
Popular Documentary Movies

Making 'Badlands'
Making 'Badlands'
An overview of the making of Badlands (1973).
Making 'Badlands' 2013
Támadás 2
Támadás 2
This film is about Béla Kathi's sports career, her rise to the top in bodybuilding and her transformation into a businessman. The story is based on the 2012 Superbody preparation, but it goes back into the past and continues into the future.
Támadás 2 2013
Sababou, l'espoir
Sababou, l'espoir
Sababou, l'espoir 2013
Spains Worst Rail Disaster
Spains Worst Rail Disaster
Spains Worst Rail Disaster 2013
Desde el lado del corazón
Desde el lado del corazón
Desde el lado del corazón 2013
Rick Stein's German Bite
Rick Stein's German Bite
Rick Stein sets out on his German voyage with his usual appetite to unearth some of the country's hidden culinary gems. As always, Rick seeks out enticing fishing opportunities and is on the hunt for the most tantalising seafood - but this journey is different to most because it is one that is very close to Rick's heart. Although Rick has always known he was of German descent, he knows very little of his German family - but the one thing he is sure of is that he wouldn't have the business he has today without them. In the early 70s, he inherited £10,000 from a great uncle that he never knew, money that provided him with a great investment in his restaurant.
Rick Stein's German Bite 2013
The Waiting
The Waiting
Ekhlas Alhlwani was forced to flee Syria with her three children and now lives in Zaatari, a refugee camp in the Jordanian desert. Rizzi spent seven weeks observing her and other women's daily life, which is devoid of any prospects. He shows how Alhlwani makes every effort to establish some kind of normality for her family despite the difficult camp conditions. The film vividlyconveys the cruelty of war, and especially the state o funcertainty and rootlessness to which refugees are exposed. The film is the first part of a trilogy that focuses on the emergence of a new civil consciousness in Malaysia, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and Syria, as well as the social implications of the end of post-colonialism in these countries.
The Waiting 2013
Jackie sans Kennedy
Jackie sans Kennedy
Jackie sans Kennedy 2013
Three Landscapes
Three Landscapes
Shot on 16mm, this wondrous silent film study from avant-garde master Peter Hutton (At Sea) observes human movement across three distinct landscapes: Detroit, along the Hudson River Valley and in the Dallol Depression in Ethiopia.
Three Landscapes 2013
Centoquaranta - La strage dimenticata
Centoquaranta - La strage dimenticata
Centoquaranta - La strage dimenticata 2013
Les Chebabs de Yarmouk
Les Chebabs de Yarmouk
A group of young people on the eve of adult life: the boys experiment all solutions to avoid doing their military service, but one of them decides to go for it, with the hope of making an easier life; the girls think about studying, meeting up with their boyfriends abroad, marrying soon.
Les Chebabs de Yarmouk 2013
More Than a Face in the Crowd
More Than a Face in the Crowd
A filmmaker explores the life of her 100-year-old great-aunt, Jane Chung, an actress who made a career for herself at a time when Asian Americans faced widespread racism in Hollywood. Jane has had parts in over fifty films and TV shows including Chinatown, When Harry Met Sally, M.A.S.H. and I Love Lucy, yet most of her roles are uncredited. Through the story of Jane Chung's life and career, More than a Face in the Crowd reveals a larger untold story of Asian American actors and extras in Hollywood.
More Than a Face in the Crowd 2013
Jew-Man Business
Jew-Man Business
Jew-Man Business, besides having a seminally anti-semitic title, is a documentary about the struggle faced in Freetown, Sierra Leone. This documentary sets out to show us how life is on the streets of Freetown, following three young men, of which one is living on the street (Bone Thug), another who is trying to leave the street life of crime behind him (Junior), and finally, Ice T, a former rebel soldier. Jew-Man Business portrays a real hardship as it follows these three men through their daily routine.
Jew-Man Business 2013
A family from the Sierra Negra in Puebla spend their days between the cycles of the earth. From time to time, the parents feel anxious when they think what will happen to their beloved “yen Tochi” (the Rabbit), their youngest child, when they are not there to take care of him.
Rabbit 2013
In So Many Words
In So Many Words
Lucy Daniels believes that a family secret told to her as a four year-old radically impacted the trajectory of her life, and set in motion a life-long debilitating mental illness. Born into a powerful newspaper-magnate family, from an early age Lucy defined her worth by her ability to write. Despite early success, she was struck with severe anorexia and underwent brutal treatment in mental institutions, only to survive, pen her first best-seller, and ultimately win a Guggenheim Prize in literature - all before the age of 22. The first of its kind, this hybrid documentary weaves together 'relational' recreations, animated dream sequences, constructed worlds and intimate interviews to tell a worthwhile story of survival and creativity, filtered through the eyes of filmmaker and subject.
