
Popular Western Movies

Broncho Billy's Reason
Broncho Billy's Reason
The infant love of a son for his mother, prompted Broncho Billy to secure money by fair means or foul to save her home. In the first place he sold his gun for almost nothing and gambled the receipts which he lost. That night, when all was still, Broncho Billy stole twelve horses
Broncho Billy's Reason 1913
The Sunset Trail
The Sunset Trail
Jim and Buddy decide to follow their pal Tater-bug who left them for another job. No sooner do they arrive than Tater-bug gets shot in the back. Jim suspects Joe Weller but has no proof.
The Sunset Trail 1932
Pistols for Breakfast
Pistols for Breakfast
A 1919 Comedy short.
Pistols for Breakfast 1919
My Lady Robin Hood
My Lady Robin Hood
A lady bandit steals from gamblers and gives to a poor family with a crippled daughter.
My Lady Robin Hood 1919
Valley of Hunted Men
Valley of Hunted Men
Fugitive Nazis threaten to take over the Wyoming range in this Three Mesqueteers outing, which also warns about the danger of blithely assuming that every German-American is a fifth columnist. Which is exactly what rancher Clem Parker (Hal Price) does when learning that a couple of escaped Axis war criminals may be heading towards the local valley.
Valley of Hunted Men 1942
Love Cum Nothing
Love Cum Nothing
"It's not even a meatball!" Conducted in the regular Fiction course at Cinema Nosso in 2011. Teacher: Victor van Ralse.
Love Cum Nothing 2011
Broncho Billy's Judgment
Broncho Billy's Judgment
Broncho Billy and his pal are in love with the same girl. They argue one night as to which one she really loves. Broncho suggests that they go to her home and settle the matter. They arrive just in time to see the girl marrying a gambler who is known to be a low-down good-for-nothing by both Broncho and his pal.
Broncho Billy's Judgment 1914
The Ranch Girl's Mistake
The Ranch Girl's Mistake
Pretty Nan Morgan is admired by all the boys in Lariat and likes them, every one, but her heart belongs to Broncho Billy, who proudly announces to the boys one day that he wants to introduce them "to the future Mrs. Broncho." Matters glide along smoothly until about the time Broncho is thinking of putting the ring on Nan's finger.
The Ranch Girl's Mistake 1912
The Spanish Girl
The Spanish Girl
The story concerns Lola Gonzales, a Spanish dancing girl, who falls in love with "Bud" Wilson, foreman of the Circle A ranch.
The Spanish Girl 1909
ZombieWestern: It Came from the West
ZombieWestern: It Came from the West
Virgil lives alone with his bully father and a mute bartender and he is being mocked by the two tough cowboys Eddie and Hank. Because of The Dark Butcher who has been terrorizing the local Indian tribe, the Indians see no other way, than bringing the dead to live by performing The Forbidden Rituals. When the Zombies suddenly attack the saloon, action begins and true characters are brought to daylight. And who is The Dark Butcher?
ZombieWestern: It Came from the West 2007
The Two Fugitives
The Two Fugitives
After successfully eluding the London police, David Goodwin, an embezzler, sails for America and locates in the west. At the opening of our story, he is married and has several little children, and has become a thoroughly respectable and honorable citizen. One day he is reminded of the past by a newspaper item which states that the London embezzler has been located
The Two Fugitives 1911
Broncho Billy and the Rustler's Child
Broncho Billy and the Rustler's Child
David Morgan, a cowpuncher, is informed by Doctor Harding that the former's wife is in a serious condition and must be taken from the high altitude. An Indian horse thief shows David a way to make some money easy. That night, the Indian and the cowpuncher steal two horses. The Indian is captured by Broncho Billy, the sheriff, and squeals on Morgan. Dorothy, the cowpuncher's child, informs her father that a posse is coming up the road. Morgan instructs his child to say nothing to the men concerning his whereabouts. The cowpuncher crawls into the loft and pulls the ladder up after him. Broncho Billy enters, sees Morgan's wife is in a critical condition and asks the child where her father is. She tells him she does not know. The sheriff, hearing a sound above him, is about to fire his revolver into the loft, when the girl confesses that her father is above.
Broncho Billy and the Rustler's Child 1913
The Girl and the Sheriff
The Girl and the Sheriff
A mountaineer, who has been shot by a pursuing sheriff, is concealed by a mountain girl in her cabin. When the sheriff arrives, she gives him whiskey, while secretly removing the bullets from his gun.
