
Popular Documentary Movies

The Search for the Last Supper
The Search for the Last Supper
In this thriller-like quest, a National Geographic bestselling author and historian goes in search of a mysterious second version of the famous 'Last Supper' fresco, reportedly painted by Leonardo da Vinci and his workshop for the King of France, Louis XII. Shot on location throughout Europe, the film features rich dramatizations starring Alessandro Demcenko as Leonardo da Vinci heading a cast of 60+, as well as top Leonardo experts from the Louvre, the London National Gallery, the Royal Academy of Arts, the Vatican Museums and the New York Metropolitan Museum. The film is produced by Pantheon Studios, producers of the 2016 Disney feature 'Walt: The Man Behind the Myth.' The film also includes a detailed animated reconstruction of the Last Supper hall in Milan in 1499. The host is Prof. Jean-Pierre Isbouts, co-author of 'Young Leonardo' (St. Martin's Press, 2017) and the author of several bestselling National Geographic books.
The Search for the Last Supper 2020
In 2018, an agreement was signed on the transfer of the Ingush lands to the Chechen Republic. The Ingush protested and fought for justice. After regular rallies in 2019, criminal prosecution of leaders and protesters began.
Border 2020
Rok we mgle
Rok we mgle
Rok we mgle 2020
Water Silhouettes
Water Silhouettes
Chile is the only country in the world in which water management has been almost completely privatised. Three women stand for the profound damages suffered by the population as a result: a general water shortage, above-ground poisoning by industry and underground contamination via landfills. All parallel and interrelated facets of the same problem.
Water Silhouettes 2020
Wander Vi
Wander Vi
Wanderson Vieira is a musician from the city of Samambaia and in this short documentary, he tells us a little about how he reconciles his night work and dance rehearsals, with creating his career, launching his pseudonym Wander Vi, to achieve his dream.
Wander Vi 2020
A group of Carlos Gardel fans gathers every year at the Chacarita Cemetery to commemorate the anniversary of his death. Gardeliana portrays the ritual of a national hero, a day of saddened faces that coexist between the marvelous and the ghostly.
Gardeliana 2020
The Green Dress
The Green Dress
This dress has become a family legend. It was worn on especially solemn occasions, passing to each other. Today, family members live in different countries, but the history of the green dress has brought them together again in the virtual space.
The Green Dress 2020
Seven young people tell their personal stories with the Yiddish language while discussing the life and work of avant-garde Yiddish poets.
Yiddish 2020
La guerre commerciale des superpuissances
La guerre commerciale des superpuissances
La guerre commerciale des superpuissances 2020
Strong Son
Strong Son
An endearing portrait of a South Asian father as he attempts to give life and marital advice to his bodybuilding and image-obsessed son.
Strong Son 2020
On its way to joining NATO, the small nation of Montenegro got in the way of the great state of Russia. Moscow agents plan to stage a coup in Mediterranean country on the day of the parliamentary elections. The goal is to remove the pro-Western prime minister and install pro-Russian rule. But an insider, a “small man” with an awakened conscience, afraid the conspiracy will cost many lives, decides to change the course of history.
Conspiracy 2020
Milestone No. 2
Milestone No. 2
A documentary showcasing a family as they pack up their home of twelve years and begin looking towards the future.
Milestone No. 2 2020
The End of Kings
The End of Kings
The riots that were to spread across the whole of France in 2005 began in Clichy-sous-Bois outside the gates of Paris. What has happened since then? A school class in the Banlieue rehearsing a play discover the subversive power of appropriation.
The End of Kings 2020
Women of Steel
Women of Steel
Forty years ago, Wollongong’s Jobs for Women Campaign, with director Robynne Murphy among its leaders, took on Australia’s most powerful company BHP – and won. But when the 1980s steel slump devastated the city’s economy, the women were forced into the courtroom. Their struggle plays out against a background of societal changes: from anti-discrimination legislation, to the shifting roles of women in the home and workforce (particularly complex in Wollongong’s migrant, non-English speaking households). This fascinating account of the largely forgotten history of Australia’s Steel City was crafted over decades with support from local community volunteers and over 500 donors.
