
Popular Documentary Movies

El problema con los muertos es que son impuntuales
El problema con los muertos es que son impuntuales
El problema con los muertos es que son impuntuales 2012
Die Wiege des Alpinismus
Die Wiege des Alpinismus
The documentary traces the development of the phenomenon of alpinism and questions the motives of the early pioneers, who set themselves a monument with their mountaineering achievements.
Die Wiege des Alpinismus 2012
Colditz Revealed: Life Inside the Colditz Castle
Colditz Revealed: Life Inside the Colditz Castle
A look at the harsh realities of life as a POW in the notorious Colditz Prison during World War Two as told by those who were there.
Colditz Revealed: Life Inside the Colditz Castle 2012
Ocho construcciones imaginadas por ocho obreros de construcción
Ocho construcciones imaginadas por ocho obreros de construcción
Stop motion based on drawings made by construction workers, approached at the exit of their workplace, they answered in several ways to the question: What would you build if you could build anything you wanted?
Ocho construcciones imaginadas por ocho obreros de construcción 2012
Memórias de uma Saga Caeté
Memórias de uma Saga Caeté
Memórias de uma Saga Caeté 2012
Make Me Happy: A Monkey's Search for Happiness
Make Me Happy: A Monkey's Search for Happiness
Comedian and ventriloquist Nina Conti explores the world of new age and alternative therapies in a quest for self-knowledge, enlightenment and happiness. With her puppet Monkey as the voice of scepticism, Nina undergoes naked yoga, laughter therapy and shamanic ritual, before taking part in primal screaming and rebirth at a three-day retreat in the wilds of Scotland.
Make Me Happy: A Monkey's Search for Happiness 2012
La Vérité Sur Le Rap Indépendant : vol.2
La Vérité Sur Le Rap Indépendant : vol.2
In this new volume, the subject is explored in greater depth. We delve into the theme of musical racism, a truly existing issue in independent music. The subject matter is somewhat shocking and at times provocative in the testimonials. We also raise the fundamental question of the 'hip-hop problem': Why does French rap, or more broadly, French hip-hop, not evolve and not sell?
La Vérité Sur Le Rap Indépendant : vol.2 2012
Three Days in Wukan
Three Days in Wukan
the disappointments and hopes of Wukan villagers at the height of their dramatic protests against the government’s seizure of their farmland. Ai and a group of volunteers secretly entered the village on December 19, 2011, the day Shanwei City Party Secretary Zheng Yanxiong’s speech on the protests was delivered to the village. In the next two days, the provincial party officials entered the village and the provincial vice party secretary met with the villagers’ representative, recognizing his and other representatives’ legitimacy. Ai’s documentary, with interviews of villagers, therefore records Wukan’s protests as it turned a new page.
Three Days in Wukan 2012
Vida i mort d un espai en tres actes
Vida i mort d un espai en tres actes
This documentary chronicles the final days of the Colony Castells, one of the few remaining factory colonies in Barcelona, which was demolished in 2011. With the demolition of low houses and narrow streets, an entire relational microworld was buried with its peculiar and very human way of understanding the urban space, by its beloved inhabitants.
Vida i mort d un espai en tres actes 2012
2012年中央广播电视总台春节联欢晚会 2012
As Old As The World
As Old As The World
On a continuing journey and without destination defined, the painter Anton Lamazares meets with friends and family to reflect about key issues to answer this question: what place is left for the art as a way of understanding existence?
As Old As The World 2012
Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK: discussion on Sri Ramana's 'Who am I?' (abridged)
Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK: discussion on Sri Ramana's 'Who am I?' (abridged)
At a meeting of the 'Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK' on 11th August 2012, Michael James discusses some passages from நான் யார்? (Nāṉ Yār? - Who am I?) and then answers questions on the practice of the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK: discussion on Sri Ramana's 'Who am I?' (abridged) 2012
Wright's Law
Wright's Law
Every now and then, we get a teacher who doesn't just connect with us -- they make us a better person in the world. Jeffrey Wright of Louisville, Ky. is one of those teachers. He uses wacky experiments to teach high school kids about science and the universe. But it's his own personal story about his relationship with his disabled son that shows his students the true meaning of life.
Wright's Law 2012
Between Shadows and Whispers
Between Shadows and Whispers
Miriam Torres stopped seeing and hearing at the age of 7. She learned to speak whilst being deaf-blind and now at 55 years old, she teaches other people with the same disability on how to communicate with others. Based on the diaries of Miriam, the film takes you through the inner journey of a woman seeking to recall the forgotten sights and sounds of her childhood, her mother's face, her own face, and the last image she saw and heard in her life.
