
Popular Documentary Movies

A personal expression of transformation, as a mother turns her grief and silence around a miscarriage into an expression of remembrance.
3:07 2021
A mother's lunar reverie channels anxieties of life on Earth into a grainy, cosmic awareness of organic perseverance amongst the stars.
Mūtātiōnem 2021
Saudade do Futuro
Saudade do Futuro
Portugal, Brazil and Cape Verde. Countries linked by the sea and the culture of nostalgia. The film travels across three continents and finds characters marked by absences produced by events that transform the history of these countries. Like fascism, colonization, slavery, dictatorships and leaving never to return. The culture of saudade is the thread that connects conversations by the sea.
Saudade do Futuro 2021
The documentary explores the school system of the GDR - educational mandate and ideological terror side by side.
Clay & Bone
Clay & Bone
Clay & Bone is an experimental documentary film, constructed from the film archive that was created during the building of Crossrail, the new railway under London.
Clay & Bone 2021
Kosberg Worked
Kosberg Worked
The story of those who made possible the first human flight into space, but remained behind the scenes. The heroes of the film are Semyon Kosberg and other engineers who worked in the Voronezh design bureau on the third stage of the rocket engine, without which the Gagarin spacecraft would not have entered orbit on April 12, 1961. Memories of Viktor Skachilov, the only surviving member of Kosberg's team, and archive photos are intertwined with animation and an inspired soundtrack created specifically for the film. "Kosberg worked" is about hard work for the sake of a great dream, about scientific breakthroughs and people who do the incredible.
Kosberg Worked 2021
The Lunar Course of My Life
The Lunar Course of My Life
In Japan, the term 'hikikomori' designates people who isolate themselves from society. Nanako, aged 24, joins in the activities of an organisation that helps withdrawn young people to reintegrate. Valerie Bäuerlein follows the path of the young woman as she regains confidence in herself.
The Lunar Course of My Life 2021
La Belle Époque de Michel Ocelot
La Belle Époque de Michel Ocelot
La Belle Époque de Michel Ocelot 2021
A Cruel Morte de uma Mangueira de Meia-Idade
A Cruel Morte de uma Mangueira de Meia-Idade
A Cruel Morte de uma Mangueira de Meia-Idade 2021
Children Should Only Be Kissed at Night
Children Should Only Be Kissed at Night
The journey of four directors in search of the words of men who were sons and will now become fathers. At the ‘Circle of Men’ in Turin, they deal with overcoming the masculinist patriarchal model through the changing male representation and its language.
Children Should Only Be Kissed at Night 2021
No Place Like Kasama
No Place Like Kasama
A Chicago couple pushes through the trials and tribulations of opening a business in the middle of a pandemic in a portrait of a Filipino restaurant finding its roots during a turbulent time.
No Place Like Kasama 2021
The Pasha
The Pasha
With »The Pasha«, Josie Maynard tries to find an access to the historical events of a country she lived and filmed in for 15 years. She manages to gain the trust of one of the country‘s key-figures: General Abdul Rashid Dostum has been a mover and shaker in Afghanistan for decades. He is known as one of America‘s most important ally in the fight against the Taliban, but his alleged brutality against prisoners is viewed skeptically, especially in Europe, while parts of the country see him as a hero.
The Pasha 2021
Blurry figures multiply in the darkness, an otherworldly light breaks through melting textures, a monkey stares intently at something outside the frame, and disturbing landscapes are buried in digital noise. Yeah might be the most ominous work in the retrospective.
Yeah 2021
The elaborate audiovisual installation is a kind of imaginary "trialogue" between cosmic bodies in our solar system, specifically Mars, Mercury, and Venus. The supreme sound and visual rendering defined by technology contrast with the poetic diction pervading interplanetary communication. The universe may be a desolate place, but it's the proverbial human touch that gives it so much more.
Observatory.01 2021
Gangnam Beauty
Gangnam Beauty
Oli London, English, in his thirties, is fascinated by South Korea and especially by Jimin, a world star of K-pop. For years, he has spent a fortune on plastic surgery to look like him. His personal journey is staged via a Korean tale, which is the founding myth of a shamanic mask dance.
Gangnam Beauty 2021
Ostrov - Lost Island
Ostrov - Lost Island
On the island of Ostrov in the Caspian Sea the inhabitants, left alone by the Russian state after the collapse of the Soviet Union, survive through poaching.
Ostrov - Lost Island 2021
Parole. Operetta per voce e piano
Parole. Operetta per voce e piano
Everything is true: everything has happened and has been filmed as it was happening. A screenwriter at the top of his career, tired of his work and burdened by unescapable life choices, decides with an acquaintance to sail back to Rome from the small island where he spent last year's lockdown. During this journey, unexpected events overlap with a verbal outburst about his tangled life. A flow of words comes out, a naked and unabashed confession about cinema, the directors he has worked with, family, love, grief and his past. As unstoppable and digressive as a jazz solo.
Parole. Operetta per voce e piano 2021
Pallae: Womanhood Story
Pallae: Womanhood Story
Choreographer Nam Jeongho's Pallae: Womanhood Story premiered in 1993. Five female dancers spend the night washing clothes and bathing together at the wash place, which is the backdrop stage, for the performance of Pallae in 2021.
Pallae: Womanhood Story 2021
Happy Life
Happy Life
In this anxious and hectic time, Happy Life explores those unusual outlets that soothe the turmoil of the body and mind. In a meditative journey through these analgesic places, this documentary essay paints a portrait of a society in seek of meaning and relief.