Women of Steel 2020
La casa y lo telúrico
La casa y lo telúrico
La casa y lo telúrico 2020
White Balance
White Balance
It is harsh reality that race plays a big role in our society. Being white is a privilege. But how does this affect the people? In his film, director Julian Carly turns to seek the absurd and painful depths of the whiteness craze.
White Balance 2020
Nada Pode Parar os Autoramas
Nada Pode Parar os Autoramas
Nada Pode Parar os Autoramas 2020
Hey Love
Hey Love
The documentary presents seven women at their work - between keyboards, make up, paid masturbation and everyday worries. Seven stories that tell about social taboo and personal limits in the booming business of digital sex work.
Hey Love 2020
Nathan was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Now he's better, before he was much worse. He films himself, his relatives at the hospital, his bipolar best friend, his father, his sister, his mother and his love between 2011 and 2018. For him, everyone is a "loulou", in his own way. It is thanks to them that he finally begins to become a man instead of a madman.
Loulou 2020
Generation Fridays for Future
Generation Fridays for Future
Who are the young people who are involved in the "Fridays for Future" movement and who relentlessly take to the streets for environmental and climate protection? What are their life like and how will their activism be influenced or changed by current events in 2020 and the coronavirus pandemic? The documentary accompanies them and shows how diverse, creative but also exhausting the protest work is, in that the filmmakers impressively tell of the fears, dreams, successes and defeats of the young people portrayed.
Generation Fridays for Future 2020
Aixcaquema 2020
Someone called Father Arkady a punk priest, some called a hippie priest. Once he really hippie, and then he left with friends from Moscow to a remote Karelian village and began to build a temple. Over time, this remote village became a point of attraction for many people: poets, artists, scourges, withdrawal addicts, musicians, writers, criminals, photographers. Father Arkady was an unusual priest from the generation of the 90s and in some way reflected the fate of this generation. It all started with freedom and endless celebration, but what did it lead to? Is it all over, or is it just that Holiday has changed?
Holiday 2020
Winter Twerk
Winter Twerk
A Nigerian girl named Blessing came to Moscow during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. But instead of the promised job, they took away her documents and sent her to a brothel. She worked as a prostitute for 4 months. After her release, she had lived with six friends in a one-room apartment planning to stay in Russia, find a job and arrange her life.
Winter Twerk 2020
Love to Our Fathers’ Sacred Graves. Echo of Port Arthur
Love to Our Fathers’ Sacred Graves. Echo of Port Arthur
The film tells the story of the Russian Navy officer Vasily Boisman, who, seriously wounded after the Battle of Port Arthur, was taken prisoner by Japan. According to the laws of that time, Vasily, as an officer, had the right to return to his homeland, but he chose captivity — together with the crew of his ship, remaining faithful to the duty of the Human and the Office
Love to Our Fathers’ Sacred Graves. Echo of Port Arthur 2020
On Endings
On Endings
Filmmaker’s intimate statement from isolation, in which he reads letters from a mother longing for her son, whom she has not seen for four years.
On Endings 2020
Halvdan: Høre tell på jorda
Halvdan: Høre tell på jorda
The movie about the legendary Norwegian musician and entertainer Halvdan Sivertsen.
Halvdan: Høre tell på jorda 2020
La Napoli di mio padre
La Napoli di mio padre
Giuseppe looked at the horizon as one observes a desire, as something to be reached in order to try to be free. Since childhood, his daughter Alessia, the director, often saw him looking out the window, wondering what was able to attract his attention in such an intense way. Several years later, during a return trip to Naples, her father's hometown, Alessia finds herself observing her father again. Also this time Giuseppe is always in profile and, while the landscape flows framed in the window of a train, his gaze tries to capture every moment, to stop those moments and save them from the fast passage of time.