Between Shadows and Whispers 2012
A 12-year-old girl must complete a family history assignment for school. The boring task slowly becomes a sweeping drama embodying many secrets over three generations of one family, beginning before the Second World War and ending with the fall of the collective kibbutz idealism. In the vein of Arnon Goldfinger’s The Flat, this quiet and sensitively-constructed documentary explores a family’s resistance to excavate a buried painful past.
Photonovela 2012
You Had to Be There
You Had to Be There
A collection of memorable stories from The Doors as well as friends who were present the night of their legendary 1968 appearance at the Hollywood Bowl - from long-held rumors to behind-the-scenes anecdotes.
You Had to Be There 2012
Before The End of The World
Before The End of The World
In recent times, there is a lot to talk about 2012; the possibility of the end of the world or the beginning of a new era. But this is for those who follow the Mayan Calendar. What about other religions? Christians believe in the second coming of Christ, Judaism awaits the emergence of the Messiah, Hindus have the concept of the change of Yugas with the coming of the Kalki avatar, Buddhists believe in the arrival of the Bodhisattva Maitreya. And science, atheists, environmentalists, what do they believe? The film explores the many and diverse apocalypses and each point of view behind them.
Before The End of The World 2012
Exu - Além do Bem e do Mal
Exu - Além do Bem e do Mal
Exu - Além do Bem e do Mal 2012
Talking Architect
Talking Architect
Chung Guyon is a second-generation Korean modern architecture. By implementing the Miracle Library Project for children in six major metropolitan cities nationwide for instance, he confronts and fights society, displaying his indefatigable will to build a better one through architecture.
Talking Architect 2012
When Lines Speak
When Lines Speak
A documentary about modern-day comics.
When Lines Speak 2012
Země česká, domov Tvůj!
Země česká, domov Tvůj!
Země česká, domov Tvůj! 2012
Love in the Grave
Love in the Grave
Filmed over a number of years, David Vondráček’s powerful documentary records the lives of Jan and Jana, a homeless couple who find refuge in a cemetery in the Prague borough of Strašnice. Living on food from garbage containers and trading the books and porn magazines they find there, they nonetheless live lives of independence, love and humour. Jana, a former prostitute, tries to visit her daughter while Jan visits his aged mother after many years, but both fail to re-establish links with their past. Through identification with their everyday world, Vondráček reaches the human reality and complexity beneath the surface, a world not so different from that of the supposedly successful. Eventually, they are expelled from their temporary home with heartbreaking consequences. Vondráček’s award-winning documentary reveals the breadth of experience – even vibrancy – surviving in the world of the dispossessed.
Love in the Grave 2012
Gzim Rewind
Gzim Rewind
Gzim Rewind 2012
Another Night on Earth
Another Night on Earth
Cairo traffic can justifiably be called an experimental chaos. Streetlights seem to be regarded on principle as mere lighting consoles, erected to adorn the city but otherwise negligible. Taxis, however, are looked upon as halfway trustworthy ferries navigating this erratic stream of road users, all the more so when the whole city has been set in motion even more than usual. Produced between March and September 2011 during the blossoming of the Arab Revolution and recorded with the smallest available equipment, permanently installed in several taxis, “Otra noche en la tierra” is an exciting picture of Egyptian society during those months. Dozens of passengers share their concerns (frequently) or euphoria (sometimes), their expectations and fears in view of an uncertain future with us.
Another Night on Earth 2012
Dracula: The Restoration
Dracula: The Restoration
Documentary about the restoration of Tod Browning's 1931 Dracula Adaptation
Dracula: The Restoration 2012
Första, största kärleken
Första, största kärleken
A film about Coco and Lollo, two 16-year-old girls and their feelings for their first big love. Lollo is sad after her ex dumped her, and Coco isn't really sure where she is with her boyfriend.
Första, största kärleken 2012
The Story of Mushroom Picking
The Story of Mushroom Picking
In the mountains of western Fujian, mushrooms emerge in large numbers after rain. Hakka people pick mushrooms up the mountain with baskets at three or four o 'clock in the morning. The process of picking mushrooms is also the process of harvest.
The Story of Mushroom Picking 2012
The Pomors
The Pomors
The Kola Peninsula. Varzuga village. A road has recently appeared here. The inhabitants of a distant village talk about how the world coming from outside affects the identity of the village. How can a village survive in the modern world without wasting what the northern land has held for centuries? The priest Mitrofan Badanin commanded ships in the Northern Fleet for most of his life, and now he is restoring the temples of the Kola Peninsula. He shared with the authors of the film reflections on the fate of the village, the characters of people, faith, strengthened by trials at sea.
