
Popular Drama Movies

A short film set in Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean divided by war and characterized by people on both sides, both Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot, waiting and hoping for a resolution and some, waiting and hoping for missing loved ones to return. This is the story of one such woman.
Hope 2011
Heat Wave
Heat Wave
One hot afternoon in the south of France, several paths are converging towards a tragic conclusion. Those involved are: Stéphane and Luigi, two cousins who have just emerged from adolescence; Georges, a retired old man; Amélie, Luigi’s girlfriend; and Amélie’s mother Anne. Little do they know how their lives, scarred by fear, humiliation and weariness, will become intertwined and propel them to a terrible outcome...
Heat Wave 2011
Khel Mandala
Khel Mandala
With the delicate father-daughter relationship at the centre, the tale gyrates around the life of the son of a poor puppeteer - Dasu. His zest for the city of Mumbai brings him to the city with his dreams to grow rich. However all his dreams get shattered with the harsh realities of life. Soon as he begins to settle in, he finds an abandoned girl child. He takes up the responsibility to nurture the baby but soon realises that she is blind, deaf and mute!
Khel Mandala 2011
My Dad Baryshnikov
My Dad Baryshnikov
Moscow, 1986, the heat of Perestroika. Borya is an average clumsy teenager who is miraculously admitted to the legendary Bolshoi Ballet School. The boy is convinced that he will become a ballet dancer like his father, Mikhail Baryshnikov. But is this father real or imaginary?
My Dad Baryshnikov 2011
Years of Love
Years of Love
Years of Love 2011
An autistic child's first day in a new school.
Kaylien 2011
Youko and Harumi have been friends since youth as their life circumstances were similar. Youko ends up marrying a politician and publishes a successful picture book basen on Harumi's life, when her son suddenly gets abducted.
Circumstances 2011
Soccer City
Soccer City
Race. Class. Poverty. Faith. Hope. Soccer. Welcome to Alex––the largest and most notorious township in South Africa where soccer is lived, not played. With the first ever FIFA World Cup in Africa as a backdrop, witness the cultural importance of soccer in township South Africa through the lives of five individuals born and raised in the oldest and toughest of South Africa’s townships, Alexandra, locally known as ‘Alex.’ Seventeen-year-old dribbling sensation Nancy ‘Maradona’ Majola, former national team player Isaac ‘Shakes’ Kungwane, current professional Patrick ‘Raiden’ Phungwayo, 69-year-old Jacob ‘Babes’ Bopape one of the first professional soccer players in South Africa, and scholarship-winner Ricardo ‘Rico’ Kutumela will all take you into a culture dominated by soccer and into a storied township still largely unknown and misunderstood even among South Africans.
Soccer City 2011
King Naresuan: Part 3
King Naresuan: Part 3
The legend of King Naresuan continues with this third of four chapters and tells the story of King Naresuan, Thai's chivalric king and warrior in the Ayutthaya era who fought against the invasion of Burmese troops that wanted to overpower the Ayutthaya Kingdom.
King Naresuan: Part 3 2011
The Engagement
The Engagement
The Engagement is a complex and fascinating love story set in contemporary London. Dario is a mysterious motorbike courier who falls in love with a girl who is engaged to be married but he cannot escape his horrifying experiences in war-torn Yugolsavia.
The Engagement 2011
Neverquiet (Film of Wonders)
Neverquiet (Film of Wonders)
An experimental collective film lasting little more than an hour, compiled from 10 episodes by a total of 14 different young Brazilian filmmakers. The project was an initiative of the directing duo Felipe Bragança and Marina Meliande, who sent a ‘letter of concern’ to inspire the participants. In it, a 16-year-old girl wrote about her dreams, which have been translated by the directors into films about love, youth and the possibilities of cinema.
Neverquiet (Film of Wonders) 2011
Vrinda is completely smitten by Vasu's personality and falls in love with him. But he ignores all the advances made by her due to his low social status.
Vadamalli 2011
Goodbye, Boy
Goodbye, Boy
Winter 1988 - Middle school student Jin-Woo lives with his unemployed alcoholic father and his mother who frequently attempts to run away from home due to her unhappiness with her husband. Jin-Woo's older sister does whatever she wants and fumes at her mother for the life she lives. Jin-Woo feels sorry for his mom who has to support the family alone and starts to work as a newspaper delivery boy. At the newspaper distribution plant, he meets another boy named Chang-Geun who works hard to save money. Jin-Woo learns from Chang-Geun things like how to smoke, drink alcohol and how to deal with girls. Jin-Woo learns about life through Chang-Geun.
