
Popular Romance Movies

In Good Company
In Good Company
IN GOOD COMPANY is a movie which takes the viewer on a journey with Josh Ritter. It features performances over two nights at Vicar Street, Dublin, Ireland as well as plenty of intimate interview footage with Josh and plenty of colour and context around Dublin. There are moments of mass sing along (Kathleen, Jiggs, etc), stark roots emotion (Idaho, Best For The Best, Bone Of Song) and also the beautiful visual stage setting (projections and wildlife adorn the stage) and there's the amazing snow and lighting during Snow Is Gone which were created especially for the night. A rare, beautiful movie of Josh Ritter and his band in all their glory. This is Josh's gift back to his fans.
In Good Company 2008
Dime que yo
Dime que yo
HE and SHE meet exactly at the same time they break up with their own couples... Is it possible for two strangers to begin a conversation full of recriminations, arguing until they get hoarse, and passionately reconcile as if they were a couple in the end?
Dime que yo 2008
The Roommate
The Roommate
Young school teacher Rita comes to Moscow form her countryside town and rents an apartment under very strange conditions.
The Roommate 2008
Sat Sri Akal
Sat Sri Akal
"The movie is a humble tribute commemorating 300 years of Gurta Gaddi Diwas (Coronation) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib," Sahni stated and added that the movie revolves around traditional values, love, sentiments, and colossal faith towards the almighty God. "The film tends to enlighten one on how Guru Granth Sahib is practical Guru in this modern world," he claimed and mentioned that for the first time, the "true to life" ambience of pilgrimage places like Sri Harmandar Saheb (Amritsar), Sri Hazur Saheb (Nanded) and Sri Bangla Sahib (Delhi) would be shown on 35 mm format
Sat Sri Akal 2008
Two 35 year old men going backwards in life meet a vibrant 23 year woman, bounding unselfconsciously forward.
Mona 2008
Nerd Boy
Prime Video
Nerd Boy
DeDe is an emotional wreck after her boyfriend, Stix gives her the boot. Once the word gets out that DeDe is single, all available men, including the neighborhood nerd line up for a chance to date her.
Nerd Boy 2008
In a world where nothing is perfect, isn't it a nice thought that a single day can be. Waking one Sunday morning, two young lovers make a pact not to get out of bed all matter what. When nature calls...figure it out. When hunger strikes...make a plan. When boredom This experimental love story attempts to create honest moments between two people and tickle your funny bone along the way. Life may suck tomorrow, but today is Sunday!
Sunday 2008
My Girl's Photo
My Girl's Photo
A romantic story about a photographer Ivan from a small town, a girl Masha from Moscow and a magic camera...
My Girl's Photo 2008
Vzroslye Lyudi
Vzroslye Lyudi
После развода с Антоном Ирина уезжает с сыном к сестре в Париж. Там она выходит замуж за француза и принимает решение остаться. Антон срочно вылетает во Францию, чтобы втайне от матери вывезти ребёнка.
Vzroslye Lyudi 2008
Animal Husbandry
Animal Husbandry
Tom Collier (Christian Pedersan) shocks his moneyed father Rufus (James Laster), lawyer Owen Arthur (Konya Hood), and nosy neighbor Grace Macomber (Anne Bailis) by suddenly announcing his engagement to poor but eminently respectable socialite Cecelia Henry (Kristina Valada-Viars). A fragmented whirligig of romantic intrigue, Animal Husbandry is a word-for-word production of a 1931 play, performed in modern dress.
Animal Husbandry 2008
Out of Coverage
Out of Coverage
A Syrian film, released in 2008
Out of Coverage 2008
A small market named Ranighat is situated at river bank. A madwoman Sokhina lives under a tree in the market. Everyday many people visits the market and some of them had physical relation with her and she becomes pregnant. Moira Masi looks after her. Sokhina gives birth a girl and died after few years. Till then Moira Masi rears up the girl. The girl got no name and everyone calls her Falani. Falani grows up and gets closer to Kashu. Everyone in the market wants them get married. But Kashu's father disagrees at this and confess his sin to Falani that brings her same consequence like her mother.
Chandragrohon 2008
A Short Love Story in Stop Motion
A Short Love Story in Stop Motion
Short film by director Carlos Lascano.
A Short Love Story in Stop Motion 2008
Muzhchina Dlya Zhizni
Muzhchina Dlya Zhizni
Жизнь Юлии – патологической неудачницы и старой девы, протекает тихо и размеренно. Но только до тех пор, пока в нее не вмешивается Женька, тринадцатилетняя Юлина племянница. Решив устроить тетино будущее, та размещает в газете брачное объявление: "нужен мужчина для жизни..." Единственным возможным, с точки зрения Женьки, кандидатом на счастье с "синим чулком" оказывается жесткий и грубоватый Глеб. Правда, "настоящий мужик", вовсе не собирается под венец. Да и Юлин номер набрал по ошибке. В довершении ко всему, умудрился впутать и тетю, и племянницу в опасную игру, главный приз в которой – чужой контейнер с настоящими брильянтами...