The Pomors 2012
Bel Borba Aqui
Bel Borba Aqui
Armed with inspiration and a variety of materials, Brazilian artist Bel Borba turns his hometown of Salvador into an ever-evolving art gallery. The resulting work is an expression of his creativity -- and his love for the city that spawned it.
Bel Borba Aqui 2012
Estado de shock: Industria del narco y guerra espuria
Estado de shock: Industria del narco y guerra espuria
Alt.journalism documentary about the government's complicity in cartel culture.
Estado de shock: Industria del narco y guerra espuria 2012
One night at a burger drive-in me and my colleague saw a drunk person staggering across a vast and empty bus terminal lot. It reminded me of the opening sequence of Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. I got an idea about secretly documenting people walking home drunk in the night looking like the undead. I enjoy walking home drunk. It’s an adventure, a meditation or a form of self- expression, depending on the mood one is in.
Outro 2012
12 August 2002 is the date which was printed on every shot in this film by the memory of the camera. On that day a huge tower which disrupted the north wing of an abandoned castle was torn down, floor by floor. The film is a record of the methodical disruption of this building by inhuman and all-powerful machines. The voice-over consists of a phone call by the author John Berger (1926), who has written numerous and radical opinion pieces in favour of the people of Palestine.
12.Août.2002 2012
XX Congress - Russian Nuremberg
XX Congress - Russian Nuremberg
February 25, 1956 No one yet knew that on this last day, the closing day of the CPSU Congress, an event would occur that historians would compare with a nuclear explosion.
XX Congress - Russian Nuremberg 2012
No Trust. No Fear. Ask Nothing.
No Trust. No Fear. Ask Nothing.
"No trust. No fear. Ask nothing" traces the seemingly lost world of Russian gangster and prison camp music. Witnesses from the soviet period bring the underground music scene of the '60s and '70s back to life. But is it really a lost world, or why would young hip hop and folk musicians refer to their mythic ancestors?
No Trust. No Fear. Ask Nothing. 2012
Simonova str., 26
Simonova str., 26
This is a story about grown children. Adults in their 10 years. Cigarettes and alcohol, rudeness and childish immediacy, these few words can describe the world in which Nikita lives. He has 4 grades of elementary school behind him, but now it’s not up to school anymore, he has to earn money and take care of his alcoholic mother. Nikitin's comrades are also "children of the streets." What we called "happy childhood" seems to be losing relevance. And does Nikita need it?
Simonova str., 26 2012
Quadrille Over the Tien Shan
Quadrille Over the Tien Shan
Ghulja is a city in the west of China, the Chinese and Uighurs live here, but few people know that only 80 years ago it was called the Russian Ghulja. Here the Russian people, who fled from Russia at that time, sought shelter in search of a better life. This is where bayans, accordions, harmonicas and sad Russian melodies came from in these places. How did the fate of the exiles, who endured all the hardships of the twentieth century, but preserved the faith, language and memory of their distant homeland for future generations.
Quadrille Over the Tien Shan 2012
For Whom the Bell Does Not Ring
For Whom the Bell Does Not Ring
A film about the history of Orthodox monasteries, which were located on the territory of Kosovo until the end of the last century. During the tragic events in Kosovo in the early 2000s, fifteen Orthodox monasteries and more than twenty churches were burned or destroyed. It is here, as in no other part of the planet, that Orthodox Christians suffer for the Faith. They carry it in their hearts, do not complain about their fate and with dignity endure the trials and sacrifices that have befallen them.
For Whom the Bell Does Not Ring 2012
How The Bismarck Sank HMS Hood
How The Bismarck Sank HMS Hood
The 'mighty' Hood was the pride of the British Navy for more than 20 years, revered around the world as the largest and most powerful warship afloat. But when it was sunk by the German battleship Bismarck off the coast of Greenland on 24 May 1941, its end was shockingly swift.
How The Bismarck Sank HMS Hood 2012
Nous sommes revenus dans l'allée des marronniers
Nous sommes revenus dans l'allée des marronniers
The director lost her three uncles. She returns to the cemetery where they are buried. Mixing super-8 home movies and 16mm travelling shots in the alleys of the cemetery, "We came back to chesnut tree avenue " is a tribute to their invisible presence.
Nous sommes revenus dans l'allée des marronniers 2012
L'Enfer Vert des Bretons
L'Enfer Vert des Bretons
L'Enfer Vert des Bretons 2012