
Popular Documentary Movies

Respected Chilean film director and moving image maker Malena Szlam (winner 58th MIFF Shorts Awards) considers our sense of place in a hypnotic, abstracted moving image work of horizons, mountains and natural forms.
Merapi 2021
We’ll Be Together
We’ll Be Together
“This film is my attempt to learn about my father from his diaries. From the 1970s to the 1990s he, Yura Diversant, a well-known figure in the Moscow hippy community, published a samizdat magazine called Svoboda and created the political art group Svobodnaya Initsiativa (Free Initiative), trying to fight the Soviet system. But this is not the most important thing in my film. For me he is, above all, my father, and I never had the opportunity to get to know him before.”
We’ll Be Together 2021
Confidential report on designer Dino Gavina's showroom created by Carlo Scarpa between 1961 and 1963. Restoration details and stills from a 1985 film by Ellis Donda.
2021-1985 2021
Get Back in the Kitchen
Get Back in the Kitchen
Three transport workers are unjustly fired and decide to complain: for a year they live in a tent that they set up on the esplanade of the municipal building. Faced with media pressure, the absence of the state and social mandates, the film shows how the deconstruction of that statement that points out as obvious the belonging of women to the private sphere of the home.
Get Back in the Kitchen 2021
Hi My Name Is Jonny Polonsky
Hi My Name Is Jonny Polonsky
A documentary about Jonny Polonsky, a rockstar who just can't seem to make it big. Made by his most loyal fan.
Hi My Name Is Jonny Polonsky 2021
From the Kitchen to Parliament: 2021 Edition
From the Kitchen to Parliament: 2021 Edition
The road from the kitchen to parliament was long and rocky for Swiss women - four generations had to fight for the male electorate to grant women the right to political participation. Stéphane Goël's documentary traces this path with sensitivity and humor.
From the Kitchen to Parliament: 2021 Edition 2021
Rione Sanità - La certezza dei sogni
Rione Sanità - La certezza dei sogni
Rione Sanità - La certezza dei sogni 2021
Bottled Songs 1-4
Bottled Songs 1-4
Bottled Songs is an ongoing media project depicting strategies for making sense of online terrorist propaganda. Filmmakers and media researchers Chloé Galibert-Laîné and Kevin B. Lee compose letters addressed to each other, narrating their encounters with videos originating from the terrorist group the Islamic State (ISIS). They use a desktop documentary approach to trace and record their investigations playing directly upon their computer screens.
Bottled Songs 1-4 2021
Väter unser
Väter unser
Väter unser 2021
The Documentary tells the story of Jane Vanini from the author's reflections on her militancy-building process. Starting with the meeting of the two during the “Jornadas de 2013”, we will look at Jane's path as we follow steps, from her hometown, Cáceres, to Concepcion, in Chile. It is the possibility of discussing this journey from a personal point of view that makes this project unique and takes us to social, political and human borders. This window is opened to us through Jane's 41 letters to her family, allowing us to glimpse nuances of her intimacy and militancy choices. It was while researching Jane's militancy that the author debated these reflections on his own militant career and the context in which it takes place. Telling Jane's trajectory, going through her family and religious formation and its implications for her activism was one of the moments of encounter between these two days.
Missivas 2021
The Right To Life
The Right To Life
A Manobo tribe flees from fear only to find themselves in another dreadful situation: a lockdown due to the pandemic.
The Right To Life 2021
Víctimas de Tangalanga 5
Víctimas de Tangalanga 5
Víctimas de Tangalanga 5 2021
Where Is Mikel?
Where Is Mikel?
Donostia-San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain, November 26th, 1985, at night. Mikel Zabalza, a young bus driver, is arrested along with other people by the Guardia Civil as part of an operation against the ruthless terrorist gang ETA. When the other detainees are released, they denounce that they have been brutally tortured in the Intxaurrondo facilities. Besides, Mikel is not among them: Mikel has disappeared.
