
Popular Drama Movies

Minutemen 2008
Devochka Moya
Devochka Moya
Однажды, после тяжелого концерта в ночном клубе звезда джаз-кабаре Астров, просыпаясь в гостиничном номере, обнаруживает в своей постели малолетнюю фанатку. Девочка утверждает, что Астров ее изнасиловал и угрожает выброситься с балкона. Бдительной горничной тут же вызвана милиция, разгорается ужасный скандал… Желтая пресса плотоядно потирает ручки, предвкушая как джаз-музыканта вот-вот упекут за решетку за развращение несовершеннолетней сиротки, мать которой умерла при родах… Но честь Астрова и невинность девочки удается доказать. Астрова отпускают из-под стражи, однако адвокат советует своему подопечному разыграть для вездесущих журналистов смерть от «сердечного приступа», на время уехать в провинцию и «залечь на дно», пока не забудется эта «сомнительная история». Расстроенный Астров направляется на вынужденный отдых «на историческую родину» - в городок своего детства, где не был со дня окончания школы. Здесь его ждёт встреча с первой любовью и новые «приключения»…
Devochka Moya 2008
Lacuna Coil: Loud Park 2007
Lacuna Coil: Loud Park 2007
To the Edge Swamped Closer Within Me Daylight Dancer Our Truth
Lacuna Coil: Loud Park 2007 2008
The Problem with Pets
The Problem with Pets
Seven-year old Monica blames her mum's new boyfriend for the untimely deaths of her pets and sets out on a path of revenge.
The Problem with Pets 2008
Drama that follows a couple who have returned home, to get the man's father's blessing for their marriage.
Homecoming 2008
Donne Assassine: Patrizia
Donne Assassine: Patrizia
Patrizia's apparently peaceful life is marked by the greatest horror: incest. Her constant requests for help from her mother and the outside world will go unheard, causing the family to implode into a black hole.
Donne Assassine: Patrizia 2008
Sarajevo Spring
Sarajevo Spring
In Sarajevo, drinking coffee means much more than just waking up… How hard can sometimes be to relax and just enjoy the prospect around you? This is a story of the spirit of Sarajevo and its simplicity of life. All you need is a cup of coffee and good company…
Sarajevo Spring 2008
Floating World
Floating World
After returning to her childhood home, Sofia faces the challenge of living day after day, immersed in a vicious circle where the world seems to stop and where the most important thing is to live hedonistically. However, Sofia will sooner or later have to face the real reason that keeps her trapped in her own life, escaping the conflict that she does not want to face.
Floating World 2008
Koverboyz Fantasies
Koverboyz Fantasies
They are the male bodies and faces that covered several boy magazines in the past and they have been objects of gay men’s fantasies. From models, pageant titlists to the ordinary male, Koverboyz brings you to sensual realms as we feature the models in situations where they try to satisfy themselves in order to satisfy you. The scenes are funny and campy in order to remind us that these are just fantasies and are not real. Still, the boys are hot!
Koverboyz Fantasies 2008
Bigger Plans
Bigger Plans
Moma is a young man who dreams of being an architect to build a better life for himself and his family.
Bigger Plans 2008
Six-year-old Andong is obsessed, and nothing, not even his mother’s disapproval and constant nagging can help curve his, somewhat, persistent infatuation. So it didn’t come out as a surprise to anyone, when, one fateful day, the precocious little boy went into a mad frenzy over the prospect of, finally, landing the, much-coveted, love-of-his-life. or a poor boy who only yearned for one thing - and nothing more, in his life, this break was, without a doubt, the answer to all of his prayers. Now, if only he can convince his mother to give him twenty pesos. It was harder than he thought.
Andong 2008
Peligrosa tentación
Peligrosa tentación
The young detective Yahaira has been assigned to work as a secret agent in a brothel to investigate a homicide case. The people who inhabited the house begin to affect her work. Faced with her reality, Yahaira will have to decide how much temptation is too much to resist.
