Angelo, tyran de Padoue

July. 17,2009      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

By choosing Victor Hugo for his first major theater production, Christophe Honoré surprises and intrigues. Angelo, tyrant of Padua surprises even more: little staged, this piece is almost incongruous. For him, it is a text whose clarity hides many secret doors and dark and ambiguous dungeons

Clotilde Hesme as  La Tisbé
Emmanuelle Devos as  Catarina
Marcial Di Fonzo Bo as  Angelo Malipieri
Jean-Charles Clichet as  Gaboardo
Anaïs Demoustier as  Dafne
Julien Honoré as  Homodei
Hervé Lassïnce as  Rodolfo
Sébastien Pouderoux as  Orfeo