
Popular History Movies

The Edge of Daybreak
The Edge of Daybreak
Bangkok 2006, amid brewing political tension, a family, led by politician Parl, shares one final night together at the safe house before a coup d'état forces him into exile.
The Edge of Daybreak 2021
The Seine's Tears
The Seine's Tears
On October 17, 1961, the “Algerian workers” in France decided to demonstrate peacefully in the streets of Paris against the curfew imposed on them by the police headquarters.
The Seine's Tears 2021
Galician Heritage
Galician Heritage
Three classmates talk about the Way of Santiago and the Galician heritage.
Galician Heritage 2021
Goldi and Zami - Land of Wonders
Goldi and Zami - Land of Wonders
This sequel to the stageplay "Goldi and Zami and the Three Bears" - Goldi and Zami Find themselves Exiled from Russia after the Second World War for their insane tale about a world called Grimmsland surrounded by mythical creatures known as fables. in retaliation, they go in search to find another Fableland and find a young girl named Elice Pleasence who takes them to another Fable town, The Land of Wonders. what they didn't realise was everything was about to get a little more insane then what they were used too.
Goldi and Zami - Land of Wonders 2021
Destiny Fulfilled | The Gerwyn Price Story
Destiny Fulfilled | The Gerwyn Price Story
From giving up his rugby dream to fulfilling his darting destiny, this is the story of an unprecedented rise to the top...
Destiny Fulfilled | The Gerwyn Price Story 2021
9/11: Ataque al Pentagono
9/11: Ataque al Pentagono
9/11: Ataque al Pentagono 2021
Deep in the frozen winters of Siberia, the world's greatest weapon is discovered -- a golden Sharpie which grants its country ultimate power. The only question: which country?
Countries 2021
Romantik – Kunst wider das Chaos
Romantik – Kunst wider das Chaos
Romantik – Kunst wider das Chaos 2021
ÖSV Präsident Peter Schröcksnadel
ÖSV Präsident Peter Schröcksnadel
The era of Peter Schröcksnadel is looked at from its beginnings to the end. A success-story.
ÖSV Präsident Peter Schröcksnadel 2021
Islero: La bomba atòmica
Islero: La bomba atòmica "made in Spain"
Islero: La bomba atòmica "made in Spain" 2021
Quem Foi que Inventou o Brasil?
Quem Foi que Inventou o Brasil?
Quem Foi que Inventou o Brasil? 2021
Drain The Oceans: The Mississippi River
Drain The Oceans: The Mississippi River
From a steamboat in a cornfield to the true story behind Hurricane Katrina's floods, new discoveries reveal how the Mississippi river shaped America.
Drain The Oceans: The Mississippi River 2021
Las sinsombrero III: exiliadas
Las sinsombrero III: exiliadas
When Spanish Civil War ends in 1939, some of the women who played a leading role in the creative and literary boom known as Generation of 1927, stay in Spain, sacrificing the spirit that had enlightened them; but many others take the hard and long path of exile.
Las sinsombrero III: exiliadas 2021
Should They Stay or Should They Go?
Should They Stay or Should They Go?
The work of the Citizens' Movement of Thessaloniki and their struggle to prevent the government's decision to detach and dismember the antiquities that were excavated at the Venizelos station, during the metro works. It covers the 15 months from the birth of the Movement to Christmas 2020.
Should They Stay or Should They Go? 2021
L'equilibrista con la stella
L'equilibrista con la stella
L'equilibrista con la stella 2021
Arreda Homem Que Chegou Mulher
Arreda Homem Que Chegou Mulher
Documentary about terreiro women in Fortaleza who occupy the highest positions in the hierarchy, subverting the patriarchal tradition of religious communities.
Arreda Homem Que Chegou Mulher 2021
When Ermis Held His Breath: The Battle of Crete
When Ermis Held His Breath: The Battle of Crete
A COSMOTE TV production that looks back at the historical events that marked the famous battle of Crete, when the "Operation Mercury" of the Nazi forces met unexpected and heroic resistance from the inhabitants of the island.
When Ermis Held His Breath: The Battle of Crete 2021