
Popular Documentary Movies

Supa Layme
Supa Layme
Fumito Fujikawa, Japanese director, approaches the Supa Layme family on the Arequipa puna (4700 meters above sea level), coexists with them, brings together their daily lives and space while the bond is made.
Supa Layme 2020
In Paris, I Tango for Maria (take 2)
In Paris, I Tango for Maria (take 2)
In a first-person nonfiction narrative, an artist revisits her previous video piece of tangoing in butter in homage to Maria Schneider. The narrative retells the sexual assault - the infamous “butter scene” - committed against Schneider by director Bernardo Bertolucci and costar Marlon Brando on-set of the film "Last Tango in Paris." Through reworking previous footage, visiting the movie locations, and sharing screen recordings of searches, this short grapples with the idea of the function of homage with and without context.
In Paris, I Tango for Maria (take 2) 2020
Ils détestaient De Gaulle
Ils détestaient De Gaulle
Ils détestaient De Gaulle 2020
Señales de humo
Señales de humo
In Amaicha del Valle, a small native community in Northern Argentina, Internet service is often interrupted because of the strong winds. Mario Reyes, the native community's wrangler and park ranger, will have to take the Internet provider's engineer, Mercado, up the mountain to fix the problem.
Señales de humo 2020
4lgunxs Pibxs
4lgunxs Pibxs
Images from other films left behind and images provided. Edited between April and May 2020, during the confinement of Covid-19.
4lgunxs Pibxs 2020
Chevallier et Laspalès - 40 ans d'un duo culte !
Chevallier et Laspalès - 40 ans d'un duo culte !
Chevallier et Laspalès - 40 ans d'un duo culte ! 2020
Jean-Pierre Pernaut : 50 ans dans le coeur des Français
Jean-Pierre Pernaut : 50 ans dans le coeur des Français
Jean-Pierre Pernaut : 50 ans dans le coeur des Français 2020
In the Heart of Germany
In the Heart of Germany
A visually diverse journey through the many different faces of germany's culture, nature and history. Shot in Autumn, this film looks at the night-life of major cities, while immersing into tranquil forrests, and ancient castles from a time long forgotten.
In the Heart of Germany 2020
This piece is a personal art project, and an attempt to recontextualize my relationship with my body by means of traditionally "unflattering" angles and Photoshop.
Angles 2020
Ülo Sooster. The Man Who Dried A Towel In The Wind
Ülo Sooster. The Man Who Dried A Towel In The Wind
After ten years in a Soviet labour camp in Karaganda, the Estonian artist Ülo Sooster (1924‒1970) didn’t return to his homeland but settled in Moscow and became the most influential trend-setter for a whole generation of Soviet non-conformist artists. Narrated by the artist’s son Tenno-Pent Sooster, this film features rare footage and interviews with Sooster’s contemporaries in the 1960s, as well as leading experts from the Kumu Art Museum, the Tartu Art Museum and The Tretyakov Gallery.
Ülo Sooster. The Man Who Dried A Towel In The Wind 2020
Pedro's Home
Pedro's Home
Despite being a single father of three children, two of whom need special needs, Pedro enjoys life in the suburbs of Lisbon.
Pedro's Home 2020
Queenie Lawrence, a 73-year-young Black Lesbian and resident of the Marcy Projects, navigates applying for the Stonewall Houses, NYC's first LGBT Elder affordable housing.
Queenie 2020
Faraway My Shadow Wandered
Faraway My Shadow Wandered
When he was a child, Junya promised his maternal grandfather that as the eldest grandson, he would take over the family Shinto shrine. However, this did not come to pass as Junya did not share the same family name and he grew estranged from his family over time. To escape this tension, Junya ventured overseas to pursue other dreams and distanced himself from the hometown where he grew up. One day, while working in an izakaya, he meets a foreigner with the same birthday researching a new dance piece for a film. His fateful encounter leads him to confront a family history that he has left behind and gives the dancer inspiration for her work. Together in the midst of winter, they revisit Junya's hometown to reconnect with his childhood and let go of a promise he cannot fulfil.
Faraway My Shadow Wandered 2020
Edo Avant-Garde
Edo Avant-Garde
Edo Avant-Garde reveals the pivotal role Japanese artists of the Edo era (1603 – 1868) played in setting the stage for the “modern art” movement in the West. During the Edo era, while a pacified Japan isolated itself from the world, audacious Japanese artists innovated stylization, abstraction, minimalism, surrealism, geometric composition and the illusion of 3-D. Their elegant originality is most striking in images of the natural world depicted on folding screens and scrolls by Sotatsu, Korin, Okyo, Rosetsu, Shohaku and many others who left their art unsigned.