The Girl and the Sheriff 1911
Matazón, Whisky y un poco de Venganza
Matazón, Whisky y un poco de Venganza
Matazón, Whisky y un poco de Venganza 2025
The Reward for Broncho Billy
The Reward for Broncho Billy
After holding up a stage-coach, Broncho Billy disappears into the woods on horseback. The driver of the coach unhitches one of the horses and rides to the nearest town, notifies the sheriff, who goes in pursuit with the posse.
The Reward for Broncho Billy 1912
On the Cactus Trail
On the Cactus Trail
Dan Clayton, a young easterner, is engaged to pretty Vedah Powers. Desirous of making his fortune Clayton goes west and becomes a prospector. After six months he has almost forgotten Vedah, and his letters are far and few between. Patiently Vedah waits each day for the postman, and her heart is almost breaking when no word comes from Dan. Meanwhile, Dan gets into bad company, takes to drinking, meets a Mexican girl, and marries her. His money gives out and he writes Vedah that he has met with an accident while prospecting and asks her to send him some money. Unable to stand the torturing suspense longer, Vedah boards the next train, and starts west to find Dan.
On the Cactus Trail 1912
An Indian Sunbeam
An Indian Sunbeam
The accidental overturning of their "prairie schooner" kills a settler and his wife and leaves their little baby girl, Sunbeam, alone in the world. Discovered by Big Wolf, an Indian brave from a nearby tribe, Sunbeam is adopted and brought up as one of their number.
An Indian Sunbeam 1912
Broncho Billy and the Indian Maid
Broncho Billy and the Indian Maid
Bart McGrew, a rascally schemer, endeavors to secure an old Indian chief's signature to a deed that will give him thousands of acres of valuable land owned by the tribe. Laughing Fawn, the chief's beautiful daughter, suspects Bart of treachery and takes her father away before he signs.
Broncho Billy and the Indian Maid 1912
Western Girls
Western Girls
Netty Parker and her sister, Mildred, two brave western girls, are instrumental in capturing two notorious outlaws in the cleverest of ways. Returning from town early one evening, they discover two bandits who have held up the afternoon stage, laughing over the division of the loot.
Western Girls 1912
A Vein of Gold
A Vein of Gold
Convict No. 999, lonely in his prison cell, is handed a letter one morning from his mother. The letter states that the enfeebled old lady is ill and without food or money. The convict's heart saddens as he recalls his life of crime and that he is responsible for the poor old mother's want. He prays for the opportunity to redeem himself.
A Vein of Gold 1910
The Desperado
The Desperado
"Black Bart," a western bad man, is much wanted by the county sheriff and a proclamation to this effect, offering a reward of $5,000 for the bad man's capture, has been posted.
The Desperado 1910
The Trail of the Hound
The Trail of the Hound
The Trail of the Hound is a 1920 silent Western.
The Trail of the Hound 1920
Carmenita the Faithful
Carmenita the Faithful
Carmenita is the daughter of a Mexican innkeeper and is loved by all. One day two young Mexican ruffians enter and make vulgar love to her, much to her dislike, when Frank Dougherty, a young cowpuncher enters, and protects her.
Carmenita the Faithful 1911
The Doctor's Duty
The Doctor's Duty
Dr. Roland White falls in love with Marguerite, the daughter of the postmaster in a small western town. He asks her to marry him, but she refuses, as she is already engaged to Fred Church, the express messenger. Some time later, after the proposal, the doctor receives an invitation to the wedding of Church and Marguerite, which shatters what little hope he had of ever winning the girl. A few days before the marriage is to take place. Church is held up and shot by bandits, and taken, in a serious condition, to Dr. White's home.
The Doctor's Duty 1913
Broncho Billy and the Maid
Broncho Billy and the Maid
Jim Clay, a rough western ranchman, kisses his daughter goodbye, and departs for the town saloon. Entering, he sees four of his comrades finishing a game of cards. Broncho Billy, one of them, wins all the money. Clay exits and seats himself on a barrel in front of the place. Broncho, with his winnings, departs from the saloon, meets Clay and together they proceed to the ranchman's home.
Broncho Billy and the Maid 1913
Sartana - Töten war sein täglich Brot
Sartana - Töten war sein täglich Brot
Sartana - Töten war sein täglich Brot 1970
Slippery Slim -- Diplomat
Slippery Slim -- Diplomat
Slippery Slim uses his position as postmaster in order to hold back all the invitations to Sophie's birthday party, except, of course, his own and that of the parson.
Slippery Slim -- Diplomat 1914
Slippery Slim Gets Cured
Slippery Slim Gets Cured
Sophie tries curing Slim's drinking problem by forcing him to drink ammonia, but it doesn't work.