In So Many Words 2013
Glacial Balance
Glacial Balance
Water and its sources have historically been the key factor in the establishment of cities, of civilizations. 'Glacial Balance' is a contemplative documentary film showing the effects climate change is having on Andean glaciers and the lives of those who depend on them for survival. In the film, we travel along the spine of the Andes mountain range, from Colombia to Argentina, getting to know the lives of those who will be first affected by the dwindling glacier reserve, the 'canaries in the mine'; The locals' experiences and scientists working in a race against time.
Glacial Balance 2013
Israel: A Home Movie
Israel: A Home Movie
A vast, well-constructed collage of private home movies from the early 1930s to the mid 1970s that reveals the history of the Jewish state in ways that you have never seen before. Rescued from oblivion in drawers, basements and attics, this footage shows daily family life unfolding alongside events that would shape the country. “The whole idea here is there is no one Israeli narrative,” said producer Arik Bernstein in an interview, “This is no official history. It’s not a left-wing look at history, or a right-wing look. These are personal histories — little moments that make up a whole and show something of who we are.”
Israel: A Home Movie 2013
Two Raging Grannies
Two Raging Grannies
Two Raging Grannies is a touching and thought-provoking documentary that challenges the idea that we must continue to shop, consume, amass, and keep the economy growing.
Two Raging Grannies 2013
After harmonizing New Orleans with "Nola Chérie", Chassol presents INDIAMORE Filmed in Calcutta and Vanarasi in July 2012, Chassol harmonized sounds, images and traditional music with these chord progressions that just look like him.
Indiamore 2013
Memories For Moderns
Memories For Moderns
A series of 13 videos made between 2000 and 2009 shown together for the first time. Starting with the “musical” writings of Pier Vittorio Tondelli, Ancarani retraces the changes that have come to Romagna’s ‘riviera’ in recent decades: immigration and petrochemical plants amidst timeless landscapes.
Memories For Moderns 2013
Menstrual Man
Prime Video
Menstrual Man
Some folks squirm at mention of a woman’s period…not Arunachalam Muruganantham. Considered a madman and pervert by his community, he ignores his detractors and makes his dream—low-cost sanitary pads made by and for rural Indian women—a reality. Using manually operated machines, Muruganantham’s microbusiness model is focused on something more important than profits: providing sustainable employment, hygiene and emancipation to women who would otherwise go without. He’s a man with a million-dollar idea—except money has nothing to do with it. His goal is to make a livelihood, not to accumulate wealth; to operate at a human scale, not a multinational one. Menstrual Man is the inspiring story of a hero who rises above poverty and a lack of education to become a superstar social entrepreneur in the business of breaking cultural taboos and re-inventing the economic pyramid. Muruganantham is leading a movement, not a company. And it’s spreading.
Menstrual Man 2013
Jabbed: Love, Fear and Vaccines
Jabbed: Love, Fear and Vaccines
Diseases that were largely eradicated forty years ago are returning. Across the world children are dying from preventable conditions, because nervous parents are skipping their children's vaccinations. Yet the stories of vaccine injury are frightening, with rare cases of people being seriously hurt by vaccines. This documentary looks at the growing trend of vaccine hesitancy around the world, exploring the reasons for complacency and concerns, and highlighting the impact of delaying or refusing immunisation.
Jabbed: Love, Fear and Vaccines 2013
War Is a Tender Thing
War Is a Tender Thing
Through her own family's memories of struggle, Adjani unravels the story of war-torn Southern Philippines as an endless attempt at survival and adaptation to state policies that disregard the most basic concept of home.
War Is a Tender Thing 2013
Serrat & Sabina: Two for the Road
Serrat & Sabina: Two for the Road
Joan Manuel Serrat fled to Mexico when Franco ordered his persecution. In Argentina and Chile, his commitment against military regimes is still remembered. Joaquín Sabina arrived later. His poetry bewitched the audience. In Argentina, he is a tango singer as much as a rocker; in Mexico, the mariachis sing their songs. The former is a symbol, a venerated figure; the latter is a “cuate,” as they say in Mexico, a buddy with whom you can always count.
Serrat & Sabina: Two for the Road 2013
Como Se Fosse da Família
Como Se Fosse da Família
Áurea and Vander, maids all his life, reflect on the new law regulating the profession.
Como Se Fosse da Família 2013
Origins of Film Noir
Origins of Film Noir
Jump into the world of Film Noir and look at how the technology and economic factors gave birth to a genre that still deeply influences the way filmmakers work today. Take a look at 4 Film Noirs spanning the beginning and end of the classic film noir era: "The Stranger on the Third Floor", "Double Indemnity", "The Big Combo" and "Touch of Evil".
Origins of Film Noir 2013
Black Beast
Black Beast
Hercules, an old cowboy and quick shooter, says he's seen a black panther near his small hunting lodge. Some of his friends agree with him, others believe it's only a legend. Until Tony Scarf, actor and panther specialist, catches one...
Black Beast 2013
Shored Up
Shored Up
Shored Up is the story of our coasts where life on the edge of a rising sea has placed our towns and cities on the front lines of climate change. Following frustrated scientists, confused politicians and level-headed surfers, Shored Up follows the conflicts that are erupting from New Jersey to North Carolina as the ocean rises and we challenge nature to an unwinnable duel.
