
Popular Animation Movies

Smoke Without Fire
Smoke Without Fire
Smoke Without Fire 2023
Don't Touch It With Your Hands!
Don't Touch It With Your Hands!
Don't Touch It With Your Hands! 2023
She Doesn't Bite
She Doesn't Bite
She Doesn't Bite 2023
A short film about connection, loss and grief.
Ghosts 2023
Shadows 2023
Meanwhile 2023
Menanti Mentari
Menanti Mentari
Gadhing and Noer were separated from their father and a group of Semarang residents during the evacuation. They chased their cat which ran away to their house. When Noer saw the flower painting, she heard sounds of soldiers, making them hide. Then, there was an explosion that caused their house to be destroyed and fell on them. However, they survived and immediately ran outside.
Menanti Mentari 2023
Blue Journey 1st Live
Blue Journey 1st Live "Yoake no Uta"
Blue Journey 1st Live "Yoake no Uta"
Blue Journey 1st Live "Yoake no Uta" 2023
After Rain
After Rain
Tiltu, a cat terrified of water, is lost just when it starts raining. The rain doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon, and Tiltu is trapped in their cover. Tiltu has to make a choice, but facing your fears is not always that easy.
After Rain 2023
Piece of Solitude
Piece of Solitude
A lonely amnesic man lives in his paternal home. he has a habit of filling empty books with his beloved tokens of the past. during an event he remembers his childhood memories and a harmonica he lost. So, he starts to search for his lost harmonica.
Piece of Solitude 2023
Shigirskaya Fable
Shigirskaya Fable
Shigirskaya Fable 2023
I Was Born in the Reeds...
I Was Born in the Reeds...
I Was Born in the Reeds... 2023
Isolation 2023
My Friend is a Watermelon
My Friend is a Watermelon
My Friend is a Watermelon 2023
Forse Shorts
Forse Shorts
Forse Shorts 2023
Legend of the Sisters
Legend of the Sisters
The story is about nuns who burned themselves to avoid falling into the hands of evil.
Legend of the Sisters 2023
The Unapproachable Astronomer
The Unapproachable Astronomer
The Unapproachable Astronomer 2023
Meow 2023
The Window is to Longing
The Window is to Longing
The Window is to Longing 2023
Favorite Movies
Favorite Movies
Favorite Movies 2023
The Train Rides in Me
The Train Rides in Me
The Train Rides in Me 2023
Rain Feet
Rain Feet
Rain Feet 2023
A Bedtime Story
A Bedtime Story
A Bedtime Story 2023
Freedom is a Choice
Freedom is a Choice
Freedom is a Choice 2023
To Fall
To Fall
After an accident, a man is forced to live with limitations. His everyday life is characterized by isolation and strenuous rehabilitation. A reflection on falling and getting up.
To Fall 2023
In the shine that appeared in the blue of the sky...
In the shine that appeared in the blue of the sky...
In the shine that appeared in the blue of the sky... 2023
Onfim 2023
Nature's Bounty
Nature's Bounty
A short film that depicts an unconventional hero and her quest for a huge cash reward. However, Maeve, the bounty hunter, has a problem. She’s fallen for the bounty. As she fights her unresolved feelings towards her target. Maeve must make an impossible decision. Will she take her out or take her out.
Nature's Bounty 2023
205, Doc. Martens (et mon abruti de grand frère)
205, Doc. Martens (et mon abruti de grand frère)
Mina would like to drive the family car on the sunny beach car park. Faced with her older brother's categorical refusal, an argument breaks out. It takes an unexpected turn when a gigantic creature falls from the sky.
205, Doc. Martens (et mon abruti de grand frère) 2023
아기공룡 둘리-얼음별 대모험 리마스터링
아기공룡 둘리-얼음별 대모험 리마스터링
아기공룡 둘리-얼음별 대모험 리마스터링 2023
The Figure of Unconscious Mind
The Figure of Unconscious Mind
In this abstract analogy between life and an apple, one will have to face problems and suffer wounds to push boundaries. Maybe something new will grow out of it.
The Figure of Unconscious Mind 2023
Nacimientos Animados: 2
Nacimientos Animados: 2
Nacimientos Animados: 2 2023
The Goose
The Goose
A young boy dreams of becoming a professional footballer and playing in the biggest stadiums, but before he can do this he has to win a match in a little yard, against a goose.
The Goose 2023
Mountains&Oceans 2023
Fishbone of Time
Fishbone of Time
A short story about being late and fear of passing the time.
Fishbone of Time 2023
A noisy, hyper-mischievous classroom of 4th graders are caught off-guard as the teacher walks in unannounced, which is followed by a surprise test of creativity and character.
Paperplanes 2023
VRDLK: Family of Vurdulak
VRDLK: Family of Vurdulak
A traveller caught in a snowstorm is forced to take shelter with a poor Serbian family. When the family warns him of “beasts” that hunt in the night, he mistakenly dismisses their fears as superstition and fairy tales.
VRDLK: Family of Vurdulak 2023
Musical Socks
Musical Socks
An extremely untalented bunny Darko takes singing lessons from Zvonko the cricket. Their lessons are a total failure. Both the teacher and the pupil are devastated. Željko the hedgehog brings a new perspective to the problem, turning Darko's flaws into advantages.
Musical Socks 2023
No one's safe from the old forgotten phones of the underground.
Monique 2023
Auguste & Percival
Auguste & Percival
Auguste & Percival 2023