Peligrosa tentación 2008
Road to Roubaix
Road to Roubaix
Road To Roubaix is a documentary on the most prestigious one-day cycling race in the world, Paris-Roubaix. First held in 1896 and now in its 105th edition, the race is a grueling contest over 160 miles of narrow, cobbled farm roads in the Picardie and Norde-Pas-de-Calais regions of France with a finish in the historic Roubaix velodrome. Road to Roubaix is a visual narrative of an old-school, bare-knuckle clash of the finest athletes in the world with each other and one of the world's most unforgiving sporting environments. The filmmakers tell the story of the riders, the fans, the mechanics, and the unpredictable landscape that is the setting for the Paris-Roubaix.
Road to Roubaix 2008
White Girl
White Girl
Debbie, a working class single mother from Leeds, moves her family to Bradford, where they find themselves in an ethnic minority. Daughter Leah must adapt to being the only white girl at school.
White Girl 2008
A successful businessman accidentally learns about his wife's betrayal with his best friend. Overnight, he loses both his friend and wife. In a fit of despair leaves for the city of his first love. Once in a random prostitute, he recognizes his daughter, who was born without him in a distant city. But it is not so easy to find happiness. And is it a daughter?
Daughter 2008
Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №7. Viva, Anna! II
Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №7. Viva, Anna! II
Europe and Russia are shocked by the unexpected death of the young Emperor Peter II. He died at the age of 14, leaving behind neither an heir nor a will. Who will get the crown of the Russian Empire? A fierce struggle for power begins. Having chosen Anna Ioannovna, the Privy Council hoped to use her as a puppet and a screen for the implementation of their own selfish plans. But the nobles were mistaken - the people do not like eight tyrants. Let there be a tyrant, but only ONE!
Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №7. Viva, Anna! II 2008
Fewa Pocara
Fewa Pocara
Fewa Pocara is a sweet romantic drama set in the snowy beauty of the Himalaya Mountains. Filmed in Nepal, this Thai romance revolves around a lost young man who is being pushed to his nerve's end by life. Questioning the point of his existence, he leaves Thailand and travels to the Himalaya Mountains in search of peace of mind. In the cold, lonely beauty of Nepal, heaven finally smiles upon him, and he meets a young woman who has come to the Himalayas to do research.
Fewa Pocara 2008
Whatever Happened to Dulce Veiga?
Whatever Happened to Dulce Veiga?
Dulce Veiga is an actress and singer who was successful for a short period of time that mysteriously disappeared. Caio, a writer and journalist, publishes a chronicle recounting his memories of Dulce Veiga, which generates a huge response. Meanwhile, the journalist becomes increasingly obsessed with the personality of the daughter of Dulce, which is a beautiful girl with a man's mannerisms.
Whatever Happened to Dulce Veiga? 2008
Routine Holiday
Routine Holiday
A father takes his son to observe an empty field, and then to visit a neighbour, who is soon visited by other reticent characters, including a man who is a little violent, and another next-door neighbour who has fallen ill.
Routine Holiday 2008
My Friends Told Me About You
My Friends Told Me About You
A drug dealing ex-scholar is obsessed with his future and brings his girlfriend along for the ride.
My Friends Told Me About You 2008
Ayda has just arrived in Germany and lives on her own in her new colorless world. She doesn't communicate too well.
Ayda 2008
Between Borders
Between Borders
Young and successful Ali from Istanbul leaves the big city to go search for a lucrative piece of land on a sparsely populated island. Unfortunately he is immediately confronted with problems: "No Ferry Today" says a handwritten piece of paper at the gates of the port. In his hurry to somehow get to the island he meets an old fisherman called Memo. Ali offers Memo money to take him to the island, but Memo is satisfied with a cigarette. But since Memo is the captain, he decides the pace of the boat and thus paces the hectic Ali down as well as the story. The differences between the two men seem to be huge at first sight, but when you depend on one another, huge differences become tiny.
Between Borders 2008
Spiritual Warriors
Spiritual Warriors
Finn trying to make it in Hollywood. Throughout the movie Finn meets with an elderly man, Roger, who helps Finn learn how to awaken to the insights of his soul.
Spiritual Warriors 2008
Left Handed
Left Handed
Hiroshi, a teenage boy, shuts himself away in his bedroom and for the next two years refuses to come out or let anyone else in.
Left Handed 2008
El libro de las aguas
El libro de las aguas
Ángel Pedrosa (Álex González, Fernando Luján) returns to Bruma (Córdoba), his hometown, from where he had to flee during the Civil War. He returns to reconstruct his family's history, to forgive himself, and to remember others. Ángel stitches together the fragments of his life during Spain in the second half of 1939. His first love, the hatred of the post-war period, the intolerance and the passages he went through until he had to flee, hastily, out of his homeland to not return until many years later.