Edo Avant-Garde 2020
Ça a recommencé, l’émerveillement
Ça a recommencé, l’émerveillement
Ça a recommencé, l’émerveillement 2020
Tesa is an ordinary house dog, living with her owner Cristi. One day, she will disappear and start projecting images and thoughts of her own. She will become Tesaurus, an endemic species of a talking dog.
Tesaurus 2020
NPC's in Real Life
NPC's in Real Life
Isaac discussed the trend of "NPC's" and how people reactions to situations are to extreme in today's world.
NPC's in Real Life 2020
A la découverte de l'église Sainte-Odile de Paris, chef d'œuvre du XXe siècle
A la découverte de l'église Sainte-Odile de Paris, chef d'œuvre du XXe siècle
A la découverte de l'église Sainte-Odile de Paris, chef d'œuvre du XXe siècle 2020
Into the Cosmos: The Space Race, Mars and Beyond
Prime Video
Into the Cosmos: The Space Race, Mars and Beyond
A look at the development of space travel and the potential for humans to one day walk on the surface of Mars. From the desperation of War machines to the curiosity of space exploration. Detailed accounts of previous missions for the exploration of Mars, including the landing of the rovers on the surface of the planet. After the Soviets gained possession of the V2 manufacturing facilities, production of these rockets began in the Soviet Union, and on the 4th of October 1957, SPUTNIK 1 became the first artificial satellite to be launched into space. This was the next step in the evolution of mankind. It was the beginning of the Space Race.
Into the Cosmos: The Space Race, Mars and Beyond 2020
I can't be anybody
I can't be anybody
"I can't be anybody" is a documentary about the TDK group, about the song "Furniture", about our friends who, for one reason or another, are not around us, but we keep in our minds. The awkward state where you just can't keep your balance when faced with the thought of life in the next 50 years. What will you be when you grow up?
I can't be anybody 2020
1940 - La débâcle
1940 - La débâcle
1940 - La débâcle 2020
TXT Drama Making of Jacket Photos
TXT Drama Making of Jacket Photos
This 19 minute documentary features behind-the-scenes of the album cover photoshoot for TOMORROW X TOGETHER's Drama CD.
TXT Drama Making of Jacket Photos 2020
Kiruna - A Brand New World
Kiruna - A Brand New World
What if you got the chance to build a new society from scratch, what would it look like? Located more than 200 km above the polar circle, the Swedish mining town Kiruna is built on the world's largest and most modern iron ore mining tunnel, which created a significant income for the Swedish government. However, due to the mining the city has started to collapse and in order to save the industry, the city council together with the mining company LKAB have decided to move the town and its citizens 3 kilometres to the east. In doing so, the town has turned a potential disaster into a great opportunity. The new Kiruna will be an even more progressive, even better society for the future. But is it even possible to plan an ideal world?
Kiruna - A Brand New World 2020
The Nature of Creativity
The Nature of Creativity
"The film is a kaleidoscope" of the opinions of its nine main characters - the greatest modern musicians, who almost confessedly talk about the most important for them, the most subtle things seriously and jokingly: about what is the gift of creativity, about the origin of "this" in a person, about how "this" is given or acquired, about where it goes, about individual and collective creativity, about rhythm and pause, about interaction with the viewer, with the world, about where "it" comes from in the end... "Film-mosaic", "film-orchestra", where everyone has their own unique voice, character, their own individual path, worthy of many films about him, but all this, surprisingly, is composed into a single voluminous statement, woven from monologues, confirmed by the author's music of the film's characters... And it all started in the Cultural Center "ART'ERIA Club", at the crossroads of all types of Art.
The Nature of Creativity 2020
Zulu Man in Japan
Zulu Man in Japan
In this documentary, South African rapper Nasty C hits the stage and streets of Tokyo, introducing himself to the city's sights, sounds and culture.
Zulu Man in Japan 2020
Festmahl der Tiere
Festmahl der Tiere
Festmahl der Tiere 2020
Club Quarantine
Club Quarantine
On the first day of the Covid-19 lockdown 4 friends hung out on a video chat. That chat somehow turned into a Nightly-Online-Queer-Dance-Party with over 60,000 followers from all corners of the world.
Club Quarantine 2020
The Human Voice Q&A With Pedro Almodovar And Tilda Swinton, Hosted By Mark Kermode
The Human Voice Q&A With Pedro Almodovar And Tilda Swinton, Hosted By Mark Kermode
A recorded Q&A hosted by Mark Kermode, where Pedro Almodóvar and Tilda Swintondiscuss the inspirations they drew on for the film, how THE HUMAN VOICE fits within the 'Almodóvar oeuvre', and what Pedro will be making next - including a great surprise for Tilda. Recorded under lockdown conditions, the discussion features visual references and clips to create a dynamic and interesting companion piece to the short film.
