperate, he makes his escape and prepares to resume his criminal career. But the posse captures the real bandit.
The Outlaw's Awakening 1915