Where Is Mikel? 2021
i ran from it and was still in it
i ran from it and was still in it
I ran from it and was still in it poetically interweaves personal family memories with original and found footage to offer a more complex portrait of familial loss and separation. Kae wades through deep emotions surrounding the death of his father and the sudden relocation of his children, repurposing intimate family scenes from his personal archive by pairing them with online media from a variety of sources to explore how the autobiographical model can potentially extend beyond the personal.
i ran from it and was still in it 2021
it belongs to me
it belongs to me
Trans people recall moments of euphoria, moments when they experienced true joy connected to their identity and community.
it belongs to me 2021
The Elk Forest
The Elk Forest
Sigrid moves back to her home village after finishing music education in Oslo. She has been hunting for several years, but is still not sure if she really wants to shoot the majestic animal.
The Elk Forest 2021
The Dark Side of Green Energies
The Dark Side of Green Energies
Faced with climate change, many countries have embarked on the energy transition. Since the COP21 in 2015, which set demanding targets for reducing greenhouse gases, green energies have been on the rise. The electric car has thus become the mascot of this revolution. But manufacturers remain discreet about the carbon footprint of their cars marked "zero emission". Because not only do they consume electricity that is not always clean, but they also consume rare metals such as cobalt or lithium, the extraction of which causes havoc on the other side of the world. In China, for example, champion of rare metals, in Heilongjiang province, a carpet of toxic dust covers agricultural regions.
The Dark Side of Green Energies 2021
Philosopher King -Lee Teng-hui's Dialogue-
Philosopher King -Lee Teng-hui's Dialogue-
A suicidal Japanese girl gets a lesson in Taiwanese history from the spirit of former Chinese leader Lee Teng-hui.
Philosopher King -Lee Teng-hui's Dialogue- 2021
Enquête Exclusive Terreur au Salvador, au cœur de la guerre des gangs
Enquête Exclusive Terreur au Salvador, au cœur de la guerre des gangs
Enquête Exclusive Terreur au Salvador, au cœur de la guerre des gangs 2021
Six-year-old Stanley has a year left to be Disney's Queen Elsa to his heart's content, before formal education starts.
Elsa 2021
A team of firemen spend time together at the station while waiting for calls.
Waiting 2021
I Want You If You Dare
I Want You If You Dare
Single mother Martina raised twin girls, one of whom was born blind and the other with polio, leaving her disabled. Both children are now adults, and disabled Jana would love to leave her mother and live on her own in institutional living. And she would also like to experience sex, perhaps with a paid assistant. The documentary offers a brutally unsentimental view into the life of an impoverished rural family with two permanently disabled members. It delicately captures both everyday and exceptional situations, focusing mainly on the personal, emotional and relationship problems between the protagonists.
I Want You If You Dare 2021
Delicadeza é Azul
Delicadeza é Azul
Delicadeza é Azul 2021
Time to Pause
Time to Pause
When lockdown is a fact, iconic photographer Alistar Morrison decides to continue to work, based on the existing conditions. Instead of Springsteen, Ringo Starr, Smokey Robinson and Van Morrison, he interviews and photographs ordinary people, through his computer, and captures the essence of the pandemic.
Time to Pause 2021
Oh! The Horror!
Oh! The Horror!
Here's a guided and most fascinating documentary featuring some of the scariest and most revered cult horror films of all time.
Oh! The Horror! 2021
The Acropolis, Secrets of the Ancient Citadel
The Acropolis, Secrets of the Ancient Citadel
In the heart of Athens, the vestiges of an ancient city have overlooked the capital for over 2,000 years: the Acropolis. Built in the 5th century BC, this sumptuous complex of temples and monuments remains the most extraordinary architectural work left to us by Ancient Greece. Thanks to CGI and explanations of the foremost international experts, discover the technical feats of Antiquity that allowed a rocky hill to be transformed into a monumental and immortal masterpiece. From the infallible anti-seismic systems to the techniques used to hoist blocks of marble weighing several hundred tons to the top of the hill, walk in the footsteps of the greatest engineers of Ancient Greece and discover their ingenuity, precision, and perfectionism.