The Human Voice Q&A With Pedro Almodovar And Tilda Swinton, Hosted By Mark Kermode 2020
El Palmar de Troya
El Palmar de Troya
On March 30, 1968, four 12 and 13-year-old girls claimed that the Virgin Mary had appeared on the Alcaparrosa estate, one kilometer from the village of El Palmar de Troya, in the province of Seville. Weeks later, several neighbors affirmed that they had seen other appearances and in the summer of that same year an altar was built that would be the first stone of the Palmarian Christian church. In June 2018, Ginés, the last Pope of El Palmar de Troya, and his wife assaulted, with brawl included, the congregation’s facilities. Scandals, the shadow of sexual abuse, unlikely anecdotes and all kinds of accusations have marked the more than 50 years of this religious congregation to which some consider church and many others a great sect.
El Palmar de Troya 2020
Beyond Men and Masculinity
Beyond Men and Masculinity
This is not a film about men versus women. Beyond Men and Masculinity explores how men see themselves, how they relate to the people they say they care about and how the personal impacts the political. What happens when men are taught to disconnect from their feelings in the name of being strong and independent? What is the link between shame and male violence?
Why do we find it hard to value kindness and compassion in men? And what role do women play in defining what is expected from men and masculinity? A discussion of these sometimes uncomfortable questions is now more crucial than ever. From the therapy room to the political battlefield, this provocative film offers a clear insight into why we must look beyond traditional definitions of men and masculinity.
Beyond Men and Masculinity 2020
Herdeiros de Saramago: Gonçalo M. Tavares
Herdeiros de Saramago: Gonçalo M. Tavares
Novelist Gonçalo M. Tavares is presented as a successor to Nobel Prize winning portuguese writer José Saramago.
Herdeiros de Saramago: Gonçalo M. Tavares 2020
Forbidden Fatherland
Forbidden Fatherland
A documentary that deeply focuses and visits the trauma of Korea's modern history for 70 years through the life of a father whose family was indifferent.
Forbidden Fatherland 2020
Die Schweiz am ESC – Dramen, Siege, Emotionen
Die Schweiz am ESC – Dramen, Siege, Emotionen
A look back at Switzerland's history in the Eurovision Song Contest highlighted by the two wins in 1956 and 1988.
Die Schweiz am ESC – Dramen, Siege, Emotionen 2020
Kaos är granne med Gun
Kaos är granne med Gun
A portrait of Swedish actress/director/writer Gun Jönsson who has created several groundbreaking stage productions and films. She has never compromised with her integrity, desire and artistry.
Kaos är granne med Gun 2020
I'm not funny
I'm not funny
To confront his fear of making a fool of himself, a film student ventures into stand-up comedy and documents his process.
I'm not funny 2020
The Nadine... they accused the dead
The Nadine... they accused the dead
Richard Lavoie documents and narrates, in the manner of a thriller, a page of hidden and tumultuous history of the Magdalen Islands: the sinking of The Nadine during the icy night of December 16, 1990, off Grande-Entrée.
The Nadine... they accused the dead 2020
Voice of the Nivkhs
Voice of the Nivkhs
The film is about the Sakhalin and Nivkh writer Vladimir Sangi. The writer's life is closely intertwined with the fate of the people, the endangered aborigines of Sakhalin – the Nivkhs.
Voice of the Nivkhs 2020
Badabing og Bang - Hurra, årtiet er slut!
Badabing og Bang - Hurra, årtiet er slut!
Badabing og Bang - Hurra, årtiet er slut! 2020
A Pilgrimage Into Tibet
A Pilgrimage Into Tibet
Eight intrepid pilgrims trek through the Himalaya into occupied Tibet, hoping to circle Mount Kailash—Asia’s most sacred peak. As they contend with the stresses of officialdom, altitude and physical exertion, we receive rare glimpses of present-day Nepal and Tibet.
A Pilgrimage Into Tibet 2020
St. Patrick: Pilgrimage to Peace
St. Patrick: Pilgrimage to Peace
This film unearths the true story of this fifth-century Christian who was brought to Ireland as a slave, where he labored six long years before finally escaping. But after returning home, Patrick shocked his contemporaries by voluntarily returning to the place of his enslavement in order to bring the gospel message to the Irish people.
St. Patrick: Pilgrimage to Peace 2020