Goodbye, Boy 2011
Clash in the College
Clash in the College
Clash in the College is an exploration of conflicts that emerge in the lives of college students when political ideologies erupt in their midst. The film shows how students get indoctrinated and how it impacts their lives. James and Elvyn's relationship has barely begun when politics begins to drive them apart. Evelyn has bonded with Maya, who believes it is the government's duty to help the less fortunate members of society. James, meanwhile, has joined a campus group led by Quentin, a conservative activist. Completely, filmed and produced in Centre County, Pennsylvania, Clash in the College covers a wide range of social and political issues, including abortion, immigration, government spending and education, while emphasizing finding middle ground where we can all agree.
Clash in the College 2011
The Speed of the Past
The Speed of the Past
Margot and Joseph leave move awy from the city, far from everything, and renovate an old house in which they hardly settle down. One day, the earth begins trembling and time stops, congealing Joseph in his fall from the roof of the house. He remains congealed in space and time, but continues nevertheless to fall slowly towards the ground. Margot,she, does not seem to undergo this experience and continues to live, hoping that Joseph starts moving again at a normal speed.
The Speed of the Past 2011
The Teacher's Lounge
The Teacher's Lounge
Mary is a school teacher who slacks off at her job; always trying to get ahead while doing the least amount of work. Mary's boss is about to give her a promotion, but the promotion comes at a very sinful price.
The Teacher's Lounge 2011
Planet of Snail
Planet of Snail
Young-Chan comes from planet of snail where deaf blind people live slow and quiet lives. When Young-Chan came to Earth, nobody understood his language and he was desperate. Then an angel walked into his life. Soon-Ho knows how it is to be lonely and soon becomes an inseparable part of his life. Young-Chan also discovers an amazing world under his fingers as he learned to read books with braille. Hopes began to grow and he dreams of writing a book. However, Soon-Ho cannot always be there for him because of her own problem of spine disability. The couple now should learn to survive alone. While Soon-Ho uneasily spends her first day waiting for his return, Young-Chan goes out for the biggest adventure of his life.
Planet of Snail 2011
Ithu Nammude Katha
Ithu Nammude Katha
Vinod, Santosh and Kochumon are three friends who are ready to go to any extent to help each other. Things turn drastic for them when they help Vinod's friend Mahesh to elope with a girl.
Ithu Nammude Katha 2011
Prime Video
Set in Hoxton, East London; our story follows George and Sophie, they're saving money to go on their first holiday together, the deposit is paid, and they have two weeks left to pay the outstanding balance of £2,000. Sophie has entrusted George with her holiday savings and is keen to settle the debt with the travel agents. The only trouble is, unbeknown to Sophie, George is flat broke. In a vain attempt to raise cash, George uses Sophie's holiday money to fund an ill judged deal.
Turnout 2011
Rameshchandra Chaudhry, a lawyer by profession, is in love with Hemnalini, and is displeased when he finds that his father wants him to marry Sushilla, the daughter of a widow. He initially refuses despite of his father disowning him, but changes his mind when the bride's mother pleads with him, and gets married without even seeing, leave alone getting to know his bride. After the marriage, they board a boat which overturns after a storm, and they end up being the only survivors. Unable to get Hemnalini out of his mind, he refuses to be intimate with his bride. On talking with her gradually over the next few months, it slowly sinks in that she is not Sushilla but Kamla - the bride of another male! The question remains: what can he do under these circumstances, and what impact will this have on Kamla - who has traditionally accepted him as her husband.
Noukadubi 2011
The Fir Tree
The Fir Tree
A Short Film by Lars Ostenfeld. Inspired by Hans Christian Anderson's fairytale, this Danish film tells the story of a Christmas tree from a most unusual angle - through the 'voice' of the tree itself. The tree has big ambitions, doing everything it can to grow so tall that it reaches the sky. Featuring extraordinary photography, the film follows the adventures of its life from sapling to maturity, culminating in a triumphal Christmas Day. Along the way, viewers experience the natural - and human - world from a strangely moving perspective.
The Fir Tree 2011
Pizza Maffia
Pizza Maffia
Pizza maffia vertelt het verhaal van Ibrahim en zijn neef Illias. Iedereen kent ze als Bram en Haas, de twee snelste koeriers van pizzeria Novara. De twee jongens zijn onafscheidelijk. Elke avond racen ze op hun scooter door de stad en halen de bruutste stunts uit om als eerste bij de klant te zijn. De pizzeria is eigendom van Brams vader, maar sinds hij met een hernia thuis zit, runt oom Faris de tent. Faris, de vader van Haas, is een geboren pizzabakker en de bestellingen vliegen dan ook de deur uit. Toch blijken de inkomsten tegen te vallen. De vader van Bram verdenkt zijn broer ervan dat hij geld achterhoudt. Als hij hem hiermee confronteert, ontstaat er een heftige ruzie en Faris vertrekt. Tot op het bot gekrenkt begint de trotse Faris vervolgens zijn eigen pizzeria, aan de overkant van het plein. Binnen no-time breekt er tussen de twee pizzeria?s een ware pizza-oorlog uit, waarin alles en iedereen wordt meegesleept.