La Napoli di mio padre 2020
American Chimera
American Chimera
The documentary follows Honduran Dariella and Mirna in their quest for a better life in the United States. Fleeing the extortion of Honduran organized crime, the two women, along with their children and relatives, join the "Caravan of migrants" in November 2018. Originating in Honduras, the exodus gathers thousands of people who, on foot or by makeshift means, cross Central America in an attempt to reach Tijuana, Mexico, and from there cross the border with the USA. “American Chimera” does not just tell the difficulties of entering the United States. On the contrary, it goes beyond the wall. There, among detention centers for irregular immigrants and electronic bracelets, there is also Mrs. Vonnette, a wealthy Republican supporter and senior army officer, who wishes to help migrants by supporting them in their asylum requests and opening her front door to them.
American Chimera 2020
The Skin of Others
The Skin of Others
A compelling portrait of an extraordinary figure, Aboriginal WWI soldier Douglas Grant, featuring acclaimed Indigenous actor Balang Tom E. Lewis (in his final performance). Grant (c.1885-1951) was extraordinarily famous in his day, an intellectual, a journalist, a soldier, a reader of Shakespeare and a bagpipe player who could put on a fine Scottish accent. His life story connects Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Adolf Hitler, and Henry Lawson among other famous figures as he moved from Australia to Europe, UK and back. Lewis’s thoughtful and often playful reflections on Grant’s life, along with guest appearances from Max Cullen and Archie Roach, connect to the larger story of Australia’s tragic colonial history and its troubled relationship with First Australians.
The Skin of Others 2020
Bad Boy Lemke
Bad Boy Lemke
»I’d prefer to be the film myself than just the director«: with Klaus Lemke, the boundaries between life and screen are fluid. For more than 50 years he has made films on low budgets using amateur actors without a screenplay. His cinema is brutal and impulsive, every film a slap in the face for the staid productions of the mainstream. In Bad Boy Lemke, he brings unfinished projects to an end and reflects on his body of work – of course à la Lemke: radical, confusing and powerful.
Bad Boy Lemke 2020
Katharina’s father used to work for the GDR secret service. In the mid-1990s he was arrested for a murder ordered in connection with his former job … and released. Ever since then, Katharina has feared that the doubts about her father’s innocence might throw a shadow on her life, too. A film about family secrets and the question whether some things hadn’t better remain hidden.
Stumm 2020
Away For A Storm
Away For A Storm
Away For A Storm 2020
Everything starts in a dream in which I told my mother that I was going to look for the hundreds of children that my grandmother helped coming into life. She was a midwife and a healer for over forty years in the deep desertic Sertão of Northeast Brazil. Her name was Aurora. I did not get to know her. From one encounter to another, with the alive and the dead, the film follows the traces of Aurora’s ghost and confronting the structural violence, gender and racial wise, present in Brazil’s historical formation.
Aurora 2020
Invisible River
Invisible River
On a journey through the interior of the earth, we learn about the life and dreams of a swiss explorer who searches for caves and underground rivers in a sector marked by violence and armed conflict in Colombia. This underground labyrinth is a metaphor about a dark past, buried deep within the soul, where old war wounds heal with the infinite passage of time.
Invisible River 2020
Birdsaver Report Volume 1
Birdsaver Report Volume 1
The audience encounters a report in blue pages discussing the death of wild birds caused by collisions with transparent soundproof walls. Two hands appear to turn the pages, cut the paper, move the objects and paint, following the text from the report. While birds fly towards a transparent wall, what is the audience colliding with?
Birdsaver Report Volume 1 2020
Bora Bora
Bora Bora
Bora Bora 2020
An intimate exploration of Puerto Rican political protests as an affective space.
Aquí 2020
While Sedanur spends the whole night in Ingolstadt sorting car parts, headhunter Eva is looking for specialists in logistics automation. Two very different representatives of a generation in which, sooner or later, everyone will be replaceable.
Automotive 2020
A goodbye letter to the Turkish Emine Bulut, who was murdered by her former husband. A requiem for all victims of femicide.
Emine 2020
A time capsule of the last year of college, Momentum follows the big opportunities and the moments in between as college student Michael Dietrich finds his path as a creator.
Momentum 2020