Happy Life 2021
The Hands of an Elder
The Hands of an Elder
The Hands of an Elder 2021
Wagner, Bayreuth and the rest of the world
Wagner, Bayreuth and the rest of the world
Wagner, Bayreuth and the rest of the world 2021
We'll Always Have Paris
We'll Always Have Paris
In "We'll always have Paris," the Eifel Tower, Champs-Élysées, magnificent fountains, and trimmed hedges stand as faux French in the hazy rain of Tianducheng. The residential complex located in the suburbs of the Chinese megapolis Hangzhou is one of the countless, largely unpopulated pop-up sites that sprung up overnight through high-speed real-estate speculation. In Raidel’s film, the Eifel Tower is the anti-gravity center of a phantom zone furnished with stark high-rises, parking areas, and gardens—an urban proposition that amounts to nothing.
We'll Always Have Paris 2021
Saved by the Party-State
Saved by the Party-State
Juxtaposing two films made during different periods of major political, economic and social upheaval in China, Maja Korbecka complicates dominant narratives of women’s liberation, displaying ways in which female characters can be made to serve as a mouthpiece for power.
Saved by the Party-State 2021
Feelings of Invisibility
Feelings of Invisibility
An intimate portrait of an invisible woman. Anne K. Abbott was born with severe Cerebral Palsy that renders her unable to walk or communicate verbally. She uses a speech card to painstakingly point to each letter of each word to deliver her message to the world. Anne paints with just her index finger, effectively smashing society's misconceptions about living life with a disability one masterpiece at a time. Feelings of Invisibility is a film that centers around themes of sexuality and disability, creative expression, activism, love, loss and grief. This contemplative visual journey provides an inside look on a life unseen by most that will shake loose the assumptions and limitations we impose upon others. It is not what you expect.
Feelings of Invisibility 2021
Fênix: O Voo de Davi
Fênix: O Voo de Davi
Fênix: O Voo de Davi 2021
Cattività 2021
Shadow Codex
Shadow Codex
The graffiti on the grey concrete walls of the disused prison in Turku are like cave paintings from a lost civilisation in the Finnish artist Saara Ekström’s ‘Shadow Codex’, which, with a simple but overwhelmingly suggestive approach, lets text, drawings and the shabby pinup posters speak their own language about incarceration and institutionalised punishment. Each cell is a gallery, an indexical imprint of the anonymous inmates’ minds, from a past conjured forth by the film’s timeless black and white 16mm images, with a gloomy melancholy that borders on madness. But, at the same time, the surveillance machinery, the architecture and the many layers of engravings tell us about a society which, in its attempt to maintain law and order, creates monuments of its own shadow – set against John Cage’s ‘Perilous Night’.
Shadow Codex 2021
As the effects of climate change become ever more apparent throughout the world, the Yup’ik people and their lands on the western outskirts of Alaska face a much more imminent threat. In the town of Newtok, years of rising temperatures have eroded the frozen foundation of the area. With their homes and way of life hanging in the balance, the town’s residents weigh the prospect of relocating the community or abandoning their traditional lands forever.
Newtok 2021
Shaba is a personal story filled with absolute joy about a group of women and an elephant named Shaba who changed each other’s lives.
Shaba 2021
Shakur Stevenson vs. Jeremiah Nakathila
Shakur Stevenson vs. Jeremiah Nakathila
Shakur Stevenson gets a shutout unanimous decision victory over Jeremiah Nakathila to earn the WBO junior lightweight interim title
Shakur Stevenson vs. Jeremiah Nakathila 2021
À la source de la tyrannie
À la source de la tyrannie
Through the youthful portraits of some of the most terrible dictators of the 20th and 21st centuries, this documentary examines the origins of tyranny. Is a dictator the product of a family, social and historical context?
À la source de la tyrannie 2021
A Custom of the Sea
A Custom of the Sea
Porto Maurizio, where the director, who lives in France today, grew up, is located on the Ligurian coast. The village is the starting point for a cinematic journey into the past that spans a surprisingly wide arc to a time when Muslim pirates, the corsairs, haunted the Mediterranean and took Europeans as slaves. To this end, the film light-handedly draws from the rich fund of film history and its iconography.
A Custom of the Sea 2021
Çayhouse 2021
Korter í Áflog
Korter í Áflog
Documents the band "Korter í Flog". Their way to the top and their ultimate downfall. Post-dreifing, THAT Húrra concert and so much more.
Korter í Áflog 2021
No País de Alice
No País de Alice
With this trip, an intergenerational sharing begins: with Portugal present as a backdrop, the director and a little daughter wander as if in question, trying to understand the country of today.
No País de Alice 2021
Ob Scene
Ob Scene
A personal and sexual diary. A fake user’s manual whose sophistication and audaciousness free it from the traps of what has to be said and the agenda of commonplace. A discourse with disconcert and without instructions, with an exploring spirit and without restrictions.
Ob Scene 2021
La France en Vrai - Sugar
La France en Vrai - Sugar
La France en Vrai - Sugar 2021
On Your Marks!
On Your Marks!
On Your Marks! 2021
Oğlago tells the story of a cross-country skiing athlete competing for the Turkish National Team. Despite being one of the most popular sports in Winter Olympics, cross-country skiing is almost unknown in Turkey. Although having participated four consecutive times to the Olympic Games, he never had a sponsor, or was interviewed by the press. As a four-time Olympian, Sabahattin Oğlago trains all by himself at the mountains of Eastern Anatolia for more than twenty years…
Oglago 2021
La luz que recuerdo
La luz que recuerdo
La luz que recuerdo 2021