Muzhchina Dlya Zhizni 2008
Apa Kata Hati
Apa Kata Hati
Elly is a young fashion designer who works at Boutique Karya Anggun. She is a very cheerful person who is a positive thinker and believes that to every sadness, happiness will soon come along. That's her motto in love. On one fine day she is being given a gift dreamt by most women, the ability to hear what men thinks. She sees this as a curse when she hears more negative things rather than positive things. With her new found gift she also gets confused in choosing her soul mate. With all these mixed emotions
Apa Kata Hati 2008
Leshiy 2
Leshiy 2
Счастливому семейству Никитиных, ожидающих первенца, объявлена настоящая война… Ни Света, ни Алексей не в состоянии оборвать череду необъяснимых происшествий — взрыв самолета, похищение сестры Алексея, отравление лошадей. Под подозрение милиции падает каждый, кто когда-либо бывал в усадьбе или работал у его радушной хозяйки. Ничего не проясняет и письмо, подброшенное Алексею — похититель не требует выкуп за Катю. На ее поиски сначала отравляется Никитин старший, днем позже Света и Карпыч… Все трое пропадают в лесу…
Leshiy 2 2008
Glupaya Zvezda
Glupaya Zvezda
Эля Найденова — круглая сирота. Она выросла в детдоме. Но теперь ей семнадцать — пришло время покидать стены приюта и начинать жить самостоятельно. Директор учреждения советует Эле непременно поступать в педагогический институт, потому что прекрасно знает о незаурядных способностях своей воспитанницы. Но девушка мечтает о карьере певицы. У нее прекрасный голос, и не воспользоваться этим талантом было бы преступлением. Однажды Найденова случайно узнает, что на телевидении совсем скоро будет проходить конкурс вокалистов «Звездные войны», победитель которого получит шанс стать звездой эстрады. На отборочный тур могут прийти все желающие. Наивная и совсем не знающая жизни Эля отправляется покорять столицу. Девушка верит в свои силы и в то, что в шоу-бизнесе все по-честному.
Glupaya Zvezda 2008
Duelos de Pasarelas
Duelos de Pasarelas
Duelos de Pasarelas 2008
Eight twenty-somethings gather together to celebrate the birthday of a mutual friend. Before the evening concludes, relationships are tested, hearts are broken and passions are renewed.
Bookends 2008
There She Is!!
There She Is!!
Doki, a female rabbit, falls in love with, and chases Nabi, a male cat, in a world where love between rabbit and cat is socially unacceptable.
There She Is!! 2008
The Ex
The Ex
Two car thieves get into an argument as the alarm goes off. For several minutes they continue to argue when they should be making tracks.
The Ex 2008
The Yellow
The Yellow
The stopped time of the entrerriana siesta. The songs of a woman like suspension bridges. A lost foreigner with desire to be. A day, an encounter. Almost like a documentary, the film introduces to us in this place; a news article to the Earth, the landscape; where a small one, but deep fiction history is shown with simplicity, the intensity and the love of the rural atmosphere that contains it.
The Yellow 2008
In 1898, a band of Spanish soldiers heroically defended Baler against Filipino forces for 337 long and grueling days. The battle, now referred to as the Siege of Baler, is the setting of a forbidden love between a Mestizo soldier and a Filipina lass who lived at the end of the 19th century.
Baler 2008
Кассирша супермаркета Галина находит утешение от семейных неурядиц в любви к студенту и помогает ему выбраться из-под материнского гнета. Студент счастлив, но чтобы решить свои материальные проблемы, он выносит из магазина, когда Галина работает за кассой продукты. Разумеется, они попадаются…
Kipyatok 2008
The Last Enemy
The Last Enemy
Researcher Dr. Stephen Ezard returns home to the UK after the reported death of his brother, Michael Ezard, only to find that his widow, Yasim Anwar, is harboring a wanted yet deathly ill illegal immigrant. Yasim, on the rebound from her husband's death, becomes very intimate with Stephen. But after the death of Yasim's immigrant friend, she disappears with the body, leaving more questions than answers. Stephen is then hired as a consultant and promoter of a new computer system, T.I.A. (Total Information Awareness). Using his expert computer skills, he secretly tracks down Yasim, unaware that he is a pawn in a government conspiracy.
The Last Enemy 2008