El libro de las aguas 2008
A Simple Promise
A Simple Promise
A struggling young artist meets a talented, and undiscovered songstress. Desperately seeking success, they both must face hard truths and contend with sacrifice on their individual paths to fame and along the way they find a love that teaches them what success is really all about.
A Simple Promise 2008
A Casa da Montanha
A Casa da Montanha
A premonition comes from the mountain. Two sisters face their destiny.
A Casa da Montanha 2008
People Are Just Meat
People Are Just Meat
A revolutionary vegetarian parable about the struggle of bulls against humanity.
People Are Just Meat 2008
Tag am Meer
Tag am Meer
Dave is about to turn 30 and having his first mid-life crisis. A pretty successful DJ and record store owner, Dave is back with ex-girlfriend Sarah, but he isn't happy with his lot. In doubt about the relationship and mourning dreams he meets 20-year-old Alice, who embodies the temptation of youth. Is Dave too old for adventure or is he still young enough? Day at the Seaside is a sensitive portrait of an urban generation swaying between the freedom of youth and commitment of life.
Tag am Meer 2008
Fire Boy: Super Hero
Fire Boy: Super Hero
Fire Boy: Super Hero 2008
Follows the flirtation between Manuel and Lourdes, two Negrosanon whose lives revolve around food. Along the way, we are treated to the full panorama of Negrosanon cuisine and the idiosyncrasies of Negrosanon eating.
Namets! 2008
On 2 December 1975, a journalist is one of many passengers on the slow train that is kidnapped near Wijster by young South Moluccans. After some terrifying moments, he makes contact with the hijackers and starts acting as their go-between. Meanwhile, his wife and daughter, as well as his mistress keep themselves abreast of things through the media. The train hijacking lasts for twelve days and claims a few lives.
Wijster 2008
Le Cœur d'Amos Klein
Le Cœur d'Amos Klein
Reflection about corruption, militarism and indoctrination.
Le Cœur d'Amos Klein 2008
Son of Terror
Son of Terror
Somebody's killing homeless people in Pioneer Square. John, an artist in the area, thinks he has a psychic link to the person and knows who it is. Or does he?
Son of Terror 2008
The Pact
The Pact
"The Pact" is born of early mornings, broken trails, frostbite, sunrises, worn menisucus, close calls, and countless faceshots. In the end, it's about commitment to the endless search for untracked snow and those who have chosen to break that trail.
The Pact 2008
Able Danger
Able Danger
Tom Flynn, the idealist owner of a left-leaning radical café/bookstore and the quixotic publisher of a hard hitting 911 conspiracy expose, finds himself entangled with a mysterious Eastern European beauty, Kasia, who is on the run from strong hand of a global 911 cover up. In this contemporary take on film noir. When Tom is implicated in the murder of his friend and employee, he is forced to unravel Kasia's complex web of lies. As it turns out, Kasia possesses the smoking gun that proves the identities and methods of the real architects of 911, and Tom Flynn is willing to die to expose the truth. Written by Dave Herman
Able Danger 2008
At the brink of World War I, Fritz Shimon Haber was Germany's greatest chemist. Haber's Nobel prize-winning synthetic fertilizers saved world's population from mass starvation. But as World War I broke out killing millions of German soldiers, the desperate German forces asks Shimon Haber to provide the army with new kind of weapon. Haber has already sacrificed his and his family's Jewish identity in order to become a respectable German citizen. With his decision to invent such a weapon, Haber was the first scientist in human history to unleash a weapon of mass destruction. Later he paid the ultimate price for his ambition as his wife Clara committed suicide and his invention was used for murdering millions of Jewish people during World War II.
Haber 2008
An illicit affair, a mysterious illness, a birth, a death and a reunion. Tony narrates from beyond the grave the strange tragedy of his life.
Blood 2008
Kingdom of Ends
Kingdom of Ends
A detective finally getting his long-time enemy, a serial killer named Buddy Kant who leaves greeting cards at his victim's bodies, comes face to face with him for one final showdown. But is it too good to be true?
Kingdom of Ends 2008
Mary 2008