The Acropolis, Secrets of the Ancient Citadel 2021
The Cantor's Last Cantata
The Cantor's Last Cantata
Documentary about the final performance of the "Brooklyn Baseball Cantata" led by Cantor Suzanne Bernstein in a small local reform synagogue.
The Cantor's Last Cantata 2021
"Lightmare" was inspired by a group of youths who used to race motorcycles by my house. They would sometimes ride when I was trying to get my young daughter to sleep and caused great aggravation for me. The neighbors became quite worried as well and eventually the police were engaged to stop the racing, unsuccessfully. Stories began to spread about who the youths were and what poor conditions their parents were raising them in. The film attempts to capture the anxiety of the neighborhood, using negative space as a mask to subvert the audience's expectations of horizon and depth. In contrast, much of the content underscores the triviality of the perceived threat.
Lightmare 2021
Documentary about Krunoslav ‘Kićo’ Slabinac, Croatian popular musician.
Kico 2021
Then Sings My Soul
Then Sings My Soul
Chad Matthews, who lives a simple life of local fame as a Stompin’ Tom tribute musician, is a man whose life hasn’t taken him where he thought it would.
Then Sings My Soul 2021
Inside Mexico's Most Powerful Drug Cartel
Inside Mexico's Most Powerful Drug Cartel
"Tens of thousands are missing, many more murdered. So why are Mexico’s violent drug cartels operating with impunity? We go inside the most powerful cartel to meet the footsoldiers. Corruption, they say, goes right to the top. Produced in collaboration with Ben Zand and Vice TV."
Inside Mexico's Most Powerful Drug Cartel 2021
The law that broke US immigration
The law that broke US immigration
Why the US has so many undocumented immigrants.
The law that broke US immigration 2021
The Swedish Way
The Swedish Way
The Swedish Way 2021
Hot concentration of violence, mutilation and lust.
Overdose 2021
Dasha Had a Dream
Dasha Had a Dream
A documentary dream of a girl who cannot wake up from a traumatic but alluring past, where she was close to her loved ones.
Dasha Had a Dream 2021
My Father's War
My Father's War
My Father’s War, an animated documentary produced by Humanity in Action, brings to life the experiences of Peter Hein and his son David Hein. As a Jewish toddler in the Netherlands in the 1940s, Peter was separated from his parents and whisked from hiding place to hiding place to escape deportation. From feigning scarlet fever to avoid a Nazi raid, to suffering crippling injuries during a bombing campaign, Peter somehow survives, one day at a time, even as capture and death surround him. Meanwhile, the film also follows Peter’s parents, who themselves must make a series of daring escapes as their hiding places are revealed to Nazi forces by Dutch collaborators. By the end of the war, when Peter and his parents are finally reunited, Peter cannot even recognize them. “I just saw a strange man with long black hair and a little woman who was crying and trying to kiss me. I didn’t want anything from them,” Peter recalls in the film.
My Father's War 2021
Teachers for Life
Teachers for Life
How can school education be designed differently? Four passionate teachers show how it can be done.
Teachers for Life 2021
Au cœur d'une incroyable maternité
Au cœur d'une incroyable maternité
Au cœur d'une incroyable maternité 2021
Letzte Worte - Das Recht auf den Selbstbestimmten Tod
Letzte Worte - Das Recht auf den Selbstbestimmten Tod
Letzte Worte - Das Recht auf den Selbstbestimmten Tod 2021
Jetysu Archaeology
Jetysu Archaeology
"Zhetysu" is literally translated from the Kazakh language as "Seven rivers". This is the most ancient historical and geographical region of the Almaty region which is being studied by Kazakhstani archaeologists. Of particular interest to them is the era of the early nomads. Digging up ancient burial mounds, archaeologists are trying to trace the migration routes of the nomadic tribes of Altai and make an unexpected discovery.
Jetysu Archaeology 2021