Shored Up 2013
Big Shot
Big Shot
A meteoric rise and tragic fall are captured in this brief history of a beloved sports team and a man who took a chance. When the New York Islanders first burst on the national hockey scene, the team was unstoppable. Winning four straight Stanley Cups, it became the pride of Long Island, until subsequent years of turmoil left the Islanders in dire straits. Enter John Spano, an obscure Texas millionaire with big dreams and a persuasive smile. Director and avid Islanders fan Kevin Connolly of HBO’s Entourage gets an earnest play-by-play from a man who exaggerated his social and monetary profile so vastly that he actually took control of an NHL franchise. With testimony from sports analysts and federal investigators, Connolly skillfully pieces together this unbelievable story.
Big Shot 2013
Pantera - Planets Of Destruction
Pantera - Planets Of Destruction
Almost a decade since the chance of a full scale Pantera re-union became the stuff of fantasy the band remain the most legendary outrageous and musically talented of any metal group since the genre emerged in the late 1960s and in the sadly missed brutally murdered Dimebag Darrell this Texan collective had one of the finest rock guitarists to ever strap on an axe. This film tells the true story of Pantera from their beginnings in the mid 1980s until that dreadful evening in 2004 when Metal lost one of it's brightest stars.
Pantera - Planets Of Destruction 2013
Hug an Atheist
Hug an Atheist
A documentary film about atheism in the USA, dispelling the myths and untruths following ordinary American atheists on their journey through life.
Hug an Atheist 2013
Of By For
Of By For
A journey across America’s Route 66 finds a country united in disappointment with the status quo in Washington.
Of By For 2013
A tour-documentary about the german punk-band "Slime".
1,7 2013
Battle for the Elephants
Battle for the Elephants
The ultimate wildlife story — how the Earth’s most charismatic and majestic land animal today faces market forces driving the value of its tusks to levels once reserved for precious metals. Journalists Bryan Christy and Aidan Hartley take viewers undercover as they investigate the criminal network behind ivory’s supply and demand. It also demonstrates how the elephant, with its highly evolved society, keen intelligence, ability to communicate across vast distances and to love, remember and even to mourn, is far more complex than ever imagined.
Battle for the Elephants 2013
Cold War
Cold War
Featuring Jamie Thomas, Chris Cole, John Rattray, James Brockman, Tommy Sandoval, Dane Burman, Tony Cervantes, Ben Hatchell, Tom Karangelov, and Nick Boserio.
Cold War 2013
Boris Johnson: The Irresistible Rise
Boris Johnson: The Irresistible Rise
It was the exact same effect induced by Michael Cockerell’s film Boris Johnson: the Irresistible Rise last night on BBC Two. Regardless of what you think of Johnson’s politics or predilections, the man is TV gold. In the name of journalistic objectivity Cockerell’s film dutifully included musings from Boris’s sister Rachel, his father Stanley, former editors and school chums. Some of it was moderately revealing, but the money shot was the blond bombshell, live and unleashed.
Boris Johnson: The Irresistible Rise 2013
Undressing Israel: Gay Men in the Promised Land
Undressing Israel: Gay Men in the Promised Land
When many people think of Israel, it is often in terms of modern war or ancient religion. But there is much more to the Jewish state then missiles and prayers. In his debut as a documentary filmmaker, adult-film entrepreneur and political columnist Michael Lucas examines a side of Israel that is too often overlooked: its thriving gay community. Undressing Israel features interviews with a diverse range of local men, including a gay member of Israel's parliament, a trainer who served openly in the army, a young Arab-Israeli journalist, and a pair of dads raising their kids. Lucas also visits Tel Aviv's vibrant nightlife scene-and a same-sex wedding-in this guided tour to a country that emerged as a pioneer for gay integration and equality.
Undressing Israel: Gay Men in the Promised Land 2013
The Unrideables
The Unrideables
The 1980s were a high point of factory involvement in Grand Prix motorcycle racing. Suzuki, Honda and Yamaha battled for technological dominance in the high-powered world of 500cc two-stroke racers - and to ride these beasts they employed the very best riders in the world. The likes of Rainey, Schwantz, Lawson and Mamola struggled to tame the raw power and brutal handling of bikes built without constraints and without any of the modern rider aids which make today's MotoGP four-stroke machines seem bland in comparison. The riders might have been paid handsomely for their efforts but, as this film shows, they paid a heavy price for their fame and stardom. With loads of great action shots from the archives and revealing, frank interviews with many of the top riders this incredible documentary looks at the men who had to ride the unrideables.
The Unrideables 2013
The Reaper
The Reaper
Efrain, known as the Reaper, has worked at a slaughterhouse for 25 years. We will discover his deep relationship with death and his struggle to live.
The Reaper 2013
The Competition
The Competition
A raw account of how some of the world's leading architects, giants such as Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry and Zaha Hadid, struggle to beat the competition for the National Art Museum in Andorra.
The Competition 2013