Pizza Maffia 2011
A Life without Words
A Life without Words
In rural Nicaragua, Dulce Maria and her brother Francisco are Deaf adults who know no language at all--spoken, written or signed--until Tomasa, a Deaf sign-language teacher, arrives determined to teach them their first words.
A Life without Words 2011
Alma 2011
Where Does the Sea Flow?
Where Does the Sea Flow?
A mother is trying hard to love her five-years old daughter, but even the child's very presence continuously reminds her about the trauma of rape she survived five years ago. As troubled apparitions, fears and inner disorder of the mother begin to influence the little girl's psyche. Could the sincere affection of the child alleviate her mother's suffering?
Where Does the Sea Flow? 2011
The Red Corvette
The Red Corvette
Life turns upside down when a high school senior with no friends and plenty of teenage angst takes a spin with the popular girl in her red corvette.
The Red Corvette 2011
My Spiritual Medicine
My Spiritual Medicine
Two white-collar clerks setup a private radio program in Shanghai. An Otaku lady lives in isolation. As the random fates of individuals are linked and changed by the radiowave, love, in all possible forms, burgeons.
My Spiritual Medicine 2011
The character Billy is played out in two very different ways, this unique film follows Billy through various scenarios good and bad
Billy 2011
UFO in Her Eyes
UFO in Her Eyes
Kwok Yun is a simple woman who leads a peasant’s life in the peaceful mountains around remote Three-Headed Bird Village. One day, after a countryside tryst with a married man, she sees a UFO – a giant glowing thing in the shape of a dumpling! The ambitious village leader Chief Chang takes advantage of the sighting, stimulating tourism with UFO tours and getting the local economy roaring with progress. Busy aspiring to strengthen relations with the USA, she is blind to the dangers such radical change can bring.
UFO in Her Eyes 2011
Prime Video
ACP Bose has been framed in a corruption case by some fraudulent officers. After his shocking death, Surjo, his brother, takes up the matter in his own hands.
Fighter 2011
Space Dream
Space Dream
The Chinese Space Program. The flights of the Chinese astronauts from Shenzhou 7 to the launch of the Shenzhou 11.
Space Dream 2011
Prime Video
A fast-paced thriller about a vital and terrifying subject - the trafficking of children - with the heart-stopping vibrancy, compassion and energy that only the fate of children inspires. This is a story that touches all our lives. And it's happening now.
Stolen 2011
The Human War
The Human War
On the eve of the Iraq War, teenager Mark Swift dreams of escape from the realities of his lower-class existence in Youngstown, Ohio, and the fear and bewilderment of a society at war.
The Human War 2011
The painful and humorous journey of a selfish athlete who is now down on his luck, unable even to keep his job as a bike messenger. He finds a way to redeem his life through the support of friends and by learning that to break from the large group of bikers, the peloton, the winning cyclist must first work with the team.
Peloton 2011
El abismo… todavía estamos
El abismo… todavía estamos
El abismo… todavía estamos 2011
The Pledge
The Pledge
A teen must overcome is troubling past to discover who he truly is.
The Pledge 2011
You Are Here
You Are Here
Several story threads about consciousness and perception intertwine in this film by video installation artist Daniel Cockburn.
You Are Here 2011
The Truth About Angels
The Truth About Angels
An ordinary guy escapes his turbulent home life when he is invited to an exclusive Hollywood party by his movie star friend, only to discover that there's more to the glamorous world than meets the eye.
The Truth About Angels 2011
Eighty Letters
Eighty Letters
The story takes place in Czechoslovakia in 1987. The father has defected to England and the mother and her son are planning to leave the country to reunite with him. The film is told through the eyes of the fourteen year old boy, his rankled look without the veneer of experience and initiation in one day. Autobiographical.
Eighty Letters 2011
The Orator
The Orator
The Orator (O Le Tulafale) is a contemporary drama about courage, forgiveness and love. Small in stature and humble, Saili lives a simple life with his beloved wife and daughter in an isolated, traditional village in the islands of Samoa. Forced to protect his land and family, Saili must face his fears and seek the right to speak up for those he loves.
The Orator 2011