Slippery Slim Gets Cured 1914
The Redeemed Claim
The Redeemed Claim
George Ingraham is refused a loan by all the money lenders in town, until one of them accidentally discovering that a vein of gold runs through Ingraham's land, offers to lend him the money on the property, with the understanding that he is to take possession if the money is not paid back by 12 o'clock noon on September 30th.
The Redeemed Claim 1913
Kitty and the Cowboys
Kitty and the Cowboys
Fatty comes up with a plan to prank his cowboy buddies. He announces that his sister Kitty is coming to visit, but it's not at all what his friends expected.
Kitty and the Cowboys 1911
Broncho Billy's Dad
Broncho Billy's Dad
When Broncho Billy leaves home to take the office of sheriff, his dad's parting words are, "My boy, no matter what happens, do your duty."
Broncho Billy's Dad 1914
The Rustler's Step-Daughter
The Rustler's Step-Daughter
The sheriff of Mendocino County receives a letter from Bill Kato, proprietor of a ranch, stating that he is tired of losing his cattle and that if he can't find time to do something in the matter, he will have to see the higher authorities. The sheriff at once starts out on the trail of the rustlers.
The Rustler's Step-Daughter 1913
The Outlaw Samaritan
The Outlaw Samaritan
Unable to apprehend a certain daring outlaw, who had for the second time successfully held up an express train, the general manager of the road employs the services of a well-known detective to hunt down the bad man. Clarington, the detective, visits the scene of the hold-up, and decides that the outlaw must still be in the vicinity
The Outlaw Samaritan 1911
The Sheriff and His Man
The Sheriff and His Man
The Arizona Kid, a notorious outlaw, makes his escape from jail by sawing the bars from the cell window. Next morning this is discovered and reward notices are scattered broadcast offering $1,000 reward for his apprehension and giving his picture for identification.
The Sheriff and His Man 1912
The Man With The Punch
The Man With The Punch
The inaptly named Peace City is held in a grip of fear by the corrupt Sheriff Sellers. The benevolent, black-hatted 'Stranger,' who unexpectedly arrives in town, is in actuality an undercover Texas Ranger determined to restore law and order.
The Man With The Punch 1920
Broncho Billy's Indian Romance
Broncho Billy's Indian Romance
Broncho Billy is jilted by the girl he loves and goes up into the mountains with his friend to prospect for gold. His friend is very ill and asks for her constantly. In the meantime, Broncho has saved an Indian maiden from being sold to a chief whom she dislikes. She is very grateful and later falls in love with her rescuer. One day, as she is about to give him a Navajo blanket, his sweetheart appears, and the maiden realizes her love tor Broncho is hopeless. She is about to stab herself when spied by the disliked chief, who prevents her from doing so.
Broncho Billy's Indian Romance 1914
Andy of the Royal Mounted
Andy of the Royal Mounted
Andy of the Royal Mounted and another trooper are both in love with a little school teacher, who shows the light of knowledge to the children of the settlers in a tiny Canadian hamlet. The school teacher favors Andy's suit and the other trooper is correspondingly despondent. He loses gracefully because Andy is his best friend, but his trouble preys on him. He goes into a saloon, gets drunk and is caught by his colonel and discharged from the service. Later, he shoots a gambler in a brawl and while making his getaway, rescues the school teacher from death when her horse runs away.
Andy of the Royal Mounted 1915
Broncho Billy's Cowardly Brother
Broncho Billy's Cowardly Brother
Broncho Billy and his brother are both in love with the same girl, but she decides to marry Broncho's brother. One Sunday morning an outlaw creates a panic in the church by "shooting up" the place. The sheriff, who is the girl's father, is shot when he attempts to arrest the outlaw. Broncho's brother is offered the sheriff's star, but is afraid to take it.
Broncho Billy's Cowardly Brother 1915
The Stage Driver's Daughter
The Stage Driver's Daughter
Old Jim Lacey and his daughter operate a stagecoach in the west. One day, Alice, the girl, meets Tom Percival, a prospector, green from the east, and they fall in love. A few weeks later Tom writes Alice that he has struck it rich and for her to accompany her father on the stagecoach that day and she can ride with him to the claim office.
The Stage Driver's Daughter 1911
Broncho Billy Gets Square
Broncho Billy Gets Square
A reward is offered for the capture of Broncho Billy and David Kirkland and freedom is promised to either one who will turn state's evidence.
Broncho Billy Gets Square 1913